- Raider's Weekly -
Holy Redeemer Catholic School, September 29
Mark Your Calendars:
This week ahead ...
- Catholic School Review
- Mental Health Capacity Builder (Laura Cormier) at our school
- GIRLS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- Catholic School Review
- Thanksgiving Mass at OLPH Parish - 10:00AM
- Cross Country Team - RACE
- Mental Health Capacity Builder (Laura Cormier) at our school
- BOYS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- Early Dismissal @ 1:40
- Twin Day (Spirit day) - Dress up with your friend(s) and be twins for the day
- Bus Evacuations
- Bus First Rider Programs
- BOYS Volleyball Practice - 2:45 - 4:15
- Bus - First rider program
- Boys V-Ball - HOME GAME - Vs. Lamont High School @4:00
- Girls V-Ball - HOME GAME - Vs. Lamont High School @5:00
- Have a great weekend!!
- NO School - Staff Professional Development Day
Upcoming Events
October 11 - 7/8 Outdoor Ed Trip
October 12 - ZONES - Cross Country Race
October 14 - Hot Lunch
October 18 - Picture Re-takes - Country Nutz photography
October 21 & 22 - Volleyball tournament at Ardrossan
October 24 - Evidence of Learning to go home this week
October 24 - Grade 6 Immunizations (AHS)
October 26 - Hot Lunch
Ocober 28 - Hot Lunch
October 31 - Halloween activities and costume parade
November 2 - Jersey Day (Spirit Day) - wear your favourite jersey
Catholic School Review - We need your input!
A reminder that during the first week of October (October 3rd to 5th), we will be conducting a Catholic School Review in our school community.
Important: Please complete Holy Redeemer Catholic School Review - Parent Survey
We greatly appreciate your perspective by completing this short survey. The survey closes on Monday, October 3rd AM. The purpose of this process of gathering, analyzing and synthesizing information is to assist in strengthening the School Education Assurance Plan that continues to move and improve our school in the area of Catholicity. Our ultimate goal is to support faith formation and impact student learning.
Thank you to everyone who has completed or will complete the survey! If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mr. Kucy at the school (780-922-4522).
Holy Redeemer: Letter to Parents re: Catholic School Review (link here)
Faith and Wellness
This week's Gospel - Luke 17:5-10
A Mustard Seed Faith (Luke 17:5-10)
Have you ever seen a mustard seed? The mustard seed is one of the smallest of all seeds. Some people think of faith when they think of mustard seeds. Faith is when we believe in God and His power.
The reason some people use mustard seeds as a symbol of faith is because of something Jesus said in the Bible.
When Jesus’ friends asked Him how they could have stronger faith, Jesus said, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you!” (Luke 17:5-10)
Wow! Jesus said that God is so powerful that if our faith is even as small as this little seed, then we can do incredible things with His power.
Maybe we should try that.
If Jesus said we could pray and ask God to move a tree from our front yard to the sea, then we need even smaller faith to just move this plant a little bit. (Invite kids to discuss whether they can do it. If some would like to try it, then decide on where they’d like to move the plant, and lead them in all saying prayers to move the plant.)
Jesus didn’t say someone with the faith of the mustard seed can move trees to the sea so that a bunch of people would start uprooting trees. That wasn’t His point. He was teaching us that it doesn't take a great faith for great things to happen. Why? Because what happens doesn’t depend on us, but instead on God. God has the power to do anything, and God is for us so we can trust whatever He does.
God, we ask for a mustard seed sized faith. Help us to believe and never doubt Your mighty power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Indigenous Learning and Reflection
September 30th is Truth and Reconciliation Day across Canada. Pleas take a moment as a family to pray for healing and reconciliation for the vistims and for our nation. We pray to the Lord.
What we need:
- Morning Nutitional Snack - volunteer helpers - Tuesday Mornings - Please contact Aimee Fontaine at aimee.fontaine@eics.ab.ca
- Classroom volunteers for various activities and projects through out the year - Please reach out to your homeroom teacher. Field trips, special science or art projects, Junior University, Story reading, Etc.
Thank you for your continued support throughout the year - we appreciate our parent community very much!
Medical Support Plans and EpiPens
Does your child have medical information, a condition the school should be aware of or require medication? If so please complete the following form in your Parent Portal under SchoolEngage Student Forms on the left. Then choose Student and a new Medical Form will be available for you to complete.
--> --> B2.) Medical Status Update/Request for Medical Treatment form <-- <--
This form is required every year. We use this important information to alert any staff members, including substitute teachers, of any existing medical needs we need to be aware of.
If your child has medication at school (in their backpack or in the office) you must fill out the medical form with all relevant information related to the medication.
If you child requires use of an EpiPen, please make sure this is filled out ASAP.
Please note: the submission of a Medical Form is required prior to medication being sent to the school - We will not be administering any medication until this is complete.
To login to your PowerSchool Parent Account, please click on the link below:
Photo Re-Takes & Sibling Photos
~~~ TUESDAY - OCTOBER 18 ~~~
Please click to sign up.
Holy Redeemer Athletics & Recreation
Meet our New Student Teacher
Library Corner
OCTOBER 3 rd – 6th
Next week we celebrate Read-In-Week at our school. We have a number of special guest readers coming to share wonderful stories with our classes.
Parents, grandparents, Aunt’s and Uncles, if you would like to become a special reader in your child’s class, please reach out to their teacher to book a time that works.
This is a wonderful opportunity to bring the community together and share the love of reading with our students!
Mrs. Scoggins
Nutrition Program
In order for this program to run sucessfully and as wonderfully as always, we very much rely on amazing parent volunteers like you!!!! If you are interested in volunteering some time, please reach out to Mrs Aimee Fontaine our Nutrtition Grant Coordinator.
Please see the menu items below to check out the yummy and nutritious snacks that our students have for the month of October.
Parent Council News
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
Read the lastest bullitin from OLPH or visit www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark
Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Email: hr@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://hr.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 53117 Range Road 222, Ardrossan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-4522