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Northpointe Newsflash
December 9 - 13, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Our Holiday Parties (for both 5th and 6th grade) are scheduled for Friday, December 20th at 10:30 am. Please read below for more information regarding this fun day.
December 20th is also an early release day for students, so we will be ending our day at 12:10.
Save the Date: Deck the Trails Fun Run
Northpointe Intermediate Presents “Deck the Trails” 2.5 mile Trail Fun Run
Saturday Dec. 14th, 2024
Location: Northpointe Intermediate School
Start Time: 8:00 a.m. The race will begin at the back of
the school building. Come dressed in best holiday attire!
All proceeds will benefit the NIS Library and Classrooms!
Entry Fee: By Noon on December 3rd to be guaranteed a t-shirt with entry.
$25 for students PreK - 12th grade $30 for Adults
After December 3rd and Race Day all participants $40 (t-shirts are not guaranteed.)
Registration: Cash or Checks are accepted, Cash only on Race Day .
Make checks payable to Northpointe Intermediate School
All registration forms and payments should be dropped off at Northpointe Intermediate School library or the front office. Please fill out a form for each runner. Please note: Due December 3rd by NOON.
Forms can be picked up in the front office or located HERE.
If you are interested in being a sponsor for our Deck the Trails Fun Run, please click HERE for more information.
Holiday Parties
To celebrate this holiday season and conclude our fall semester, parties are scheduled for Friday, December 20th. Parties will be from 10:30-11:30 am.
We welcome all parents to attend our parties. However, parties are limited to only two adult guests per child. To make this a special event for your child, please make arrangements for siblings. You MUST pre-register as a guest and have a completed background check to attend parties. If you have not visited the school this year, please do so to have your license scanned, so that a badge can be pre-printed and ready for you at check-in. If you have not completed a background check prior to the party, you will not be able to attend. Registration will close December 18th at 8:00 am.
**All guests attending the party must be listed on your student's Emergency Contact list prior to December 18th. Please contact NIS for information on how to do this.
No transportation changes will be accepted the day of the party (December 20th).
1) Complete the registration link to register for parties.
2) Complete the yearly background check.
Northpointe Intermediate School
Email: caitlincain@tomballisd.net
Website: nis.tomballisd.net
Location: 11855 Northpointe Boulevard, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281-357-3020
Facebook: facebook.com/TISDNIS/
Twitter: @TISDNIS