The Buzz
Summer Term - 4th May 2023

Message From The Head of School
I have had the pleasure of spending some time in Year 2 this week and seeing the amazing learning that is happening. Our children are engaged in their learning and working really hard; their learning behaviours are excellent. We have the SATS coming up and the children are ready for this challenge.
We are all looking forward to our Coronation activities tomorrow and have our crowns to decorate that were donated by HISNA. Thank you HISNA! Please remember children can come into school tomorrow dressed in red, white and blue. No football kits or sprayed hair.
We had our ‘safer inside’ drill today and all the children were very sensible and calm. The script we used with the children has been sent out via Parent Hub. Please talk to your children about it if you think it is appropriate.
Enjoy the bank holiday weekend, let's hope for some sun and we will see you on Tuesday.
Claire Cook
Head of School
We have an excellent safeguarding culture here at HISN and children know how to identify visitors by the colour lanyard they wear.
Red - They are a member of staff and we trust them.
Green - They are visitors that have completed safety checks (DBS) and it is safe to be left alone with them e.g. reading to them in the corridor.
Purple - Visitors who have not completed safety checks (DBS) and we will not leave you alone with them. This could be somebody coming to fix something in school or a grown up e.g. a great grandparent coming to tell us about a historical experience. A member of staff will stay with them at all times.
The class with the best attendance last week was RC with 99%
The classes with the no lates last week 2A and RK
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of EXCELLENCE
RDC Asna
RF Monty
RC Ted
RK James
1B Emma
1C Ayla
1H Jessica
1K Aaron
2A Luis
2D Zahida
2J Ashar
2T Zainab
Congratulations to Aadvik of 2T who participated in the 2023 Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge. Aadvik won the joint 2nd place in the U7 Boys Category. Well Done!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears has captured the children's imagination this week as we have been exploring the story and pretending to take on the role of the story characters. We learnt a new song called 'When Goldilocks went to the house of the Bears' and actions too. We are continuing to work on our story language and being able to retell familiar stories.
Other highlights this week include playing guess the shape, creating collages in our creative area and role playing in our new post office.
In preparation for the coronation the children have enjoyed looking at famous London landmarks and constructing them using wooden blocks and loose parts.
We have been creating our own crowns and decorated our classroom with red, white and blue paper chains. We are going to have a lovely time celebrating tomorrow with our snacks and discussing the coronation.
Reception children have had another fantastic week of learning. Our Traditional Tale for this week is 'Goldilocks'. We have seen the children discussing the sizes of their chairs, bowls and the amount of porridge each bear would eat; using talk partners they have been chatting about where Goldilocks went after she ran away and why she went to the bear's house in the first place.
In maths, we have been digging deeper in their knowledge of the numbers 11-20. It has been amazing to hear the children's maths reasoning develop as they explain and share different representations of each number. The children have been using their maths brains to create number lines to 20 and have enjoyed playing games such as race to 0 and race to 20.
Everyone this week have been excitedly sharing their plans for the long weekend. We learnt that many are celebrating the King's Coronation with street parties. We have learnt lots of facts about the King this week. For example, he plays 3 instruments - the piano, cello and trumpet! The children have also been getting crafty as they make crowns and have been brilliant builders as they construct intricate fairy-tale castles for the King to visit. We have also been decorating our classrooms with jubilee bunting in red, white and blue, which have been mirrored on our Coronation Tea Party. We will have a wonderful celebration with a lovely picnic outside with a biscuit treat and some thirst quenching juice. Yummy!
This week in the run up to the coronation of King Charles III, we have been thinking about what it means to be a monarch. We have been linking this to D&T, making crowns and castles and discussing the significance behind these and the reasons for their features and design. The children have been very excited about dressing up for Coronation Day, and all the fun educational activities planned to celebrate this historical occasion.
Science - we have been identifying and naming a variety of common animals and investigating their diets. We learnt what it means to be a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore and sorted our animals into the relevant group according to what they eat. We then thought of other animals and discussed what category we thought these would fall in.
This week, we have moved onto a new text – ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ by David Conway and Jude Daly. We have been looking at the pictures and making interpretations, e.g. Do you think there is a lot of rain here? What jobs do you think people might do?, as well as identifying similarities and differences between the setting of the text and where we live. We then worked in groups and annotated various pictures with adjectives ready to use when writing our very own setting description.
Maths we have continued looking at the concept of multiplication and division, focusing this week on doubles and making equal groups, both by sharing and grouping. We have been working with concrete objects to physically move items to make groups and share, before moving onto pictorially representing these and finally working abstractly with numbers
Year 2
English: This week the children have been challenged to take the story 'The Tiger Child' and write their own version called 'The Wolf Child'. We have thought carefully about all the describing language we can use when describing a character and setting to our readers.
Computing: Moving onto our new learning of 'Digital Music', the children have been exploring making patterns and rhythms to a beat using musical instruments. Using special software we have created our own music to follow along with.
Art: The children are truly excited by our new textiles learning in art where we are building towards weaving our own fabric for the Tiger Child. So far the children have dyed pieces of fabric using leaves, blueberries and beetroot. Through rubbing, squishing and dipping they have created green, purple and red fabric ready to weave onto their looms at the end of this week. We look forward to sharing these with you.
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815