Boyden Weekly Update
October 6, 2023
Dear Boyden Families,
Please see the information below.
A reminder that there is no school on Monday, October 9th
Have a great long weekend!
Parent-teacher conferences will be held at the end of October and the beginning of November. We will offer an in-person ONLY night, a virtual ONLY night, and a combined virtual/in-person afternoon. If you are a parent with more than one child at Boyden, please allow for at least 10 minutes between your conferences. We have found that back-to-back conferences do not allow for travel from classroom to classroom.
If you have a Grade 4 or Grade 5 student please sign up with their CLASSROOM TEACHER ONLY.
Click on the day you would like to attend and sign up with each teacher you would like to meet with. All our classroom teachers and specialists are listed.
Wednesday Evening "In-Person Only" - October 25th - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday Afternoon "Virtual and In-Person" - October 27th - 1:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Thursday Evening "Virtual Only" - November 2nd - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Multilingual Learner Parent Advisory Council (MLPAC)
Walpole Public Schools invites families of multilingual learners to attend MLPAC to discuss opportunities for the educational success of students who are currently or were formerly in the English Language Education (ELE) program. It is also a time to network with other families as we continue to build collaborative partnerships.
DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
PLACE: Walpole High School Media Center
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 P.M.
Speaker: Meet the ELE Department
Discussion: MLPAC Bylaws & Leadership
Questions / Suggestions
Book Fair Returns to Boyden!
Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Boyden. It will take place in the Boyden media center during parent-teacher conferences.
Wednesday, October 25th, 6:00-8:00 pm
Friday, October 27th, 1:00-3:00 pm
Thursday, November 2nd, 6:00-8:00 pm
Students have the opportunity to browse and create a small wishlist during their media period. Families are then invited during conference times to browse the fair and make purchases. Choosing their own books empowers students and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. It’s a great way for families to see popular titles that excite young readers. Every purchase benefits the Boyden Media Center and classroom libraries. Stay tuned for more details and volunteer opportunities.
Picture Day...Smile!
Lifetouch will be taking individual student and class pictures on Wednesday, October 18th. Order envelopes went home this week and you can order online by clicking here and using the Picture Day ID: EVTDNWQ7X
School Store
School Store is back on Friday, October 13th for students in Grades 1-5. Students will attend the School Store located in the front lobby during their recess. A school store Inventory list will go home with students and the PAC Facebook will preview the new items on sale!
Counselor's Corner
What's Happening in Physical Education Class?
K: Our Kindergarten classes have finished their first full month of PE!! We have started to learn all about Physical Education at Boyden with a variety of locomotor games. Students played stop-and-go games along with spatial awareness activities.
1st: First-grade classes also had an opportunity to pick up where they have left off!! After
working on rules and expectations, we started cooperative games. My first-grade students also worked on locomotor games throughout the course of September.
2nd: Second-grade PE classes started their year learning about rules and expectations in PE
class. We followed the next few weeks with our soccer unit. Students learned skills that are
used in soccer like dribbling, passing, and working together as a team. Students will develop
these skills through the next several years while learning more about the game of soccer.
3rd: Third graders have also started their year with rules and expectations, along with fitness
lessons. The Students then learned skills that are important in the game of soccer all while
stressing sportsmanship. We played skill-related games throughout the course of the soccer
4th: Fourth graders started their year off with a few classes of fitness followed by their unit in soccer. Students are revisiting the important soccer skills played in the game. We recently ended the unit by playing several types of soccer games.
5th: Fifth grade also worked on soccer for the last month. My fifth graders did an amazing job
revisiting the skills of the game and really enjoyed the opportunity to play soccer together!
Students will continue to develop the skills of the game and get a better understanding of the
game of soccer.
PE Sportsperson of the Month
The "Sportsperson of the Month" goes to a student at each grade level going above and beyond in Physical Education Class. This includes(but is not limited to) following the rules of the game, being safe, respectful of other students, taking care of the equipment, and playing fair.
September's Sportspersons of the Month are below:
K- Siena Oteri
1st- Ava Hassler
2nd- George Glaropoulos
3rd- Wesley Verity
4th- Peyton Moses
5th- Francesca Casano
PAC News
Walpole Wheel of Fortune
If you aren't a member of the Walpole Wheel of Fortune facebook page, join us! The wheel is a fundraising page managed by the Boyden PAC where items are raffled to raise funds for the school. Raffles will be held weekly on Wednesday or Thursday nights.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Boyden PAC needs you! Check out the sign-up genius below for many exciting opportunities to volunteer and enrich the Boyden community during the 2023-2024 school year. You can help with a Halloween Trunk or Treat, work on the school's Scholastic Book Fair, connect teachers and parents for your student's grade, and much more! Volunteer HERE
- PAC fundraising supports activities that benefit Boyden students, teachers, and staff throughout the year. Information on how to make a donation can be found here or on the direct donation flyer sent home with students. Thank you!
Boyden Friendship Directory
Want to add your child's name to the Boyden Friendship Directory? Fill out this quick form and you will be all set! CLICK HERE
Check out the September PAC Newsletter
What's Happening Around Walpole?
Important Dates
October 6th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
October 9th - No School
October 11th - Boyden School Council (3:30 PM) Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
October 18th - Picture Day
October 23rd - Book Fair Begins (more info to follow)
October 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
October 27th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal) (Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:15 - 3:15 PM)
November 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conferences (6:00 - 8:00 PM)
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar