Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 15 - November 11, 2019
Message from the Principal
On behalf of our Cavalier family, I would like to say thank you to all of those who have served in our Armed Forces. Thousands of Americans have served in our military and many have paid the ultimate price to secure the freedoms we enjoy today. This Veterans Day, join me in honoring those true heroes that have served our great country.
Join me in welcoming the latest members to our Cavalier Family. Michelle Guerrero has joined our team as our Bilingual Tester. Ms. Guerrero will be with us on Tuesday's, Thursday's and every other Friday as she is splitting her assignment between CVM and HTM. Please make sure you stop by her office and say hello!
I also want to welcome Mr. Adrian Trujillo who will be teaching Read 180 Fundamentals and Read 180 Fundamentals Support. He will start at CVM on Tuesday November 12, 2019. He comes to us from National City Middle School and has previous experience as a behavior support staff at Alta Vista Academy. Please stop by room 214 and welcome Mr. Trujillo.
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and remember;
At CVM we work HARD, we dream BIG, we believe in OURSELVES and we never, ever , GIVE UP!
Julio C. Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
National School Psychology Awareness Week (Nov. 11 - Nov. 15)
Wellness Wednesday!!
Assistant Principal's Corner
Nutrition Break Supervision - TEAM 2!
Team 1 please be at your supervision posts this week during nutrition break.
Thank you!
Mr. Casas
Rise-Up Friday!
Please make sure you take this opportunity to show mastery and improve your grade!
Parent Workshop Opportunity
CVM invites you to join this class!
Thursday, November 14th, 2019 (3 Weeks)
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Chula Vista Middle School, Bldg. 400-Room 403
415 5th Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910
This workshop will help parents learn the variety of ways in which they can help, support, and encourage their children to excel and succeed in school.
Course will be held in Bldg. 400, Room #403 and will be provided in SPANISH with an English Interpreter. Please enter the campus through the G Street Gate.
Our workshops and courses are designed to guide parents towards personal growth and give tools for the family well-being.
Thank you for your help,
Mr. Brian Deyo, M.Ed.
CIS Coordinator
Chula Vista Middle School
(619) 498-6826
Oportunidad de Taller para Padres
Los invitamos a participar en esta clase!
jueves 14 de noviembre del 2019 (tres semanas)
6:00 pm a 7:30 pm
Chula Vista Middle School, Bldg 400-Room 403
415 5th Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910
Este taller ayudará a los padres a aprender la variedad de formas en que pueden ayudar, apoyar y alentar a sus hijos a sobresalir y tener éxito en la escuela. El curso se llevará a cabo en el edificio 400, salón # 403 y será en ESPAÑOL con intérprete en inglés. Favor de entrar el campus por la puerta en calle G.
Nuestros talleres y cursos están diseñados para guiar a los padres hacia el crecimiento personal y proveer herramientas para el bienestar familiar.
- Veterans Day - No School
Tuesday 11/12
- RP Advisory - Circles
- ELA Department Pull-out.
- CVM School Site Council Meeting 3:30 pm in the Parent Center
Wednesday 11/13
- DPAC/DELAC Meeting 9:00 am @ the District Parent Center on Moss Street
Thursday 11/14
- RP Advisory - Achieve 3000
- CVM SCPA Fall Drama Production 5:30 pm - 6::30 pm in the Auditorium
- SYHC Parent Workshop 6pm to 7:30pm in the Parent Center (403)
Friday 11/15
- Early Release - Students out at 1:25pm
- Rise-Up Friday Math
- PLC Meetings (Social Science, Science, ELA/ELD, Electives)
- CVM SCPA Fall Drama Production 5:30 pm - 6::30 pm in the Auditorium
Saturday 11/16
- Saturday Academy
Focus on our Mission
Three Pillars to Support Success
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- ELD Strategies Across the Curriculum
- Purposeful PLC Collaboration
For the Common Good
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal