HPS Headlines
Friday 22nd November 2024

Head's Welcome
Another bustling week at school, highlighted by a fantastic day of charitable giving for the ‘Children in Need’ appeal. This morning, the boys were greeted at the gate by our very own ‘Dinosaur Lady,’ giving rise to much merriment.
We are pleased to share that the latest ISI Inspection report is now available for viewing. You should receive a copy via email this afternoon, and it is also accessible on the school website.
The inspectors conducted a thorough review of all aspects of school life, resulting in a detailed and comprehensive report. As an ISI inspector myself, I can assure you that the inspectors do a detailed job and that the report reflects this.
We are especially proud of the positive comments regarding:
- The quality of education, training, and recreation provided for our boys;
- Pupils’ physical and mental health, along with their emotional wellbeing;
- Pupils’ social and economic contributions to society, including their career readiness.
Additionally, the report highly commends the quality of our academic and pastoral care, teaching and learning, and extra-curricular offerings.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!
Warmest regards,
Mr C.Hammond
Recent HPS Highlights!
We had the pleasure of hosting Woodmansterne Primary for an engaging hour-long workshop on the Roman Army, which was thoroughly enjoyed by both students and staff.
A big congratulations to Ted and Yuvi for their impressive performances at the Surrey golf tournament! Ted achieved 1st place, while Yuvi, competing against 14-year-olds, secured 3rd place. Ted was notably the only under-12 participant in the 12-18 age group. Tremendous effort from both!
"This week, Year 5 entered the 2024 Bebras Challenge—a global computational thinking competition that drew over 3 million students last year! This online challenge features interactive tasks designed to boost logical thinking and problem-solving skills, tailored to each age group. Results are expected in around three weeks. Good luck, boys!" ~ Mr Buxton
"Year 7 produced some excellent models of specialised cells as part of their homework at the end of their unit. Well done, boys!" ~ Ms Smith
We were honoured to welcome Luke Taylor, MP, as a prelude to UK Parliament Week. Luke joined our School Council meeting and took part in a lively Year 7 and 8 Q&A session.
Our boys asked insightful questions on topics ranging from making Sutton greener to addressing environmental challenges, integrating life skills into education, and how the government plans to allocate extra funding from the increase in school fees.
A huge thank you to Luke Taylor for inspiring our students with his perspectives and for an engaging discussion!
"Ashwin's mum came in to talk to Year 1 about Diwali. The boys learned about the history behind the festival of light, its symbolism of good triumphing over evil, and the importance of light over darkness. They even got to see beautifully decorated Diya pots, sparking inspiration for decorating their own! " ~ Miss Rowe
Subject Summaries
Art & DT:
Year 3 have been working hard developing their watercolour painting skills. In Year 4, Boys are tracing their own patterns using carbon paper to create a symmetrical design. Year 5 are developing their political campaign posters, which they will then graffiti on top of. Year 6 boys are now working with clay, creating their masks. Year 7 are using inks to create expressionist portraits, and Year 8 will be using a soldering iron to create a megacity USB light!
English & Drama:
Year 3 have kicked off a new half-term exploring nonfiction text types through a fun new text: The Pugs of the Frozen North. In Drama, Years 4 and 5 have been exploring playscript versions of the novels they are currently studying in their English lessons: The Wolves of Willoughby Chase and The Girl of Ink and Stars. Year 6 have dived headlong into one of Shakespeare's most famed, compelling, and lauded tragedies: Macbeth. Year 7 have been asking thoughtful, provocative questions about humanity and ethics through their study of Golding's Lord of the Flies. As the days grow darker, Year 8 are having great fun in their Gothic Literature module, familiarising themselves with works from celebrated writers, including Poe, Shelley, and Stoker.
A new term means exciting new topics for the boys to tackle! Reception are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar (La Chenille qui fait des Trous) to practise their numbers from 1–10 and the days of the week. Year 1 will be learning the vocabulary for different types of sports, whilst Year 2 learn to express their opinion about school subjects. Further up the school, Year 8 are tackling their first-ever mock French Speaking Exam, practising for their 13+ Common Entrance at the end of the year. Bonne chance!
So far this term, the boys have been learning lots about the world around them and have produced some wonderful work. Year 3 are learning about oceans, continents, and lines of latitude and longitude. Year 4 are using compasses to help develop their fieldwork skills. Year 5 have been focusing on what development is, whilst Year 6 have been researching different industries and how these have changed over time. Year 7 are focusing on the impacts of tectonic hazards, and Year 8 are studying coastal features.
Year 3 have been enjoying their new Stone Age Britain topic, exploring a range of interesting archaeological finds across Britain. Year 4 are presenting their fantastic Tutankhamun presentations to their classmates. Year 5 have been discovering the key events in the Battle of Hastings. Year 6 are investigating the Reformation under Henry VIII. Year 7 have presented some engaging presentations on abolitionists. Year 8 are working hard on their source analysis skills.
Year 3: Using mental strategies to explore efficient ways in addition and subtraction, particularly when crossing boundaries of 10, 100, and 1000, as well as making links to place value throughout to support mental arithmetic.
Year 4: Exploring core multiplication facts and looking at how multiplication and division link to place value, particularly when multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, and 1000. Boys are using their knowledge of this to make links to decimal numbers as well.
Year 5: Learning about long multiplication methods and comparing the column method with the grid method. Boys are exploring how these link to place value and applying their understanding of these strategies to problem-solving.
Year 6: Exploring methods of identifying cube roots of a given number and moving on to working with money, looking at calculations involving unit pricing.
Year 7: Algebra continues to be the focus. Boys have moved on from substitution into evaluating expressions and collecting like terms. They have been challenged to look at rich algebra challenges and work in small groups to find appropriate methods and solutions.
Year 8: Boys have spent time calculating the area of circles and working through associated problems. They have demonstrated great independence in their learning and taken the initiative to decide whether the given activities are meaningfully stretching them or whether to move on to greater opportunities.
Year 3 have continued with their skeletons and movement topic by learning about different types of muscles and joints. They have also enjoyed learning about organs and organ systems. Year 4 are coming to the end of their topic on light, where they have investigated the properties and uses of light. Year 5 have been extending their understanding of forces through an investigation involving catapults. Year 6 have just finished their unit on separating mixtures and have started their next topic, which is the circulatory system. They are looking forward to dissecting an ox heart in a couple of weeks! Year 7 have been learning about elements and compounds, and the factors that affect the rate of a reaction through an understanding of 'collision theory'. Year 8 had fun during their Science Day last week where they started work on electronics. They learnt about different electronic components and built a number of circuits to measure current, voltage, and resistance.
Boys have made an excellent start in STEAM. Year 1 have been exploring symmetry, while Year 2 are starting to embark on the CREST Awards to improve their scientific enquiry skills. Year 3 have been developing their ICT skills and thinking about using effective prompts for internet searches as they researched different types of animal prostheses. Year 4 have made progress towards their Leaders Award project, where they are considering engineering-based solutions to problems. Year 5 have completed their magnification projects, while Year 6 are now making their model PE circuits.
In the Lower School, boys in Year 1 have been looking at the significance of receiving gifts and reflecting on their own experiences of giving and receiving presents. In Year 2, boys have been learning about the Christian idea of the Trinity and the significance of parables. In Year 3, the boys have begun to look in depth at British Values and their role in society. Boys in Year 4 have been exploring the role of Adam and Eve in the Creation story and linking this to the idea of stewardship. In Year 5, the boys have been consolidating their understanding of the golden rule and its application to Biblical stories. In Year 6, the boys have begun looking at the impact of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. Boys in Year 7 have been examining the significance of Passover, while Year 8 have been consolidating their understanding of Martin Luther King's legacy and beginning to look at the significance of prejudice, discrimination, and freedom.
Lower School Summary
Nursery have been extremely busy this week learning about some very special events and celebrations. The boys have been learning about Diwali, Bonfire Night, and Remembrance Day. They have made some beautiful poppy arts and crafts as well as some very sparkly firework pictures. It has been wonderful to see our very youngest boys learning about the world around them and all the different cultures and celebrations that our friends enjoy.
This half term, our topic is Sparkle and Shine. This topic focuses on the special celebrations and events happening between October and December. We have celebrated or will be celebrating Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, and Christmas! Our new topic will also be linked to all of our Literacy and Maths lessons.
To kickstart our topic, we had Aari's mum come into Reception to talk to the boys about Diwali. It was a fantastic workshop where she shared the story of Diwali, Rama and Sita, and also brought in some beautiful Diya lamps and other decorations. It was brilliant to watch the boys ask questions and share their knowledge of Diwali too.
Our focus story last week was the story of Rama and Sita to help celebrate Diwali. We learnt why this story is so important and discussed the themes of good over bad and light over dark. To help understand these concepts, we explored the characters of Rama and Ravana, comparing them and discussing how they represent good and bad. The boys thought of excellent words to describe Rama, such as helpful, brave, and a hero, and words for Ravana, such as mean, angry, and bad.
This week, our focus story has been Little Glow, a story about a little flame that helps people celebrate special festivals and events. We used this story to explore fireworks. Continuing our comparison work from last week, the boys were introduced to vocabulary such as like and as to help make comparisons. For their written work, the boys were asked to describe a firework using sentences like A firework is as loud as... or A firework is as colourful as.... They came up with wonderful comparisons, such as "A firework is as loud as a dinosaur's roar" and "A firework is as bright as the sun."
Well done, boys, for all your hard work on our comparison work over the last two weeks. It has been great to see you dive deeper into our stories and learn new Literacy concepts.
We have continued to explore our number knowledge to 10 through number bonds, simple addition, and counting patterns. The boys were introduced to the concept of doubles, learning that adding the same number together creates a double. We practised doubles to 10, such as 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, and 5+5, and created visual representations like ladybirds with symmetrical spots, matching dominoes, and double symmetry paintings.
The boys have also been working on number sequencing by finding missing numbers. They used number lines and flashcards with missing numbers and were challenged to figure out what came before or after. Finding numbers before proved tricky, but they mastered numbers after with ease!
Year 1:
Year 1 have returned from half term with lots of energy and enthusiasm, putting great effort into their work. We hope you all enjoyed viewing your son’s work with him on Tuesday morning. The boys loved having you in to showcase the work they are so proud of.
In English, we are focusing on a new text this half term called The Bear and the Piano. The boys have already made predictions about the story and written letters to the bear, persuading him to go to the city. Excellent work this week, Year 1!
In Maths, we have been adding three one-digit numbers using a number line. The boys enjoyed a practical activity where they rolled three dice and added their numbers together.
In History, we are continuing our focus on the Titanic. The boys read Polar the Titanic Bear and wrote two diary entries as Polar.
It was great to see the boys in odd socks this week—everyone looked fantastic! We also had an assembly on Thursday to discuss Anti-Bullying Week and what it means. The boys have talked about what to do if they see bullying and why it is important to be kind. Finally, thank you for supporting Children in Need, which ended a busy and productive week.
Year 2:
Year 2 have been working very hard since returning to school after the half term! In Maths, we have been adding two-digit numbers across a 10 using exchange. In English, we began reading The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl, recounting what has happened so far and discussing key vocabulary.
In Science, we investigated which paper towel absorbed the most water and recorded our results.
We had a brilliant time on our trip to the Natural History Museum, which inspired us to create nature sculptures in Art. Using clay, we crafted sculptures influenced by what we saw during the trip.
In Geography, we worked in pairs outside to use a compass correctly, and in History, we have started learning about Guy Fawkes.
Homefield Heroes
Thomas for settling back into nursery life after the half-term break.
Eesan for trying so hard to make the right choices.
Jesse for doing so well in his Maths lessons and completing some stretch-and-challenge activities!
Year 1:
Theo for excellent effort and participation in all lessons, completing work with so much independence! Oliver, for demonstrating great endeavour in everything you do! Arib, for writing excellent diary entries in History. Adam, for his perseverance and focus in Maths this week.
Year 2:
In 2H, Tian for exemplifying Homefield Values during our Natural History Museum trip, and Reuben for showing respect and resilience at all times.
In 2S: Eashaan for contributing great discussion during carpet input and playing nicely with his friends, and Michael for working hard in all his lessons, especially in Maths and History, and showing kindness to both his friends and adults in the school.
Year 3:
In 3S, Shivvy for frequently showing kindness to others, especially when boys have forgotten their stationery, and often offering to lend them his.
Eesa, Will H, John H, and Aarib for excellent effort this week, working hard in lessons and showing kindness to peers.
Year 4:
In 4S, For working amazingly hard in English as well as demonstrating our Homefield Value of respect.
Mikael, Zain S, and Michael for excellent effort this week, working hard in lessons and showing kindness to peers.
Year 5:
In 5S, Raymin for choosing positive behaviours and making a great start to the new half-term.
Year 6:
In 6H, Avy for coming back to school with a really positive attitude towards learning and engaging well with the activities in his Maths lessons. Shivansh, for great work in coding this week.
Year 7:
Daniel, for showing resilience, integrity, and putting lots of effort into his learning.
Justinus, for his determination and endeavour across a variety of subjects.
Year 8:
Zachary S, for being an ambassador for the school and showing visitors around during Open Morning. Kaiyan, for showing respect and kindness towards his peers and members of staff.
For Year 3 and Year 4 Parents
Boys in Years 3 and 4 will be shorly embarking on the Leader's Award Competition run by Primary Engineer. As part of the assignment they need to interview an engineer. If there are any parents who work in the engineering fields and would be prepared to provide a short presentation and answer some questions from the boys about the work they do, please could they contact Ms Larkin. (slarkin@homefieldprep.school).
Dates for the Diary
Monday 18th November & Thursday 21st November: Head's Coffee Morning - 8:30am - 9:30am
Friday 22nd November: Lower School Parent Consultations (Virtual) 12:30pm – 8.00pm.
Thursday 28th/Friday 29th November: Upper School Parent Consultations (virtual) 11.00am – 8.00pm, 11.00am – 7.00pm.
Thursday 5th December: Christmas Carol Concert Years 4 – 8 @ Trinity Church.
Friday 6th December: Year 3 Christmas Concert at 3.15pm.
Tuesday 10th December: Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert 8.30am.
Tuesday 10th December: Years 1 and 2 Christmas Concert 2.30pm.
Thursday 12th December: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.
Artwork of the Week | Charlie Year 3
Well done Charlie in Year 3 for practicing his watercolour Kandinsky shapes!
Sports Update
On Monday 4th November, the Under 13 boys kicked off the second half of the term with three great football matches against Kingswood House. The A team started slowly, going two goals down very early on, but captain Damon scored a super individual goal to bring Homefield back into the match. Damon then latched onto another cross, and the scores were even. Just before half-time, Keller put in a great cross for Lachlan to score, making it 3-2. The second half ebbed and flowed, with both teams having clear chances. Kingswood gained a penalty and made the score 3-3. A draw was a fair result in a very close game.
The B team got back to winning ways. Rudy and Zachy got on the scoresheet to put Homefield ahead. Kingswood fought back, but Daniel scored to send Homefield to victory.
The C team played out a 16-goal thriller! Zachary got a hat-trick, Alex M scored an amazing five goals in the game, and Alex Z scored the winning goal, 9-7!
On Tuesday 5th November, the Year 3 boys were in sparkling form in a football fixture against Willington. The Orange team battled hard all game, and goals from Edward and Ryan put us in the lead. A total of three goals for Rohan led to him being man of the match in a 5-1 win. The Blue team also won, with Sabir scoring a hat-trick of goals. Tahazyan, Alan, and Zaid also added to the scoreline in an emphatic 6-3 victory. The Green team lost but showed great resilience. Adam scored a good goal, and Aadam played very well in defence.
The Red team were 2-1 down with ten minutes to go, despite amazing saves from John in goal and a super goal from Andrew. Unfortunately, the away team were a bit stronger and managed to score several goals to secure their win. Phillip E was man of the match for outstanding play in defence.
Well done to all the boys who played.
~ Mr Matthews
How I Can Support My Son’s Wellbeing At Home
Here is a link from our Wellbeing Team with some information around body image and self-esteem that you may find interesting to read. This includes advice, warning signs and how to discuss body image with your teenager.
Dear everyone at Homefield School,
Please accept our warm and heartfelt thanks for your support and donations this harvest. People in need in Sutton have been so blessed by the generosity of the staff, parents and children at your school.
Attached is your thank you certificate showing how much you collected - we hope you will enjoy sharing this widely within your school community.
Thank you again,
From Vikki and all the team at Sutton Community Works
Orchard Childcare
Boys in Orchard Childcare have been commemorating Remembrance Day by designing posters. Max and William collaborated on this beautiful poppy poster, creating their acrostic poem.
Key Stage 1 boys at Orchard have enjoyed making a 'kindness box' as part of our 'Anti-Bullying Week' activities.
Natural History Museum Sleepovers
Have you ever wanted to have a sleepover with a giraffe? Or spend the night camped beneath a blue whale?
This unique sleepover gives children aged 7 to 11 the chance to explore the Museum after dark while taking part in fun and educational activities. Click on the link to find out more: Have a sleepover at the Museum!
Safety Notice
Road Safety - Stop and Drop
We kindly remind all parents using the morning *Stop and Drop* facility to remain in their cars during drop-off. Our Estates staff will be on hand to escort your son safely into school. This ensures a smooth and safe process for all boys.
If you prefer to walk your son to the school entrance, we ask that you park safely a short distance away from the school and walk him in. This helps maintain a safe environment for everyone on the school site.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping our school community safe!
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+44 020 8642 0965