CHS News
August 23, 2024

December 5, 2024
Congratulations to Our It’s Academic Teams!
On Saturday, November 23, two It's Academic teams travelled to West Chester, Pennsylvania, to compete against 28 teams from eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. After 11 rounds of competitions, our A team emerged in 2nd place, losing the final playoff game 350 to 330 to Edison Township, a school from New Jersey. Congratulations to the A team: Henry Berger (freshman), Sahil Prasad (freshman), Maxwell Swann (senior and captain), Satvik Jain (freshman).
Our B team went 6-4 for the day and included Brad Cao (junior and captain), Callista Bernhardt (senior), Shravan Yoagentharan (sophomore), and Rohan Sengupta (freshman). Top scorers at the tournament were Maxwell Swann, Sahil Prasad, Brad Cao, and Satvik Jain, and the first two won book awards.
We qualified one team for the national tournament (HSNCT) in Atlanta in May 2025, and we have already qualified 2 teams to the national tournament (PACE) in Chicago in June 2025, from our prior tournament at Johns Hopkins.
We have already hosted 2 tournaments of 48 teams each, one at Centennial and one at Burleigh Manor. Our Burleigh program has qualified 3 teams to the national tournament (MSNCT) in May 2025.
Left to Right: Henry Berger, Sahil Prasad, Maxwell Swann, Satvik Jain
NHS was founded in 1921, based on the four pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. We are proud of our students who join this long-standing tradition.
Maxwell Swann Nominated for the US Presidential Scholars Program
Congratulations to Maxwell Swann on being selected as one of the Howard County Public School System nominees for the prestigious US Presidential Scholars Program.
Mr. Robert Motley, Director of High Schools, presented the certificate, which commends Max’s exceptional commitment to academic achievement, leadership, service to school and community, and unwavering character, and exemplifing the highest standards of excellence. Max’s dedication and perseverance are an inspiration to others.
Left to Right: Mr. Motley, Max Swann, Dr. Miller
CHS Math Team is Undefeated!
On Wednesday December 4, the Centennial Math Team turned in a dominating performance to win the 4th county meet of the season and preserve their undefeated status.
Leading the way with perfect scores in the individual round were Joe Li, Nathan Lu, and Martin Meister. Albert Cao and Jeremy Yang contributed our next highest scores in the individual rounds. To top off the victory, we had 2 perfect team scores in the team round.
Way to go, Eagles!
Chamber Choir sings at Merriweather District!
The CHS Chamber Choir was invited to sing at the 2024 Merriweather District Tree Lighting at Colorburst Park on November 20. As the carol "Deck the Hall" says, they were truly "heedless of the wind and weather", because they braved cold air and rain to bring people holiday cheer! Thank you, John Kuta, for taking photos, and for the CHS Chamber Choir families for coming to support us. We had a great time!
Mrs. Vanover
Full choir!
Ayana Moore, Emily Wu, Maddie Hall, and Maggie Cipriano
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Many thanks to Karyn Hobson and Martha Love for organizing a fantastic baked potato bar for staff on November 25! CHS families provided the most delicious toppings: sautéed vegetables, several types of chili, pulled chicken, bacon, sour cream, cheese, and so much more! And if that wasn’t enough, there was corn bread, salad, desserts, more desserts with gluten-free, nut free, and dairy-free options, and drinks.
We are truly grateful for the outpouring of generosity and the support of our community every day.
Horizon Club at the Zaching for Cancer Running Festival
The Horizon Club volunteered at the Zaching for Cancer Running Festival on November 23, at Turf Valley. Zach Lederer graduated from Centennial and this event is held in his honor.
The event featured over 900 runners and CHS staff who ran or walked included Ms. Flynn, Ms. Carr, Ms. Parisi, and Ms. Stevens. Other volunteers at the event included the CHS Boys Basketball Team accompanied by Mr. Slopek and Mr. Moe.
The Horizon Club assisted with unloading all the food for the after event and congratulating the finishers.
Ms. Stevens, Ms. Carr Post-race Smiles
Left to Right: Ms. Flynn, Ruby Reilly, Gamay Thamineni, Shreya Saju
Horizon Club Members Squinting in the Sunlight
- December 5 & 6 - Winter Showcase, 7 PM
- December 7 - Dinks for Dunks Pickleball Fundraiser, 6 - 9 PM, register here
- December 11 - HCPSS Career Academy Info Sessions, 6:45 PM @ ARL
- December 12 - GT Research Parent/Student Information Night, 6:30 PM (virtual)
- December 12 - PTSA After Prom Meeting, 7 PM
- December 16 - Choir Concert, 7 PM
- December 17 - Band Concert, 7 PM
- December 18 - Orchestra Concert, 7 PM
- December 20 - Federal Impact Aid Forms due
- December 23 - January 1 - Winter Break, Schools Closed
- January 2 - School Opens
- January 17 - Full day of School; midterm exams; AM/PM ARL in session
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Schools and Offices Closed
- January 21- High Schools Close 3 hours early; midterm exams; no AM ARL
- January 22 - High School Close 3 hours early; midterm exams; no PM ARL
- January 23 - All Schools Close 3 hours early; midterm exams, no AM ARL
- February 22 - Trivia Night Sponsored by CHS Boosters, 6 PM
- May 19 - 30 - Class of 2025 Graduation Window
New & Noteworthy
‘Tis the Season
Cold and flu season is upon us!
How can you help?
- Donate tissues! Our school supply of tissues for classrooms has run low. Please consider dropping off a box of tissues in the front office.
- Practice healthy habits: get plenty of sleep, be physically active, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods.
- If you have cold and flu symptoms stay at home and rest!
Holiday Cookie Bakers Needed!
CHS PTSA will also host our annual Holiday Cookie Drive on December 16. This is a fun and much-enjoyed event for our staff and our bus drivers! Parents provide home-baked holiday cookies and teachers come to the cafeteria after school to fill a cookie box with the tasty homemade treats! SignUp Genius sign-up is open, please sign-up.
Centennial Graduates
If any CHS parent or alumni have a cap and gown (red with blue and white stripe on arms) gathering dust, please donate it. You can drop it off in the front office at Centennial at any time. Thank you!
Winter Showcase
The Performing Arts Programs will present their annual Winter Showcase on Thursday, December 5, and Friday, December 6, at 7 PM. Tickets will be sold at the door for $12.
With the return of our amazing opener, Snowbusiness, this show is sure to make you smile!
Earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy
Students interested in earning the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy (MD SoBL) are encouraged to attend an informational meeting on December 10th at 10:00 AM in Student Services. Sign up here to attend the meeting: https://forms.gle/msNifug44cdw6HAA7
During this meeting, you will learn how to:
- Take the Online Language Assessment test from home.
- Submit your test results to HCPSS to have the MD SoBL added to your official transcript upon graduation.
Ms. DeVore and Dr. Ha will lead the session and answer any questions you may have.
Testing for English 10 and/or Algebra I
HCPSS is providing students who have not met the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard an opportunity to take/retake the English 10 and/or Algebra I tests. A detailed overview of the CCR standard and directions for checking your student’s status can be found here.
11th and 12th Graders who have not yet met the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard have the following options:
English = Take/retake English 10 MCAP in December/January
Math = Independently take SAT to achieve a math section score of 520 or take/retake Algebra I MCAP in December/January
Please have your student report to the main office and register or contact Ms Somerville (jeri_somerville@hcpss.org) no later than Friday, December 20, 2025 if you wish to retake the ELA 10 MCAP or the Algebra I MCAP in January.
Students in 11th and 12th grade who meet the CCR standard during the 2024-2025 school year will have access to free AP exams for enrolled courses.
We are Planning for After Prom Now!
Interested in helping with After Prom? Or don’t know what After Prom is and want to learn? Come join us for a parent meeting at CHS on Thursday, December 12th at 7 PM in Room 512. We need an army of parents to help put on a fabulous After Prom this year.
Come join us!!
Shop the CHS Dance Store!
Our CHS Dance Store is open!! Check out the new spirit wear—PJ pants, athletic T, game jersey, sweatpants, our classic hoodie, and a cozy blanket 🙂
Use the link below to get your gear before the store closes on 12/8!!
Boys' Basketball Pickleball Fundraiser
Dinks for Dunks is our annual fundraiser to help support the Centennial High School Boys' Basketball Program. All proceeds will be donated to the program. This event will take place indoors at Dill Dinkers Pickleball from 6:00 - 9:00 PM on December 7, 2024. The event will include round-robin play, a beginners' clinic, and social play. The cost is $30 per person for the event.
Payment can be made here
Checks can be completed and mailed to the address below:
Made out to: Centennial Boys Basketball
Mailed to:
C/O Rob Slopek
Centennial High School
4300 Centennial Lane
Ellicott City, MD 21042
**Please put the referring player's name in the memo line if possible**
In order to best fit the needs of each player, we ask that you complete this form prior to December 5. If you have any questions, please email Coach Slopek at robert_slopek@hcpss.org.
From the CHS Boosters...
Join CHS Boosters Club Today!
Support our CHS Eagles by becoming a member of the CHS Boosters Club. Our parent-run volunteer organization raises funds through membership donations and fundraising activities to support CHS student extra-curricular activities. From school sports teams to more than 80 clubs and organizations, including our award winning "It's Academic" team and the CHS "Magic Club" – the Boosters supports them all!
The Howard County Public School System does not provide money for team uniforms, equipment and other fees needed to run student programs. To help parents avoid membership and other costs, the CHS Boosters shares its fundraising efforts across all sports and activities to help our students enjoy a healthy, rewarding high school experience.
Membership is the Booster’s biggest annual fundraiser, and we need your help to support our students. If you have not already done so, please join today! The CHS Boosters is a 501(c)(3) organization so all donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. Tax ID # 52-1437160
You’re Invited: Trivia Night on February 22
Brush up on your facts, pack up your favorite drinks and snacks, and join us for an evening of good food, good laughs, and great trivia at the annual CHS Boosters Trivia Night fundraiser on Saturday, February 22, at the Kiwanis-Wallis Meeting Room. Doors open at 6 p.m. and trivia starts at 7 p.m. The cost for this adults-only event is $50 per person and includes dinner (BYOB). Register now as an individual to join other trivia enthusiasts or form a team of 10 for this fun-filled night.
Please note your team name with your registration (individuals should use Unattached as their team name). Mulligans are also available for purchase ahead of time or at the event.
For questions or to place a small group together, please email chsboosterspresident@gmail.com.
Career Academy Info Sessions, Dec. 11, 2024
Current 8-11 grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend in-person information sessions on HCPSS career academies on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at the Applications and Research Laboratory, 10920 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City, MD. The evening will include two 15-minute information sessions beginning at 6:45 PM Details below.
HCPSS Emergency Notifications
As we head into the winter months, families are reminded that in emergency situations (including inclement weather), information will be shared with the community only through the HCPSS website, email and text, Twitter/X and the HCPSS weather hotline. Be sure your Family File is up to date and that you have opted into texts to receive emergency messages.
Support Our PTSA Fundraisers!
Sweeten your Holidays with See's Chocolates and Candies!
Anyone who has tasted See's chocolates and candies knows they're some of the finest candies you'll ever find. Lucky for us, CHS PTSA has a See's Candy Storefront this year!
See's will donate 20% of all sales to PTSA. Place an order by Dec. 6, and See's will ship directly to you.
Federal Impact Aid Forms Due December 20
Parents/guardians who work on a federal property in Maryland and/or are a member of a uniformed service can qualify HCPSS to receive federal funding by completing the Impact Aid form online by Dec. 20. Impact Aid supplements the HCPSS operating budget to enhance the teaching and learning that takes place in Howard County classrooms.
Forms are due by December 20, 2024.
Support the CHS Dance Program
World's Finest Chocolates have arrived! Support the CHS Dance Program while satisfying your sweet tooth. We have a variety of bars and they're only $1 each! Buy 1, 2, 3...or a case of 60 to share with your family and friends! Contact rebecca_clark@hcpss.org for more information or use OSP to make a purchase.
Please donate to support the HoCo Film Festival!
The Howard County Film Festival is a county-sponsored festival in its 21st year that honors and showcases the incredible talent of aspiring filmmakers across Howard County. Participating high school and middle school students are entered to win trophies, recognition, and prize money for their work.
Donations from the community help keep this amazing program running each year. All proceeds donated will go towards acquiring prize money and awards for our student recipients.
For more information visit the website: https://hocofilmfest.weebly.com/.
Buy Your Yearbook Now!
Yearbook sales are here!
To purchase your copy, visit: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1066907/Centennial-High-School/2025-Yearbook/2024100304183132083/CATALOG_SHOP/
HCPSS Career Readiness Advisors Need Your Help!
The HCPSS Career Readiness Advisors (CRAs) are excited for the 2024-2025 school year, and we would love your help!
Last year, CRAs implemented a Monthly Career Cluster Spotlight series across the county. The Monthly Spotlights allowed students to explore a wide scope of careers while connecting those careers to both the HCPSS curriculum and student strengths and interests.
Each month, we spotlight a different career industry/cluster. We provide students with information about career cluster pathways, curricular connections to that pathway, and opportunities for students to engage with professionals in those clusters.
Here is where you come in: we are looking for community members to share your experience, advice, and insight in your professional line of work.
Please fill out the following form if you are interested in donating a bit of your time and wisdom to HCPSS students.
Thank you!
Class of 2025 Graduation Window Announced!!!
HCPSS today announced the window for the Class of 2025 high school graduations as Monday, May 19, to Friday, May 30, 2025. No graduations will be held on weekends or on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26.
HCPSS makes the early announcement of the graduation window to accommodate planning by parents, students, schools and community members. Specific information regarding the dates and times of each graduation ceremony will be finalized in collaboration with Merriweather Post Pavilion and provided by mid-April.
Ceremonies will be held in person at Merriweather Post Pavilion, except for Cedar Lane School, which will hold its graduation ceremony at the school.
Full HCPSS commencement information can be found online.
Attention 12th Graders - Do You and Your Family Need Help with FAFSA?
Here at Centennial High School we are fortunate to partner with the Maryland Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC). MEOC is a program of the national office of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. funded by the U.S. Department of Education and provides free postsecondary planning assistance to eligible program participants. MEOC commenced in 1968 and has served over 100,000 students in Baltimore City and Howard County. The target student/family that MEOC assists includes low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities.
On Friday, December 13th, MEOC will be working with individual families/students to help them complete the FAFSA here at Centennial High School. If you would like to set up appointment please complete the following form (your name will only be viewable by Ms. Clearfield, Career Readiness Advisor):
Links to an external site.Links to an external site.
Please note: These appointments will be limited. To participate in an appointment, each family will have to complete the “Confidential Client Intake Application” which is attached. Please know that this information remains between you and MEOC and will not be shared with the school system or any other organization.
ATTENTION SENIORS: Cap & Gown Orders Online!
Did you miss the cap and gown orders in school on Tuesday? No worries...Cap and gown packages for the Class of 2025 are available at Jostens.
If you have any questions, please contact our Jostens Representative, Karen Stewart. She would love to hear from you!
Email: karen.stewart@jostens.com
Office: (301) 206-3999
Jostens Mascot Shop
In addition to graduation caps and gowns, Jostens also offers a range for products including graduation announcements, class rings, jewelry, and more. Check out the Mascot Shop for great keepsakes.
Calling All Parents/Guardians of CHS Seniors (Clas of 2025):
We are collecting parent/guardian names who might be interested in helping with the Senior 2025 events (Class of 2025) throughout the school year.
Please provide your contact information in the signup genius form - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FA5AF2AABF8CF8-51782315-chssenior/172901958#/
If you have any questions about the senior events, reach out to the senior CHS advisors for the class of 2025 - Toni Ireland and Cheryl Beall.
If you have any questions about the signup genius, you can contact Beth at bemoll196@gmail.com. Thank you.
Schedule Your Formal Yearbook Picture
Senior Portraits are available through Prestige Photography by Lifetouch. Photo sessions are available at our school on the following dates: January 8 and 9.
To schedule your appointment, visit schedule.prestigeportraits.com, click the “Locate My School” link, enter the city and state where our school is located. Once you find the school, click the schools’ name and it will take you to the account to schedule and appointment.
Information about session details and pricing may be found here.
For tips about your upcoming session and outfit inspiration, visit prestigeportraits.com.
Information Finder
Keep current on news and events throughout the school year by checking the CHS website: https://chs.hcpss.org. We have added an A to Z Reference Guide to the website as your one-stop information finder: attendance policies, parking permit applications, food and nutrition services, student technology support, and much more.
Update Your Family File
All families must update their emergency contact information annually. We’d like Centennial to be the first high school to have 100% of the Family File information to be fully updated, so visit HCPSS Connect today and click submit on the final screen! Read more.
Tutoring Opportunities
Eagle's Soar tutoring will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays immediately after school in the Media Center from 2:35-3:05 PM for the entire school year. All content areas will be represented with teaching faculty, and honor society students will be supporting as well in many of the content areas. Please make arrangements for your child to attend, as this is a great resource to help them be successful this year. This is a GREAT place to get extra math help if your child is struggling. Unfortunately, transportation is not provided at this time.
- Eagle's Soar Tutoring – Every Tuesday and Thursday 2:35-3:05 PM in the Media Center (Starts September 17th)
- Math Tutoring – Monday through Thursday after school 2:35-3:05 PM in Room 508 (starts September 19th)
- Eagle Time – Every Wednesday 9:25-9:55 PM (they sign up on the CHS website with the teacher they need help with)
Student Parking on CHS Campus
Parking passes have now been issued to Seniors and Juniors. It is important for all students parking on campus to make sure that their parking permit hang tags are visible. Also, please remember that students park in the white-lined spaces.
Still need a permit? Permit applications are on the CHS website.
Help Us Restock the Food Pantry
The CHS Food Pantry was established during the 23/24 school year and has proven to be a great resource for our CHS families in need. We have exhausted many of the items and it needs to be replenished for the new school year.
Donations are requested from our CHS families. Supplies needed include the following items: granola bars, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac 'n' cheese, rice, beans, snacks, crackers, peanut butter, jelly, and soup. We with regard to non-food items, we are in need of socks.
Items may be dropped off in Student Services with Ms. DeVore.
Thank you for your support!
Maryland Safe Schools App
Led by the Maryland Center for School Safety (MDCSS) within the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Safe Schools Maryland is an anonymous tip reporting system that allows students, parents, and community members to easily report anonymous safety concerns anywhere in Maryland. Tips received are routed to local and state education, public safety, heath, and/or social services support personnel for follow-up.
After School Pizza Sales!
After school pizza sales begin next week! Students staying after school can purchase a slice of cheese pizza ($3 per slice, cash only) before heading to their club meeting, extra-curricular program, study session, or athletic practice/game.
Sales will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and will be fundraisers for the Dance Program, Alpha Achievers, and Science Olympiad. Buy your slice by the gym. All sales are first come, first served.
CHS Stadium Guidelines
- Regular Season Tickets are $5.00 and are only available on the App at GoFan.co.
- Backpacks are PROHIBITED inside the Stadium.
- Spectators are to adhere to ALL HCPSS Policies & CHS Procedures in the Student Code of Conduct.
- No outside food permitted in the Stadium.
- ALL Students in Grades K thru 8 MUST EACH be accompanied into the Stadium, seated throughout the entire event, being supervised by their parent or guardian.
- No admittance after the 3rd quarter.
- Once you leave the Stadium, you may not return.
- Noise makers are prohibited inside the Stadium.
- Cheer loudly for your team, not against the opponent, their fans, their band, their cheerleaders or the officials.
- Students arrange for a ride during the 3rd quarter and notify your ride to pick them up immediately after the game.
HCPSS Partnerships
The HCPSS Partnerships 2023-2024 Annual Snapshot has just been released. The snapshot includes a link to school system partners including each school’s partners, as well as system wide, curricular, and program office partnerships. The snapshot highlights how partners play a vital role in encouraging students to reach their full potential.
Change of Address
Please remember that all families are required by Policy 9000 to notify HCPSS if they move to a new home address. Current residency documentation must be updated each time residency changes.
ARL Bus Schedules
On the Regular Bell Schedule:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 12:45 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS (M, T, TH, F) at 11:15 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
On the Eagle Time Schedule – Wednesdays:
- AM ARL bus departs at 7:50 AM and returns to CHS at 9:35 AM
- PM ARL bus departs on A DAYS at 12:55 PM and returns at 2:30 PM
- PM ARL bus departs on B DAYS at 11:20 AM and returns at 2:30 PM
Career Readiness Monthly Spotlights
Each month, the Career Readiness Advisors spotlight a career industry/cluster. We provide students with information about career cluster pathways, curricular connections to that pathway, and opportunities for students to learn from industry professionals in those clusters.
We are ALWAYS looking for speakers to participate in our monthly virtual panel discussions, and/or to engage with our students as an in-person speaker.
Please click on the following link to share your information:
The next LGBTeaQi&A is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM at the Plot Twist Horse Farm. If you aren't familiar with LGBTea, this is a social as well as learning and connecting opportunity for LGBTQIA+ parents, parents of LGBTQIA+ youth, and parent ally's to connect over refreshments and to provide their students (grades 3-12) with a separate space to connect and learn with peers.
This partnership event at Plot Twist Farm will provide students with an opportunity to earn service hours through activities on a working farm. This is not a drop off event. If students attend, they must be accompanied by an adult. All participants will be required to sign a waiver to participate in any activities on the farm.
If you would like to join us, you can do so by registering here.
Learn more about events and programs at HCPSS Pride.
Register Now for QuHacks!
QuHacks is a day-long hackathon created for middle and high schoolers. Join our 9th hackathon this winter on Saturday December 14, at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory in Building 201! There will be free food, free swag, and cool tech prizes. Competitors can have absolutely no coding experience or be extremely advanced; QuHacks provides a universal experience for everyone to compete. You'll learn in workshops, partake in fun mini-events, network with professionals in the CS industry, and most importantly, build cool stuff. At the end of the day, you'll present your creations to the world in an open showcase for a chance to win prizes. Learn more and register at https://quhacks.tech/ — hope to see you there!
Affordable & Convenient Year-Round SAT & ACT Prep, College Essay Writing Workshops & Admissions Crash Courses in Partnership with Howard County High Schools
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake high schools and are open to students from all high schools.
CHS students can register for ANY Answer Class at ANY location or online – and a percentage of tuition will be donated to CHS PTSA! School year classes are being regularly added – check here often!
Parents and Students Learn to Stay Safe with HC DrugFree
CHS PTSA teams with HC DrugFree to help spread the word about keeping drugs out of Howard County classrooms and communities.
HC DrugFree offers these educational opportunities for parents and adults.
HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council provides the youth perspective to the staff and Board of Directors of HC DrugFree to increase the effectiveness of HC DrugFree’s programs, newsletters, website, and other services. The Teen Advisory Council is composed of Howard County students in grades 8 through 12 (public, private and homeschool) who meet monthly during the school year to discuss teen use of alcohol and other drugs, and to develop educational messages that promote HC DrugFree’s vision of a county where teens are drug-free by choice.
Learn more about the Teen Advisory Council on the HC DrugFree website.
- Centennial High School’s website is a great source of information at https://chs.hcpss.org.
- On Twitter @hcpss_CHS and Instagram @CentennialHS.
- Read the Wingspan, CHS student newspaper
- CHS PTSA https://www.chs-ptsa.org/and CHS Boosters https://www.centennialboostersonline.com/.
- CHS Friends of Music http://www.centennialmusic.org/
- Register to receive school system updates and alerts at https://www.hcpss.org/hcpss-news/, click on Subscribe and select Centennial High School.
👋 Need more help? Reach out to support@smore.com