Corgi Tales | October 2024
#ourcorgitale - October 2024

October Newsletter: Message from Dr. Fay & Ms. Henson
Crossroads Parents,
Happy October! Our first quarter will be coming to an end on October 18. Our parent/teacher conferences will be held in person on Tuesday, October 29, from 4:30-8pm, and on Wednesday, October 30, from 10am - 8pm. Report cards will be shared with you at the parent/teacher conferences and automatically published in the Focus Portal on October 23. Teachers will reach out to you with how to sign up for a conference.
We look forward to our Glow Dance fundraiser. If the students reach the goal of $25,000, Ms. Henson and Dr. Fay will get slimed and TP'd! Oh my!
Each year we celebrate Principal and Assistant Principal Appreciation Day but don't really advertise it. Each year we hear people say they wish they would have known about it. So, Crossroads Principal and Assistant Principal Appreciation Day will be celebrated on October 18.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to myself or to Ms. Henson.
Thank you! Have a great October!
Dr. Damian Fay & Ms. Kristen Henson
P.S. Someone lost a Mario doll at the Party on the Playground...reach out to Dr. Fay if it is yours.
Message From Nurse Maddie
Clinic Housekeeping
Vision and Hearing Screenings
This month we are planning on doing Vision screening on October 17 and 18. Please do what you can to have your student here so we can complete it as efficiently as possible. We are also planning on starting hearing screenings. Hearing screenings are much more time consuming and will be happening on and off throughout the month.
If you have any concerns about your student’s vision or hearing please let me know. We will contact families if they need a referral for further testing.
Any medications given at school need to have an order from a doctor. If you want your student to be able to have over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen please have their doctor fill out this form. If your student needs a prescription medication at school, have their doctor fill out this form. All medications need to be brought to the clinic by an adult, students are not allowed to transport ANY medications.
Please send your student with a clean water bottle daily. Many students aren’t drinking enough throughout the day and have complaints of stomach aches and headaches. Especially with this warm weather students will need to drink even more.
Please have your student pack a change of clothes in the event of an accident or spills.
Maddie Whiteaker
School Nurse
636-625-4537, extension 44233
Fax 636-445-5324
PTA Update!
Hi, Corgis!
Happy October! This may be our busiest month of the year, but we are very excited about everything that is coming up.
Dining Night Out
Wednesday, October 9 4-8 p.m.
Chipotle O’Fallon, MO
They are giving back 25% of all Crossroads purchases for the entire day!
Show the flyer when ordering or tell them you’re there for Crossroads Elementary.
Trunk or Treat
Friday, October 18 @ 6:30 p.m.
Crossroads Elementary Parking Lot
Information on how to participate, attend and volunteer will be sent home soon. There will be a candy contest among classes to collect candy for the event starting on October 8 and an online, silent auction featuring school experiences.
Tuesday, October 15 during lunch time
Students will have an opportunity to shop at our school store. We will have spirit wear for sale, but most items will be $5 or less. This is a cash only store.
If you are interested in spirit wear, our online Corgi Store is always open.
Ready, Set, Glow! We have officially launched our fall fundraiser, a dance-a-thon with a glow twist! Every student will get to participate, regardless of whether they raised pledges or not. If we meet our fundraising goal, Dr. Fay and Ms. Henson will celebrate with a fun surprise. Not registered? Get started at http://pledgestar.com/crossroads Please visit our website for more information www.crossroadspta.org/glow
Keep an eye out for emails, texts and social media posts for more information!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
The Crossroads PTA
Arrival and Dismissal - Please Read Carefully
All of our car riders and our daycare van riders will go to the gym at the end of the day. Once in the gym, a staff member will call students’ names over the radio for them to come out to meet their vehicle. A staff member will escort students to each car.
PLEASE READ: We are no longer allowing parents to walk up to get their children. You will need to drive through the pick-up line.
We sent home bright orange car tags with all students on their first day of school. Please check with the office if you need a car tag. ***PLEASE USE A THICK MARKER TO FILL THESE OUT***
When you drive through the car lanes, please have the bright orange car tag on your dashboard where we can see the names of your students. If you do not have the car tag, we will have to check your ID, radio the office, and wait for them to clear you before we can call your child out. As you can imagine, this will slow down the process for everyone.
A few other things to keep in mind with this process: Please remember, we do not accept dismissal changes after 3:00 p.m. Also, our primary focus is student safety and 3:20 p.m. is a critical time when children can potentially get lost in the shuffle; it is imperative that we streamline the secretaries’ time to focus only on emergencies that arise. With that in mind, please understand that we will not permit access to the office after 3:20 p.m. to check out a student. Please plan accordingly so we aren’t caught in the position to have to tell you no.
Also, remember that you are responsible for calling in to change if your walker will become a car rider during the days with inclement weather. We no longer send a text message about rainy day dismissals.
The expectation is all parents will have the bright orange car tags ready to go by August 21.
Please review our arrival and dismissal maps below:
School Tips
Bus Transportation
- Kindergarten students that ride the bus must have an adult at the stop to get their student off the bus at the end of the day
- You must have a picture ID to show the bus driver before your child will be released
Cafeteria Information
- Link to Child Nutrition page on the WSD website
- All meals will be eaten in the cafeteria
- Breakfast served 8:20 am to 8:35 am
Buying Lunch
- Students will enter a lunch pin number
- Teachers have a card with the pin number on it for the first few weeks of school
- Teachers will send home the pin number and a practice number pad
Bringing Lunch
- Label all lunch bags with student name
- Send items students can open by themselves
- Anything opened will be thrown away
Recess Information
- Supervision is provided by our noon duty staff and classroom teachers
- Dress for the weather
- Label clothing items with student name
- Avoid parking along the playground
- Visitors are not allowed at recess
Tips from the office
- All adults visiting Crossroads must sign in at the office and obtain a visitors sticker
- Please have your driver's license ready to sign in to our Raptor system.
When you arrive in a WSD building as a visitor, you will be asked to scan your ID, take a photo and complete the management system’s check-in process.
Raptor will screen the information against sex offender databases and locally customized lists of banned or potentially threatening individuals, instantly alert school officials to a threatening presence, and maintain a searchable log of all visitors.
Once approved, you will get a customized visitor badge to wear while in the building.
- Call the office by 9:15 am if your child is absent
- If your child arrives after 8:35 am, please walk them into the office
- Let the office know of any dismissal changes before 3:00 pm
- Students cannot be checked out from the office after 3:20 pm
- Be sure to update any changes to your contact information in the office
Parent Portal - FAQs
Focus School Software Parent Portal
24-25 School Calendar
24-25 School Supply List
Why Talk Attendance?
One of our Crossroads Building Goals this year is focused upon attendance. Our goal is:
Crossroads will improve the proportional attendance rate from 88.2% to 89.4% by the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
The core purpose of having your student at school is so they can benefit from all of the learning opportunities so they can improve and grow!
We want our students to be in attendance this school year as much as possible. While we know perfect attendance is super hard to accomplish, we would like our students to be here between 90-100%. Let’s run the numbers on this. There are 174 school days in the 24-25 school year. So, a student can miss no more than 17.4 days of school in order to make our goal of all students having attendance of 90-100%.
Thank you for taking your child’s attendance seriously. Please check out the image below for a few stats to see what learning a student could miss:
WSD Child Nutrition
Breakfast K-12 ~ $2.00
Elementary Lunch K-5 ~ $3.10
Reduced Price Meals
Breakfast ~ $0.30
Lunch ~ $0.40
Applications for free & reduced price meals are available here or at any school office. In an effort to assist families as we transition back to paid meals, the USDA has increased the income guidelines used to determine eligibility. Click here to see the income guidelines. If you believe your family would qualify for this program, please fill out an application. Applications can be returned by the following methods:
Returned to your child's school
Scan & email - marysanzottera@wsdr4.org
Fax - 636-327-3961
Mail - Child Nutrition Services, 101 Support Service Dr., Wentzville, MO 63385
If you have questions or need assistance filling out the application, please call our office at 636-327-3858 ext. 21330.
Community Partnership Opt Out Information
Dear Crossroads Elementary Families,
Throughout the duration of the academic year, the Wentzville School District partners with community agencies that specialize in providing students, families, and educators with preventative education. Agency presenters are credentialed, coordinated through the District, and under the supervision of building administrators. Presentation topics are targeted toward specific grade levels. All students will participate in each program, unless you choose to opt your child out of the lesson(s). If you are interested in opting your student(s) out of presentation(s), please click the appropriate link(s) below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out directly to your student’s school counselor.
Thank you,
Damian Fay, Principal
Kristen Henson, Assistant Principal
Amy Walton, Counselor K-2
Tim Burkemper, Counselor 3-5
Wentzville School District Updates
District Homecoming Parade
The 2024 Wentzville School District Homecoming Parade is Saturday, Oct. 5 at 9:00 am. The parade will begin staging at 7:30 am, at Holt High School. You can anticipate heavier traffic throughout the neighborhoods surrounding Holt High School and on West Pearce Boulevard & Schroeder Creek Blvd from 7:30 - 9:00 am.
i-Ready Results Available
i-Ready is an integral part of our curriculum for reading and mathematics. It enables your student's teacher(s) to identify their specific needs, personalize their learning, and track their progress throughout the school year. By meeting your student exactly where they are, i-Ready empowers your teacher(s) to enhance your student's learning gains. How to access my students' results.
October 7
- 5th Grade Camp at Quail Ridge Park
October 9
- PTA - Chipotle Dining Night Out
- ELL Family NIght at Prairie View Elementary 5:30-7:00
October 11
- PTA Glow Dance during specials
October 15
- Corgi Store Open during lunches
October 17 - 18
- Vision and Hearing Screening
October 18
- Early Release at 1:35
- Principal and Assistant Principal Appreciation Day
- CRE - PTA Trunk or Treat 6:30 - 8:30
October 25
- Fall Parade and Parties
October 28
- Fall Pictures - rescheduled
October 29
- Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 8:00
October 30
- Parent Teacher Conferences 10:00 - 8:00
October 30 - November 5
- No School
Ms. Kristen Henson | Assistant Principal
7500 Town Square Avenue
O'Fallon, MO 63368