Financial Aid Info + Scholarships

The Financial Aid Info + Scholarships List is organized into these sections:
- Cost of College
- Financial Aid from the state of MI
- CSS Profile
- What happens after the FAFSA
- Understanding Financial Aid Awards
- Scholarship Tips + Tricks
- Scholarships for Seniors (by due date)
- Scholarships for Juniors
Info is updated regularly. Make sure you scroll all the way DOWN! ⏬
Any scholarships that are sent to the counselors via mail or email will be added to this list. Scholarships are listed in order of due date. Scholarships just for seniors are separate from the scholarships that cover multiple grade levels.
Parent Guide to Paying for College
Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Interested in earning a bachelor's degree?
The Michigan Achievement Scholarship could be for you!
Those who qualify could:
- Receive up to $27,500 to attend a Michigan public university, private college or university, or enroll in a four-year degree program at a Michigan community college.
- That’s up to $5,500 per year for up to five years.
- Be a Michigan resident since July 1 of the previous calendar year.
- Demonstrate financial need when they complete the FAFSA for Academic Year 2025-26 (available Dec. 1st), by having a Student Aid Index (SAI) of $30,000 or less.
- Enroll full-time at an eligible institution—including Michigan community colleges, tribal colleges, and public or private universities.
- Enroll at an eligible institution within 15 months of high school graduation or earning a high school equivalency certificate.
Michigan Community College Guarantee
Interested in earning a skill certificate, associate degree or transferring to a university?
The Community College Guarantee could be for you!
- The Community College Guarantee helps recent high school graduates earn a skill certificate or associate degree at their local community college tuition-free!
- All recent Michigan high school graduates are eligible—regardless of family income.
- If you receive the federal Pell grant, you’re eligible for a $1,000 bonus to help pay for living expenses like books, transportation, and rent.
Michigan Achievement Skills Scholarship
Interested in developing your skills in a career training program?
The Michigan Achievement Skills Scholarship could be for you!
Those who qualify could:
- Receive up to $2,000 per year for up to two years.
- Earn an industry-recognized certificate.
- Get on the fast track to a high-paying career.
🚨 Complete the FAFSA
Opens December 1st for class of 2025!
Do *not* complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA before December 1, 2024.
STEP 1: Create your FSA IDs (student + parent/guardian)
- The FSA ID is a username and password that is required to log in and access all Federal Student Aid websites, including the FAFSA. Serves as a legal signature when you submit your FAFSA. FSA ID is also referred to as the studentaid.gov login.
- Do not use your BRK email.
- 👉 All those contributing to a FAFSA (parent) must create separate FSA IDs.
- 🤷 Not sure who counts as a parent? Use the “Who is My Parent?” tool
STEP 2: Complete the 2025-2026 FAFSA
- Gather the information needed to complete the FAFSA: You’ll need information on income, assets, and demographics. 📝This handy FAFSA checklist can help you organize everything you need.
- Begin the FAFSA, invite your parent as a contributor to the FAFSA. Enter your parent/guardian email, so they can complete their portion of the FAFSA.
- List the colleges, trade schools, that you applied to or are thinking of applying to. You can always log-in later and edit your ranking of schools.
- You and your parent/contributor will need to "sign" your FAFSA with your FSA IDs.
What is the CSS Profile?
The CSS Profile is an online application used by colleges and scholarship programs to award non-federal institutional aid. Families can provide a more complete picture of their financial circumstances than the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may provide.
Some colleges may require the CSS Profile from both the custodial and noncustodial parent. Over 40% of all students qualify to submit the CSS Profile for free.
Colleges in Michigan that require the CSS Profile:
- Hillsdale
- University of Olivet
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Financial Aid Offer Workshop at BHS
March 12th, 6th hour
We are hosting a workshop to help seniors understand their financial aid offers from colleges, the direct costs and indirect expenses of attending the college, and their bottom line of what they will pay to attend. As a public service, a representative from Oakland University is facilitating the workshop. Please register using the link below and follow the instructions to prepare.
Please register using this link: https://apply.oakland.edu/register/?id=ce0aca42-f7cb-4c9e-a793-542dc44799b2
Prepare for the workshop by gathering:
Financial aid offers from all the colleges you’re considering attending
Username and passwords for the student portals at the colleges you’re considering attending
Sample Financial Aid Award Letter with explanations!
Applying for scholarships is a part-time job. Schedule time every week.
- Create a list of your accomplishments (from your college applications or resume if you have one.)
- You can start a list in Google Docs. Include things like sports, clubs, babysitting, church, leadership, work experience, volunteering, family obligations, etc.
- Pay attention to qualifications and requirements (EVERY scholarship is different)
- Look for similar scholarships or scholarships in similar categories (like females in science, student athletes, overcoming an obstacle, etc.)
- Make a list of scholarships you will apply for.
- Keep track using this pre-made chart, Google Docs, or in the search engine you're using (if applicable) to keep track!
- Add details of all materials required for submission (like transcripts, letters of rec, etc)
- Prioritize your list by deadline.
1. Scholarship Search Engines (choose 1 or 2)
Check out the links below and decide which one looks/feels the best. Create an account for 1 or 2 search engines, so you don't overwhelm yourself!
2. Check scholarship webpages on college/universities websites
They often have additional scholarships outside of the merit scholarships that are usually awarded based on a student's admissions application.
Ex. Google "name of college and private scholarships"
3. Ask people around you
Ask family members to check if employers, civic clubs, places of worship, etc. offer scholarship opportunities.
4. Brands
Check if brands/companies you like to eat or shop award scholarships
5. National and state professional associations/organizations
Check national and state professional associations or organizations of the career field or profession you intend to pursue.
Ex. Google "american association of name of profession and scholarships for high school students"
Top 10 Scholarship Essay Prompts
HACK: Create a Google Doc with your answers to these prompts!
Scholarship Checklist
MI College Access Network Scholarship List (updated regularly!)
United States JCI Senate Foundation - due Jan. 17th
Vocational School / Industrial Application
Each year (April) $1,000 grants will be awarded to graduating high school seniors in the United States, who plan to continue their education at accredited vocational or industrial schools within the United States.
Eligibility: Graduating high school seniors in the United States. You must be a U.S. citizen to apply for this scholarship.
The number of grants awarded annually will be at the discretion of the United States JCI Senate Foundation. The monies must be used for educational expenses in the first year of full-time study. Checks awarded will be made out in the name of the recipient and the educational institution of their choice.
College / University Application
Each year (April) $1,500 grants will be awarded to graduating high school seniors in the United States, who plan to continue their education at accredited postsecondary colleges, or universities within the United States.
Eligibility: Graduating high school seniors in the United States. You must be a U.S. citizen to apply for this scholarship.
The number of grants awarded annually will be at the discretion of the United States JCI Senate Foundation. The monies must be used for educational expenses in the first year of full-time study. Checks awarded will be made out in the name of the recipient and the educational institution of their choice.
University of Michigan Big Thinker's Scholarship due Jan. 31st
Ryan Fischer Legacy Scholarship
App due Jan. 31st
Nominations for the award will be made by head varsity hockey coaches in the state of Michigan. The award will be presented each spring after the conclusion of the MHSAA playoffs at the
Henrik Zetterberg/Hockey Weekly High School All-State Awards Banquet.
Senior in High School with a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA
Accepted to an accredited college or university and enrolled by October 1st following his/her high school graduation - Scholarship made payable to university only
Must have lettered in at least two varsity sports including hockey
Must be of high moral character, demonstrate a strong faith in God, a love for this country and be committed to community service
Must also demonstrate outstanding sportsmanship, exceptional leadership, integrity and a positive attitude.
The Princeton Prize in Race Relations due Jan 31st
Oakland County Bar Association Scholarship due Jan 31st
Michigan Council of Women in Technology Scholarship due Jan 31st
U-M Club of Greater Detroit: Scholarship
due February 2, 2025
Students are encouraged to apply for the scholarships before receiving an acceptance letter, but know that you must be a member of the incoming class of Fall of 2025 to be a recipient. By completing the online application, you will be considered for all of the scholarships listed on the following pages.
Eligibility Criteria (Must meet 1 of the 4 criteria):
- GPA (unweighted) of 3.8 OR
- ACT: Minimum score of 31 OR
- SAT: Minimum score of 1430 OR
- Top 1% of your graduating class
NCJW/MI Jewish Youth Awards due Feb. 7th
2025 MEA Scholarship
due Feb. 10th
The 2025 MEA Scholarship application form and eligibility requirements are now available online at mea.org/mea-scholarship.
The application deadline is Feb. 10, 2025. Eligible students include dependents of MEA and MEA-Retired members in good standing who attend or will attend a Michigan public college, university or vocational training institution.
For additional information, please contact Sofia Henderson in MEA Human Resources at MEAScholarship@mea.org.
One Application - Lots of Scholarships!
Community Foundation of SE Michigan - register by Feb 12th
The scholarship portal will open on January 6, 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year.
Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive current updates!
- January 6, 2025: The registration portal and application forms go live! After registering, you can begin to draft your online application.
- February 12: Registration deadline! Registrations will not be accepted beyond February 12, 2025, at 5 p.m. EST.
- March 3: Application deadline! Applications will not be accepted beyond March 3, 2025 at 5 p.m. EST.
Robert A. Leonard scholarship
due March 1st
- Awards may be used for tuition, housing, meals, books, and dorm essentials.
- Application and instructions are available at www.raltrust.org.
- Deadline for submissions is March 1.
- For information contact Mr. Kevin Binion, 313-492-8046.
Nick Saputo Scholarship for Michigan percussionists
due March 3rd
The Nick Saputo Scholarship is for Michigan percussionists who need financial assistance to march with their respective percussion section in either a winterline organization or any DCI group.
Click here to apply! The deadline for this application is 11:59 p.m., March 3, 2025.
Ernest L. Russell memorial scholarship
due March 9th
Ernest L. Russell memorial scholarship is open to all Michigan residents residing in Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties and to those individuals who have received our scholarships within the last two years and who currently reside outside of Michigan.
A minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA is required. Interested candidates must have plans to attend an accredited college/university, community college or vocational institution within the next academic school year and should also be available for an interview on April 26th or May 3rd, 2025 – the Scholarship Selection Committee will determine which date an applicant is assigned.
The minimum scholarship awards for prospective candidates attending college/university full-time will be$500. The minimum scholarship awards for individuals attending a community college or vocational school will be $250.The application and official criteria can be found on the R.H.O. Foundation’s website www.therhofoundation.org/scholarships.
Alsame Scholarship due March 10th
due March 12th
The 2025 Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies Inc. Annual Scholarship Award process has begun. Interested students in your district can complete the online application (https://bit.ly/metrobureauscholarship).
To be eligible students must:
a. Be a graduating senior from a high school of a Metro Bureau member school district. (BERKLEY IS A MEMBER)
The scholarship award amount will be $1,500 for awardees not going into education and $2,000 for those expressing they are going into education. A matching amount will be made by the college/university for those students entering the field of education. Recipients will be required to provide proof of acceptance at one of the institutions listed above.
The Scholarship awards will be presented to each student recipient in one of two ways-in their local district at an Awards Banquet/Board Meeting or the check will be mailed to the recipients’ homes.
If you have questions, please contact cdesmit@wayne.edu or pdenson@wayne.edu.
Hagan Scholarship Foundation
apply by March 15th
The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship, providing recipients with the opportunity to achieve their goals and graduate college debt-free. The scholarship provides $2,000 to help pay for essential items to attend college and up to $7,500 each semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters.
Free workshops, Free Schwab Brokerage Accounts, and Free Study Abroad provide recipients with a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum. Hagan Scholars have attended 637 colleges and universities located in 49 states and the District of Columbia and have studied abroad in 58 countries.
The Hagan Graduate Scholarships are for Hagan Scholars who have graduated college while in the Hagan Scholarship Program and are good for up to four additional semesters in college, providing up to $7,500 each semester to attend graduate school or the first two years of a professional program.
The Hagan International Scholarships are similar to the Hagan Graduate Scholarships. Applicants must have graduated or will graduate from a foreign institution, and must have received an acceptance letter for enrollment for the upcoming fall semester as a first-time graduate student at a college or university located in the U.S.
Royal Oak Woman's Club (must be RO resident/Health career)
due March 15th
The Royal Oak Woman's Club is offering a 4 year, $1000.00/ year scholarship. This scholarship is for a student who will be entering into a Health Related Career. The student must a Royal Oak resident to qualify. App is below.
MSU Alumni Club of Oakland County
Turn into Mrs. Belsky by March 20th
Each year the Michigan State University Oakland Spartans dedicates some of its funds to give out in scholarships. The scholarships are available to Oakland County high school seniors and seniors who reside in Oakland County but may attend a high school outside of Oakland County. These seniors must have been accepted for study at Michigan State University and are planning to attend the next academic year.
When judging the applicant, our alumni board weighs academic background, test scores, favorable recommendations and comments made by the student on the applications. Students should have at least an overall 3.5 academic average on a 4.0 scale (unweighted) or equivalent. (Slightly lower averages may be considered.) Financial need is not a requirement. The scholarship is nonrenewable and is paid in two installments during the freshman year.
Huntington Woods Men’s Club Scholarship Fund
due March 29th
The purpose of the Huntington Woods Men’s Club Scholarship Fund is to provide scholarship grants to individuals living in the city of Huntington Woods and be a graduating senior from high school, or a student attending colleges or universities as undergraduate or graduate students, or a recognized trade school. The Huntington Woods Men’s Club is a volunteer-based organization, and therefore the primary selection criteria for this scholarship will be volunteerism/community service, extracurricular activities and dedication to serving others. See below for information and application.
Ezra Parker DAR Scholarship due March 31st
$2,000 Scholarship for Performing Arts Students! due April 1st
Cease World Scholarships for Seniors attending HBCUs due April 1st
Michigan Retailers Association Scholarship
due April 1st
MRA’s college scholarship competition begins in January each year. Applications are due by April 1.
To be eligible, the student applicant or a parent or guardian must work at a business that is a member of MRA. High school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors may apply. Fourteen awards worth $3,500 will be given out in 2025. Financial need is not a consideration.
Future Teachers: Apply to the Golden Apple Scholars Program
due April 1st
Future teachers: Secure up to $15,000 in paid summer professional development at Scholar Institute and kickstart your teaching career in Michigan!
Click here to register to attend a virtual info session!
Apply to the Golden Apple Scholars Program in Michigan today: https://www.goldenapple.org/scholars-michigan
Mel Ross Memorial Scholarship due April 8th
BHS Class of 2025 Local Scholarship Application due April 11th
BHS Class of 2025 Huntington Bank Scholarship Application due April 15th
2025 LEADS! Scholarship for Dorsey College, MIAT/UTI
due April 18th
The Ohio-Michigan Association of Career Colleges and Schools (OMACCS) is offering our 2025 LEADS! Scholarship program for Ohio & Michigan high school seniors graduating by Spring 2025!
This year we are offering 97 scholarships at 18 Ohio and Michigan career colleges, totaling over $217,000, with FULL and PARTIAL scholarships available! (Including Dorsey College, Detroit Business Institute, Michigan College of Beauty, Universal Technical Institute/MIAT)
Please review the LEADS! Scholarship Booklet below for the participating colleges and their eligible programs, and please ensure the Student Application and the Nomination Form are completed accurately before submission.
OMACCS and its members are committed to providing higher education opportunities to students who are seeking career education. We consider it a privilege to assist in making students’ dreams come true, while at the same time playing a vital role in fueling the workforce and economy of Ohio and Michigan. We’re pleased to have the resources and the support of our member institutions to continue offering scholarships to students.
The application deadline is April 18, 2025. Any questions may be directed to the OMACCS Office at 614-487-8180 or ktrofholz@omaccs.org.
On Dragonfly's Wings (for students going into Mental Health field)
due April 30th
This is a great opportunity for high school students pursuing a degree in a mental health field to gain some financial support. I have attached the flyer detailing qualifications to apply, along with the application, and I am also providing a link to the online application.
The application deadline is April 30th, 2025 so if you could get this to students who you think would qualify as soon as possible that would be great.
Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation (AWAF) Scholarship
due June 6th
Scholarships are available to women who are citizens of North America and have a genuine interest in pursuing or advancing in the automotive and mobility sectors. While we encourage AWAF members and their family members to apply, we also welcome applicants who are not affiliated with our organization.
To qualify for a scholarship, applicants must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited collegiate program, maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and be citizens of North America. We accept applications year-round!
Please note that AWAF reserves the right to modify its scholarship guidelines and eligibility requirements at any time, without notice to current or future applicants or recipients, and without liability.
Accepting Scholarship Applications for Q3/Q4 2025 - Mail and Postmark by FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2025
info / how to apply and application form
Horatio Alger Schoarlship
due March 1st
Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States
Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
Demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower household income)
Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
Be a United States citizen
Momentum Scholarship for Juniors from Going Merry
due March 31st
The Momentum for Juniors Scholarship by Going Merry is a $1,000, no-essay scholarship for one lucky high school junior who is proactively applying for financial aid this winter. The deadline for this opportunity is Monday, March 31st.
QuestBridge College Prep Scholars Program
App is due in March
Top colleges and universities are looking for students who have excelled academically despite financial hardship, and they partner with QuestBridge to find students like you. If you are a high-achieving high school junior from a low-income background, the College Prep Scholars Program can equip you with knowledge, confidence, and resources to connect with the nation's most sought-after colleges.
- High school juniors, regardless of citizenship, currently attending high school in the U.S., and U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents living abroad
- Earning primarily A’s in the most challenging courses offered
- Demonstrating strong writing skills and intellectual curiosity, plus resilience, integrity, and motivation to succeed
- Typically from a household earning less than $65,000 annually with minimal assets (for a household of four members)
- College application head start. Get a head start on applying for FULL four-year scholarships to over 50 college partners with an application that carries over to the National College Match your senior year!
- College prep. Receive guidance and resources to develop a strong college application
- Exclusive access. Get access to summer program scholarships, college admissions conferences, writing workshops, and even a chance to visit top colleges for free!
- Community. Gain a supportive community of motivated peers who are also applying to top colleges.
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College + Career Center in Schoology
💁 All👏of👏the👏Info
- Class of 2025 - R8HQ-9D83-XX2XQ
- Class of 2026 - K82D-N48J-93NTM
- Class of 2027 - Q92Z-K9B2-WWGGJ
- Class of 2028 - GBCR-G893-B9K6T