MMS Bobcat Bulletin
October 11, 2024
Principal's Message
- Interested in learning how to best support your student and their learning? Check out our Monthly At-a-Glance one-pagers for each subject, each grade...all in one place.
In September, our counselors were able to meet with classes to discuss what it's like to Navigate Middle School. Topics included determining the difference between temporary vs permanent feelings, what it looks like to fit-in compared to belonging, healthy vs unhealthy expectations in all relationships, all things social media, and then what it means to create a place that is kind. What we learned is that our students are kind, they are connected to their friends, and that they know what it means to be a good friend. Our charge to parents is to have these conversations frequently as we know those are seeds that are being planted to see the product later on in life.
-Mrs. Ginn
If you did not receive an email from Traditions, please email to get a direct link to order your student's photos.
Be Kind T-Shirt Project
In celebration of World Kindness Day (11/13/24) and Kindness Week (2/14-2/20/25), MMS will be selling a "Be Kind: It's What Bobcats Do" shirt that proudly features our district's core values. This initiative is more than just a shirt that we will wear across the district on Wednesdays; it is a symbol of the Celina Bobcats' commitment in demonstrating kindness in all we do.
The sale will run from October 1-14. Delivery will be the first week of November.
Please help us promote kindness and unity through our Be Kind shirts!
On Friday, October 18 from 6-8pm, plan to attend The Fright Fest in the Moore MS Cafeteria. Our incredible PTSA has put together a night of dancing and spooky, good fun featuring DJ Mosley. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door. We will have prizes for school-appropriate costumes (with no weapons and no masks or hoods) and pajamas. Concessions will be for sale at the event in two locations and there will be plenty of photo ops.
See the attached invite and click here to purchase your ticket NOW!
We may or may not have some opportunities to practice your dancing during Bobcat Hour coming up soon. Start planning your costume or pjs with your friends now. --This event is for MMS students ONLY.--