The Razorback Community Report
Week of May 20, 2024; Issue 37
Outcomes that matter.
Culture that empowers.
Teaching that engages and technology that enables.
Principal's Message
“This chapter is done, but the story’s not over. Get ready for a summer full of adventures!” – Dr. Curious
Dear Razorback Community,
This week has been filled with many sweet moments. Our Pre-K through 2nd-grade students kicked off the week with a MAP pep rally! Our Kinder through 5th-grade students showcased their success on their end-of-year assessments. The week concluded with Kinder Camp, where our Pre-K 4 students celebrated their readiness for the next stage in their educational journey. A particularly poetic moment was when the Adamson seniors walked our halls, marking a symbolic milestone for our students and highlighting the exciting futures that await them.
Parents, it has been a privilege to partner with your families and provide your learners with the highest level of education. On behalf of the Hogg New Tech staff, we look forward to celebrating with you this week. Please read below for more information regarding end-of-year events.
Proud Principal of Hogg New Tech,
Ms. Molina
District and Campus Instructional Expectations
- Strengthen school culture. Teachers, students, and parents through SEL practices and classroom climate and culture by building relationships.
- Improving the quality of instruction through effective tier 1 instruction, strong implementation of Amplify, Eureka, PLCs, and through the coaching cycle (Observation, Feedback, Implementation Follow Through).
- Increase student engagement through strategies such as MRS, think-pair-share, turn and talk, writing, cold call, choral response, student discourse, Kagan strategies, hands-on learning, Read, Draw, Write problem-solving model, and annotations.
- Improve and increase writing opportunities such as writing across content areas, use of rubrics, and embedding writing in student responses.
- Increase student achievement in all content areas by creating a data-driven culture.
Weekly Attendance Report
Our campus attendance goal is 97%.
Great job kinder, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade for hitting our campus goal!
May Razorbacks of the Month
Arrival/Dismissal Reminders
Main office doors will open at 7:30 am. Classes start at 8:00 am. Tardies will be issued starting at 8:10 am. Carline staff assistances ends at 8:00 am.
Parents, if you arrive after 8:00 am, kindly check in with Ms. Juarez, our office manager.
Dismissal will begin at 3:15 for Pre K walkers and 3:20 for all car riders and K-5th walkers. Late pick up begins at 3:35 pm.
PreK-Registration-Seats Filling Up FAST!
Summer Cool Registration Open
Monday, May 20th-Field Day
Tuesday/Wednesday Awards Ceremonies
Pre K-4th grade awards ceremonies will be available through Zoom.
Campus Culture
PreK-2nd Grade Pep Rally
2024 Adamson Senior Clap-Out
Ms. Manincor and the DEAF ED crew tending to their garden!
Kinder Camp 2024
Thank you Mrs. Taleb and Mrs. Azzam for creating a wonder exprecience for our future kindergartners!
Hogg New Tech Chess Champions
Thank you Coach Ramirez and Coach Hernandez for guiding our young chess masters!
1st and 2nd Grade Chess Team
Championship Match
Congratulations Lenora for advancing to the championship! Poised and ready for competition!
Gold for Hogg's Chess Team
Congratulation Lenora and Abby for bring home the gold! Future Chess Grand Masters!
Week at a Glance-Last Week of School
Monday, May 20th-Field Day (Dress Comfortability)
- School Starts at 8:00 am
Tardies begin at 8:10 am
PreK-2nd Grade Field Day 8:30 am-11:30 am
3rd-5th Grade Field Day 11:30 am-2:30 am
Tuesday, May 21st-Prek-1st Grade Awards Ceremonies and 5th Grade Crossover Event
- School Starts at 8:00 am
Tardies begin at 8:10 am
- 1st Grade Awards -9:00-10:00 am
- Kinder-11:00-12:00
Pre k3-1:00-2:00
- Pre k4-2:00-3:00
- 5th grade Crossover/Dance 5:30-8:00 pm @ Garcia Middle School
Wednesday, May 22nd-2nd Grade-4th Awards Ceremonies
- School Starts at 8:00 am
Tardies begin at 8:10 am
FLS/DeafED Awards -9:00-10:00 am
2nd Grade Awards -11:00-12:00 am
3rd Grade Awards-1:00-2:00 pm
4th Grade Awards-2:00-3:00 pm
Thursday, May 23rd-College Shirt/Ranger Wear with Uniform Bottoms EOY Class Parties
- School Starts at 8:00 am
Tardies begin at 8:10 am
Class parties scheduled by teachers. (Contact for more info.)
Friday, May 24th-School Spirit Shirts with Jeans-LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
- School Starts at 8:00 am
Tardies begin at 8:10 am