KSTM Newsletter December 2024
Publish Date: December 3, 2024
Time sure does fly by and it is hard to believe that we are already in the month of DECEMBER. Here are a couple of updates and important information for this month that we would like to share with our community.
- Reminder there is No School on Friday, December 20th, it is a TEACHER professional development and workday.
- Reminder WINTER CONCERT starts promptly at 6pm on December 12th in the cafeteria. This concert will show-case our vocal and instrumental students. Please stay tuned for more specific information if your student is performing in the concert regarding times they need to be in the building for the event. If you have any questions regarding the winter concert, please email the music teachers or our instructional facilitator, Kelcey Schmitz.
- WINTER RECESS - Students are on WINTER Recess from Friday, December 20th until they return to school on Monday, January 6th. Monday, January 6th will be a "B" day.
- We will have a SPIRIT WEEK the week of December 16th - please check the website and social media account for specific themes. Students are voting on them and as they get selected, I will update. We will also have our semester PEP RALLY on Thursday, December 19th with students to recognize first semester teams and clubs while having a friendly staff vs. 8th grade student Volleyball game.
- If you are interested in your student attending after school tutoring at KSTM, reach out to Nicole Benson - Nicole.Benson@ops.org or call at 531-299-7030 for more information regarding Tutoring at KSTM.
- Please be sure to check the KSTM website found here for upcoming events, the staff directory, and other important information. https://www.ops.org/kingscience
Jane Laughlin
🎉 Wildcats Club Shines: Christian Honored as AIM Afterschool Student of the Year! 🎓
On November 14th, we proudly celebrated Christian, who represented The Wildcats Club and was honored as the AIM Afterschool Student of the Year! 🏆
Christian has demonstrated outstanding academic excellence and a passion for STEM activities. 🌟 From excelling in the Summer Code Academy to pursuing his dream of becoming a Civil Engineer, Christian’s dedication, hard work, and determination inspire us all. 💻📐🏗️
Let’s give a big round of applause to Christian for his incredible achievements! 👏👏 The future is brighter with students like him leading the way. 🚀
🎉 Wildcats Club Spotlight: Christian Named AIM Afterschool Student of the Year! 🎓
On November 14th, we proudly celebrated one of our own, Christian, who was honored as the AIM Afterschool Student of the Year! 🏆
Christian has demonstrated exceptional academic excellence and a passion for STEM activities. 🌟 From excelling in the Summer Code Academy to pursuing his dream of becoming a Civil Engineer, Christian’s hard work and determination continue to inspire us all. 💻📐🏗️
Let’s give a huge round of applause to Christian for his amazing achievements! 👏👏 The future is bright with incredible students like him paving the way. 🚀
Wildcats Club (WCC) Afterschool Academic & Enrichment Program Updates
What We’ve Been Up To
November was a busy and exciting month at Wildcats Club!
- Bring-a-Friend Day (Tuesday, November 5th): Wildcats members invited friends to join the fun, enjoying a hot meal and engaging activities with our amazing community partners, including Why Arts? and Dream.
- Harvest Night Family Night (Wednesday, November 13th): Families came together to celebrate fall with festive, family-friendly activities that strengthened our Wildcats community connections.
- Parent Family Advisory Board Formed: We’re excited to announce our new advisory board members: Michele McKrizia, Jessica Booth, and Domineeke Louis. Thank you for helping guide and support the future of Wildcats Club!
Upcoming Wildcats Club Events
- Parent/Family Advisory Board Meeting: Wednesday, December 4th
Our first meeting will take place to discuss ideas and feedback for Wildcats Club programming. - Winter Wonderland Family Night: Thursday, December 5th
Celebrate the holiday season with fun, festive activities for the whole family! - Non-School Day Field Trip: Saturday, December 7th
Wildcats will travel to Lincoln for the Hour of Code and Tech Fair at UNL—a fantastic opportunity to explore technology and innovation! - Non-School Day Field Trip: Friday, December 20th
Students will enjoy an exciting outing to SkateCity in Bellevue for roller skating fun!
No Wildcats Club Dates
Please note that Wildcats Club will not meet on Thursday, December 19th.
Thank you for being a part of Wildcats Club, where we continue to create meaningful opportunities for learning, enrichment, and community-building!
For more information, contact Staci Wise, WCC Site Director, at 402-881-0092 or swise@aiminstitute.org
In November, the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) released state test scores for the 2023-24 school year. You may hear it referred to as “NSCAS,” or the Nebraska Student Centered Assessment System. NDE classifies schools across our state from “Needs Improvement” to “Excellent.” State test scores, student academic growth, English language proficiency and attendance in the school determine each school’s classification.
If your student is in a grade that takes the NSCAS test, your family has received information about your child’s individual performance. If you have questions, please contact your student’s teacher(s). We encourage all families to regularly review MAP Growth data. That is a test that students take more frequently – with data available immediately. It is a proven source of information about your student’s current strengths and opportunities in the classroom. Student data has always guided our instruction. We are constantly working to build on our instruction and improve outcomes for all students
Counseling Corner
Look-Listen-Link Lessons
This month, 7th grade students were taught their second Look-Listen-Link lesson by Ms. Thompson. The bulk of curriculum is four lessons for 7th grade students, who received the first with Mrs. Hixson last month. The goals of the second lesson were to identify three healthy ways to deal with stress, including what they involve and the advantages of each. They also demonstrate three skills: look, listen, and link, in order to help a friend in need.
8th grade students have begun considering their options for high school selection. In November, they used the Find My School link to identify their options for next year. This week they will be given an informational booklet on the College and Career Academies and Pathways offered for each high school and will discuss the application process. The High School Showcase is Tuesday, December 9th from 5:30-7pm at the UNO Scott Conference Center. High school open houses begin in January so please have conversations with your students regarding schools and programs they are interested in learning about. Open house dates and times, as well as all things high school selection can be found here.
6th Grade Updates: 6th Grade:
This month 6th grade students were taught their Look Listen Link Lesson. Our vision is to empower our students to be interested learners, independent thinkers, and become well-rounded individuals. "Dream Big, Work Hard, Make It Happen". We are always encouraging out students to set goals for themselves throughout their whole life, here are some ways to start the conversation with your children:
1. Define what a goal is. An easy way is to link it to an area of interest. For example, a football player is aiming for a touchdown. It is something to shoot for. Explain goal setting as planning what you need to work on.
2. Share your own goals. Let your children know that you have dreams, and that you recognize that you may need to work on some things in order to achieve them.
3. Help kids create their “dream list”. Help them create a list that includes those things that they actually have the power to make happen. Then spend time together discussing those dreams. Consider what skills are necessary. Does your child need help in order to succeed?
4. Tailor the goal to your child. Have a first-time goal-setter work on a goal that can be achieved within a week. Some examples are making their bed every day, reading a book, brushing teeth without being reminded, getting a strike in bowling.
The saying that "It Takes a Village" is so true. Lets all work together for the success of our students. Have a great Holiday.
Kim Thomspon, 6th & 7th (Last Names A-H) Grades
School Counselor
Alex Hixson, 7th (Last Names I-Z) & 8th Grades
School Counselor
7th Grade College Visits
High School Show Case
Look Listen LInk
Grade Level Administrators
8th Grade Administrators:
- Ms. LaDeidre Jackson: 531-299-4016 LaDeidre.Jackson@ops.org
- Mr. Odell Santos: 531-299-3774 Odell.Santos@ops.org
7th Grade Administrator
- Ms. Nicole Benson: 531-299-7030 Nicole.Benson@ops.org
6th Grade Administrator
- Ms. Roxana Silva: 531-299-9049 Carmen.Silva@ops.org
Instructional Facilitator (all grade levels)
- Mrs. Kelcey Schmitz, 531-299-8027 Kelcey.Schmitz@ops.org
Contact AD Odell Santos with questions regarding sports activities or events at 531-299-3774
The King Way: Be Respectful
The King Way: Be Responsible
The King Way: Be Safe
Tardy Notifications
Attention Students and Families: There are 415 minutes in the school day, and every minute counts! Tardies to class disrupt the classroom, interrupt the lesson, and put students at risk of falling behind. The school will send daily emails to parents and guardians of students who were tardy to one or more classes.. BE RESPONSIBLE, WILDCATS! Get to class on time.
Just a reminder, we do not let students carry around large backpacks at KSTM. Students may carry around draw-string bags (one was provided to every student), small backpacks, side satchels, small purses. Students must put all large backpacks or personal items in their lockers.
The OPS Parent Survey link is open all year long.
SURVEY LINK: http://www.tinyurl.com/OPSParentVoice