Panda News
December 2024
French Elementary * Widefield School District #3
5225 Alturas Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80911
Telephone: (719) 391-3495
Attendance: (719) 391-3496
Fax: (719) 391-9141
Office Hours: 7:30-3:45
Principal: Michelle Blasko
Assistant Principal: Si'Mona Johnson
Counselor: Chrystal Hagedorn
Secretary: Barb Smith
Attendance Secretary: Jamie Barilli
Health Tech: Clara Faust
Cashier and Parent Coordinator: Jennifer Thomas
School website: https://french.wsd3.org/
Keep Up To Date
Please regularly check our calandar on our website to keep up to date on all of our activities. https://french.wsd3.org/calendar
Follow us on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/french_elementary/
Connect French Elementary to your loyalty card and the school receives a precentage of your sales.
- For King Soopers Stores - go to http://www.kingsoopers.com
- For City Market Stores - go to http://www.citymarket.com
Once you login search for French Elementary or use the code TK740 then click Enroll.
Important Dates To Remember
- December 5 - Family Night @ 4:30
- December 11 - 2nd Grade Music Program @ 6:00
- December 12 - PTO Meeting @ 4:00
- December 13 - Coffee with the Principal @ 9:00
- December 16 - Candy Cane Day. Wear Red and White.
- December 17 - Do you want to build a snowman? Wear a snowman themed shirt or white.
- December 18 - Grinch Day. Wear a Grinch themed shirt or green.
- December 19 - Channel your Flannel. Wear a plaid or flannel shirt.
- December 20 - Twas the Night Before Winter Break. Wear your pajamas.
- December 23 to January 7th - Winter Break
Must Have a Picture ID
Please know that you will be asked to show your picture id everytime you enter the building. This is a District Policy for the safety of our students. If you are going anywhere in the building other than the office we will have to scan your id in our Raptor System and give you a visitor sticker.
Resources in our Community
There are several locations in our area where you can get food if your family is in need. Please visit this website to see what locations are nearby and when they are available for you to stop by: Care and Share Locations in Our Community
Traffic Safety
Pop Tab Collections
Join us in “Pulling for the Ronald McDonald House®”. When opening a can that has a pull tab, remove and collect the tab and give them to our House!
Why collect pop tabs? All the pop tab collections add up to make an impact for Ronald McDonald House Charities or Southern Colorado. An easy way to recycle, people of all ages can participate. RMHCSC receives funds when the aluminum tabs are recycled.
Our goal is to earn $500.00 through Box Tops this year.
Here's how you can help:
- If you haven't done so already, download the Box Tops app on your smartphone.
- Buy Box Tops products, scan your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and earn for CANDICE A FRENCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL with every Box Tops product you buy.
- Refer your friends, family and other parents in the school to sign up for Box Tops. You'll earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when your referral scans their first receipt!
- Turn on notifications in your Box Tops app to get scan reminders and stay updated on special offers, new products and opportunities to earn for our school. Go to your Communications Settings by clicking on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app.
If you shop online, you can earn with your digital or email receipt, too. Here's how!
Let's work together to give our students what they need to succeed — and see how much we can earn this year! Our referral code is QS7K3N3F.
Reminders from the Principal
- Please allow 24 hours for a response when calling or emailing. Your questions and concerns matter, and we are working as quickly as we can to respond and maintain open lines of communication.
- Duty coverage begins at 8:30 a.m. Please make sure your child does not arrive prior to supervision.
- Please visit our school website, https://french.wsd3.org/, for an updated calendar of school events and more. We also send out updates and current information via email and text messages. Please make sure your information is up to date with our front office.
- Please don't hesitate to contact us for questions, suggestions, or concerns.