9-11th Grade Updates OCTOBER 2024
CHS Counseling Office
Upcoming College and Career Fairs at CHS
Career Fair at CHS
Students are invited to attend our annual career fair here at Chesterton High School during SRT on October 3rd! The Counseling Office is working with a variety of community organizations and local industries to provide students the opportunity to explore future career options. Please use the following link to sign up so we can get you a pass to attend that day! You must sign up in order to attend the Career Fair. (this event is for students only)
College Fair at CHS
The CHS Counseling Office is hosting the Dunes Area College Fair in the CHS Gymnasium on October 9th from 9:45 am - 11:15 am. (This event is for students only.) Students must pre-register to attend the college fair. Students in grades 10-12 are invited to attend. Click on this link to register on StriveFair.com. When you register online you will be given a barcode. Instructions on how to register can be found here.
During the fair, colleges will scan your barcode to send you more information about their schools. There will be approximately 40 colleges at the fair. The day after the fair, you will receive a report with information on the colleges with whom you scanned. This is a great way to learn about colleges, meet representatives, and narrow down your college search!
List of Colleges and Universities that are attending the Dunes Area College Fair
Opportunity Enterprises Student Career Advisor
The Exceptional Learning department is excited to introduce Mrs. Erishawn Griffin as our new Opportunity Enterprises Student Career Advisor for the 2024-2025 school year. Her position provides transition services for students ages 14-22 who are currently on an IEP or 504 plan. Mrs. Griffin is a great resource for our students, providing support with career exploration, self-advocacy, employability skills, resume writing, interview practice, as well as post-graduate planning and more. Please feel free to reach out to your students’ Teacher of Record or school counselor for more information.
Starting Your College Search
Some colleges are allowing in-person college visits again, so take advantage of that if you can! Don't forget, college visits can be excused absences. Contact the attendance office for more information.
If you don't have time to schedule a college visit, check out this article about how to research colleges without visiting campus.
Ivy Tech and PNW Express Admit Days
IUN Scholarship Fair
On Tuesday, September 24th the Counseling Office took 32 students to the Scholarship Fair hosted at Indiana University Northwest. During this field trip students were able to speak with representatives from a variety of colleges, universities, and community organizations. Almost 50% of the students in attendance were able to apply to universities on the spot and at least 10 students were offered scholarships during the Scholarship Fair. One student was offered a full tuition scholarship for Delaware State University and another was given the opportunity to fill out paperwork for a full-ride scholarship to Harris-Stowe State University.
Test Optional
Military Academy Applications
Senator Young - https://www.young.senate.gov/help/academy-nominations
Senator Braun - https://www.braun.senate.gov/academy-nominations
Representative Mrvan - https://mrvan.house.gov/services/military-academy-nominations
Healthy Sleep Habits
The activities and homework that come with high school can make it difficult to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Teenagers need 9-9.5 hours of sleep per night, but most teenagers don't get enough sleep.
There are some things you can do to help improve your quality of sleep.
- Try waking up at the same time every morning
- Try to get outside and move your body every day
- If worry is keeping you awake, try to find ways to tackle those problems during the day. For example try writing in a journal, talking with friends or family, or even speaking with a therapist.
- Avoid drinks that contain caffeine in the afternoon. Caffeine has a negative effect on your sleep quality and quantity.
- Create a sleep routine. Stop doing homework at least 30 minutes before going to bed and don't stay on your electronics close to bedtime. Staying on your phone late at night can stimulate your brain and the blue light can also negatively affect your sleep quality.
Signs of Depression in Teens
- Irritability
- Sensitivity to criticism
- Social isolation (particularly staying in their room a lot)
- Selective social withdrawal
- Throwing themselves into work (distraction)
- Slipping grades
- Difficulty focusing
- Changes in energy or out-of-character behavior
- Changes in daily habits such as sleep and appetite
- Physical pain
If you are concerned about these signs and symptoms of depression, we recommend that you reach out to someone for help. You can speak with your parents or guardians, your school counselor, medical provider, or mental health provider. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
Dealing With Learning Differences
College Rep Visits
Bullying Prevention Month
- unwanted aggressive behavior
- observed or perceived power imbalance
- repetition or high likelihood of repetition of bullying behaviors
If someone is being bullied, please take action. Talk to an adult that you trust. If someone is being bullied at school, please tell a school employee. You can always talk with your school counselor if you are worried about yourself or a friend.
You can find additional information about bullying prevention at the Stop Bullying website. Anonymous tips can be submitted via the CHS website.
Homework Help
We offer a variety of resources for students to utilize before and during the school day if they need help with their coursework. Students can reach out to their teachers directly to arrange a time for extra help, either before school or during SRT. We also have a tutor lab where students can go and get assistance.
There are a number of online resources that are helpful to families and students.
School Counseling Office Staff
Mrs. Christine Starkey-Registrar cstarkey@duneland.k12.in.us
School Counselors
Mrs. Tuzdae Bartow
Mrs. Gretchen Arthur
Mrs. Amy Snyder
Mr. James Moore
Ms. Johanna Hess
Mrs. Julie Roytan
ASCA R.A.M.P. Award
Indiana Gold Star Counseling Award
Request an Appointment
CHS Counseling Office
Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Dial 988
Email: jesmoker@duneland.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.duneland.k12.in.us/domain/145
Location: 2125 South 11th Street, Chesterton, IN, USA
Phone: 219-983-3730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CHS.CounselingOffice
Twitter: @CHS_CCCoffice