Horizon Parents
April 2024
Dates to Remember
4/1 - 4/5 ~ Teacher of the Year Celebration Week - more info below
4/9 ~ 6th Grade Party (PTSO)
4/12 ~ No School
4/18 - 5/15 ~ State Testing Window
4/18 & 4/19 ~ 6th grade testing days
4/22 - 4/25 ~ 5th grade testing days
4/23 ~ PTSO - Panda Express Fundraiser
5/3 ~ Library Books Due
5/6 - 5/10 ~ Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6 ~ Library Closed
5/9 ~ Yearbook distribution
5/10 ~ Chromebook/Charger turn in day
- PTSO's - Projected End of Year BLOWOUT
- 6th grade Physical Day
5/13 ~ Field Day - There will be more information int the next newsletter.
5/16 ~ Students' Last Day of School
Beast Week Results
Beast Week was a huge success this year. With your help, Horizon was not only able to meet our goal of raising $5,000, we were able to EXCEED it!! This year, Horizon raised a grand total of $9,061.21. That would not be possible without the support of you! Thank you so much for your support during this amazing event!
Celebrating Mrs. Baxter, MHI Teacher of the Year 2023-2024
Competitive Robotics Team Application - Current 4th & 5th grade students
Total Solar Eclipse
Oklahoma will be a prime location to view the Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024. This is an amazing learning opportunity that everyone is excited about, but we have to make sure we proceed with caution, given the risk associated with it. NASA has presented some clear and concise safety guidance for this eclipse.
All students will be provided with protective eye wear. Many classes will be participating in learning activities related to the eclipse.
Check PowerSchool Often
Make sure you're checking your child's grades with them on PowerSchool weekly. They check their grades, in homeroom, almost daily so they know how to check.
If they are missing an assignment, they have until the end of the unit test to submit. Waiting until the end of the quarter makes it extremely difficult for students to do their best work.
6th Grade Luau
Solar Eclipse Opt Out
Testing Information
The state testing window begins 4/18 and ends 5/15. Grade specific dates will be sent out closer to testing time.
Things to remember about testing:
- Bring a charged Chromebook every day.
- Be on time, we start promptly at 8:10
- Make sure your child gets plenty of rest
- Remind your child to eat a healthy breakfast
If your students has testing accommodations, we cannot guarantee that they will be tested on the days that the whole group is tested. More than likely it will be a different day.
Links to the Parent, Student, Teacher Guides for testing.
5th Grade:
- 5th grade students will bring home a testing guide this week
6th Grade:
2nd Annual XC Fun Run
PTSO - Panda Express Fundraiser
Message from the Cafeteria
After April 25th there will be no charging allowed. We accept cash or check at the registers. Cafeteria payments can also be mathe through Myschoolbucks.com
6th Grade Physical Day
Remember to Check the Lost & Found
The Lost & Found has a lot of clothing and other items. Have your child check to see if something they're missing can be found there. We donate items at the end of the year.