Bulldog Bulletin
February 13, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Bulldog Community-
I hope that you had a wonderful week. Tomorrow, Ms. VanDinter's class is selling carnations, candy and crush soda for $1. If students are interested in supporting Ms. VanDinter's class, please send them with $1 to purchase items during lunch.
Weekly Highlights:
- Tonight, we are hosting a home basketball game for our Jenkins Middle School peers. We are happy to have them here.
- WEB students were selling Valentine cards to other students for their loved ones. It was really cute seeing them carry giant cards around the building.
Upcoming Events:
- Drama club begins after school on February 22nd. Please see Ms. Jordan (7th ELA) if you have questions and/or are interested in joining.
- Co-ed track begins on March 10th. Everyone is invited to join the team.
- There is no school Monday, February 17th because it is President's Day!
- Students that have more than five tardies per week may not attend afterschool sporting events. Please support us in speaking to your student to ensure they are getting to all their classes on time.
Please reach out if you have any questions or comments. Have a wonderful weekend!
In partnership,
Julia Scott
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, February 17th
- President's Day--District Closed, NO STUDENTS
Thursday, February 20th
- Oskar Blues Fundraiser Night 3p-9p
Tuesday, February 25th
- Fred Astaire Dance Night at Galileo Middle School 5p-7p
Thursday, February 27th
- SAC Meeting in person from 4p-5p
- Tour the Ascend Center
Monday, March 3rd
- District Professional Learning Day--NO STUDENTS
Friday, March 14th
- Teacher Workday--NO STUDENTS
Monday, March 24th thru Friday, March 28th
Galileo Middle School Fundraiser
Family Engagement Night at Galileo on February 25th
Fred Astaire Dance Company
Families! Please join us for a night of dance! Come and learn some moves with your student and enjoy an evening of snacks, fun, and movement! Fred Astaire dance company will be giving dance lessons and sharing with students and families the many future career opportunities available to students in dance! Can't wait to see you there!