Willow Parent Bulletin #9
October 15, 2021
We've been busy!
The Homewood Fire Department was here this week talking about safety at both home and school. These rainy weekends are a great time to make sure your home has working smoke detectors and an emergency escape plan. Fire drills aren't just for school.
We had a little glitch with the Willow Wear order due to supply train issues. There are no red t-shirts or navy sweatshirts to be had in children's sizes. I picture them on a boat somewhere out on the ocean. We were able to switch the colors around and fill the order that way. So- our t-shirts will be in navy and our sweatshirts in red. If you placed an order and no longer want the items due to the color change, just let the office know and we will refund you order. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Room parties will follow the parade. We will not be serving any food during the parties, so your child should bring his/her regular snack.
Costumes should be violence and gore free. There are no weapons allowed. Masks will not be worn during the parade or party for students' safety. If we are able to parade and the weather is on the cool side, we will have students wear their coats. Please take all these things into mind when choosing a costume.
Book Blurb: "Finding Kindness"
Oct. 29: Halloween Parade outside at 8:30 AM
Oct 29: early release at 11:40 AM
November is KINDNESS month
Nov. 7: Daylight saving time ends- change your clocks back
Nov. 11: Veterans' Day- we do have school
Nov. 12: End of 1st trimester
Nov. 22: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 23: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 24-26: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL for students
Dec. 17: 1:35 PM EARLY RELEASE
Dec. 20- Jan. 3: Winter break
Jan. 4: Students return to school
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153