October PBIS Update!
We had a 26% decrease in referrals this month compared to September!!
So proud of our Jaguars!
Looking forward to another Jag Store opening this Friday! We have had some really good donations from Hillcrest Baptist Church so our students will hopefully enjoy having some new items to choose from this time!
Be on the lookout for the video of the PIE TO FACE event! We will have the Video on our Facebook page as well as Instagram!
2 more days to add money to the buckets of our deans and administrators. The one with the most money gets PIED!!!
New Spirit Shirts!!!
Lots of styles available including HOODIES!! Follow the link below to order yours now!
Also happening this week!
Mr. Thomas is still giving out tickets to the fair!
Your name is entered by being on time to class and being R.E.A.L.
Friday we will be celebrating students who had 0 tardies!