Hardy Elementary Newsletter
October 14, 2024
Family Support Request Form
If your family is in need of support, please complete the APS Family Support Request Form. Once you complete this form we will share your responses with the family engagement department and/or school social workers or counselors to support your family.
Arlington Community Resources
Arlington Community Resources is a list of organizations available in the community to support your family.
Arlington Education Foundation
I mentioned that I would share some information about the Arlington Education Foundation at Curriculum Night.
From the website:
The Arlington Education Foundation works to support and advance public education in Arlington, Massachusetts. We fund system-wide initiatives and creative new projects to enhance the educational experiences of Arlington’s teachers and students. AEF awards grants at all levels of Arlington Public Schools – Menotomy Preschool, all seven elementary Schools, the Gibbs School, Ottoson Middle School and Arlington High School.
Curriculum Night Success
I had the opportunity to meet many families at Curriculum Night. Our PTO president, Becky Gibree, spoke about the work the PTO does to support learning at the Hardy School. Students left tracks of their learning to share with their families all over the school, including writing, mathematical problem solving, and art work. Teachers shared information about classroom routines and curriculum in two sessions. If you missed this event, no worries! There will be many future opportunities to engage with the Hardy School Community.
Fire Drill #2
We had our second fire drill on Thursday, 10/11. It went very smoothly. All staff and students exited the building in under 2.5 minutes!
PTO Website and Information
Check out the Hardy PTO Website for information on how you can join PTO, support the Hardy School, find out about upcoming fun events.
The next events are:
Tuesday, 10/15, 6:30 p.m. - PTO Meeting
Friday, 10/25, 6:15 p.m. - Trunk or Treat
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
Our Hardy School values are Safe, Kind, and Responsible. We continue to focus on being SAFE at the Hardy School. We will launch Kind and Responsible in future All School Assemblies. You can learn more about PBIS here.
Hardy School Contact Information
Principal: Gretchen Saunders - gsaunders@arlington.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal: Peggy Tsatsoulis - ptsatsoulis@arlington.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant: Mary Bellerose -mbellerose@arlington.k12.ma.us
Main Office Number - 781-316-3783
Label Everything!
We highly recommend labeling all of your child's belongings, especially sweatshirts, water bottles, hats, backpacks, and lunch boxes. If your child has misplaced an item, our "Lost and Found" is just inside the front doors. Items that have been in lost and found for greater than 30 days will be donated.
Early Release and No School Days
Every Wednesday: Students are dismissed a 1 pm.
Tuesday, 11/5: No School for Students due to Election Day