Snail Mail
An e-newsletter from Snail Lake Kindergarten Center
May 10, 2024
May 1-14- Snail Lake "Read-A-Thon"
May 13 - Snail Lake PTO meeting in the library at 4:30pm
May 17 - Spirit Day: Hats off to Snail Lake
May 23- Visit the Elementary School
May 24 - NO SCHOOL
May 27 - NO SCHOOL
May 28 - 30- Snack Socials
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Churchill Street Fundraiser!
Thank you for supporting our school through the Churchill Street Fundraiser. We appreciate all you do for us!
Summer Reading Program Kickoff Celebration
The Ramsey County Library is promoting a summer reading program. The program will run June 1st - August 10th -- families can start anytime after June 1st. Kids will get to choose a free book to keep as well as be entered into the prize drawing when they complete the program. The booklet with all of the programs and events will be available to pickup at the library some time later this month, but many of the programs are already up on the library's website.
Saturday, June 15 will be a Kickoff Celebration at the Ramsey County Library.
Summer Funds for Groceries
Beginning this summer, the state of Minnesota will provide grocery benefits to help families with eligible school-age children buy groceries during the summer. Learn more about this new Summer EBT program.
Medicine Pickup
The end of the school year is fast approaching! If your student has medications in the Health Office (daily medications, inhalers, EpiPens, etc.), please make arrangements with the Health Office 651-621-8004 or to collect them by the end of the day on June 6th.
Any medication remaining in the Health Office after June 6th, the last day of school, will be disposed of properly. Thank you in advance for making arrangements
May 23 Visit to the Elementary School
On Thursday, May 23, Snail Lake students will enjoy a visit to their respective elementary school where they will attend grades 1-5. This is just one way in which students will begin to become familiar with the school they will attend in the fall. Other opportunities to visit the school and their specific classroom will be shared with families later in the summer. Since each kindergarten classroom is blended with students who will attend Island Lake and students will attend Turtle Lake, students will attend with their homeroom teacher or with another homeroom teacher in the building. To ensure a smooth visit, an additional Snail Lake staff person will join each group during the visit. If for some reason you do not want your student to attend this visit, please complete this opt out form.
Snail Lake "Read-A-Thon"
Calling all Snail Lake families!! Please join us for our very first Snail Lake PTO Read-a-Thon! Our Read-a-Thon promotes and celebrates a love of reading while also raising money for our school. Our Read-a-Thon will occur from May 1-14, 2024. Here are ways to participate:
READ! We encourage every student to read, read, read!
PLEDGE! Use the pledge sheet that was sent home on April 30 to get family and friends to sponsor your student. Donations can be a set dollar amount or can be based on a per-minute pledge. Donations and pledge activity are optional. More than anything, we want students to read!
TRACK! We encourage families to track their student’s reading at home from May 1-14. Students can read to themselves, read to others (families, friends, or even their stuffed animals), or have someone read to them. Reading together is a special time to bond and enjoy a great book!
RETURN! By May 16, return the minute tracker as well as any pledges or donations you’ve received in the envelope that will be provided. On May 16, we will tally up all minutes read as well as donations received for all students. We will celebrate our collective accomplishments during our all-school assembly on Friday, May 17. The theme of this assembly is “Hats Off to Snail Lake” and we encourage all students to wear a hat to school that day!
Library News
Last chance for library books! Our library will close for the summer on May 17th. Please make sure to return all books the following week.
Questions? Contact the library at
Annual Run with the Wolves 5K/Fun Run
When: June 1st
Where: Island Lake Elementary School
3555 Victoria Street North
Shoreview, MN 55126
Time: Kids Fun Run is at 9:00am
5K begins at 9:30am
Registration & check-in begin at 8:00 a.m. on the back of Island Lake Elementary near the playground. To register please go to:
Turtle PTA Meeting
Join us for our last meeting of the school year on Monday, May 13 at 6:30pm at Turtle Lake Elementary School. Childcare will be provided by members of the Mounds View National Honor Society. Everyone is welcome! On the agenda will be board elections as well as a discussion of the budget for next school year.
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en Español por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.