Welcome Back HPS Families!
Hello! سلام! নমস্কার! Namaste! Marhaba! Ola! Привіт! Zdravo! pershendetje!
On behalf of Mrs. Mirjana Maros (MLD District Facilitator) and I, we welcome you to our MLD Newsletter for parents/guardians of Multilingual Learners (ML). In this monthly newsletter you will find information on various topics that are both educational and helpful for our ML families.
Afrin F. Alavi/MLD Director
Mirjana Maros/MLD District Facilitator
Introducing our ML Coordinators
We are here to help! Do not hesitate to reach out to any of us with questions/concerns. Please see below for each building's ML Coordinator:
- Hanan Muhsin (Dickinson East)
- Aieda Dabish (Holbrook)
- Yulia Akulshina Prys (Tau Beta)
- Violetta Kuzniar (KMS)
- Roberta Jovanoska (Horizon)
- Dobrila Spiroska (ECE)
- Bilaal Parker (Dickinson West)
Pending (Hamtramck High School)
HPS’ MLD team (teachers, parapros, Parent Engagement) offers social, emotional, and academic support to students that are new to learning English and those whose first language is not English and are either bilingual or multilingual. We have a devoted group of people to support our students and families in every building throughout the district.
Identification Process
Total Number of Students (K-12): 3,253 (as of September 3, 2024)
Number of MLs: 1,974 (60.68%)
Below is information regarding MLs and the processes used in determining English proficiency level and support.
- Upon new enrollment, all students or parent/guardians must answer the Questions on the state-required Home Language Survey (HLS). This is for the purpose of identifying those students in need of English Learner (EL) services.
- School districts use the Home Language Survey results to identify students with languages other than English.
- The WIDA Screener is an assessment screening tool used to measure the English language proficiency of students who have recently arrived in the U.S. or in a particular district. Students are tested on the WIDA screener in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
- It can help to determine if a child needs English language instructional services.
Possible English Learners must be screened in the first 30 days (school days) of the school year.
Any possible English Learners who enroll after the first 30 days must be screened within two weeks of enrollment.
Next Steps
- If a student is identified as an English Learner, the school will notify the parents/guardians.
- After a child has been identified in need of Multilingual Learner (ML) services, the school will decide and begin the language instruction educational program the student will receive.
- All Multilingual Learner (ML) are tested annually in February-March. This is the WIDA ACCESS test. Students’ English skills are measured in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
- Students exit the program once they are Proficient on the WIDA.
- A report is sent home in the Fall.
Our ML team uses research-based instruction with supports, depending on students’ language proficiency levels, to increase English proficiency. The goal is to help students grow their language skills to show proficiency and exit the program in a timely manner.
Source: Michigan Guide to the WIDA Screener: Information and Policies on Screening Potential English Learners
2024 WIDA Parent Reports
In the next few weeks, parents/ guardians will receive their ML students’ WIDA reports as well as, notification letters. If you have questions/concerns, please contact your child(ren)'s school's ML Coordinator (list of names is above).
Family Engagement Team
Goal: to support the learning and growth of all students and the success of all staff through continued effective partnerships with families, community organizations, and other stakeholders.
ML Home-to-School Specialist
- Afaf Abdo-Nagi Saleh (Arabic)
Parent Engagement Facilitators
- Majid Al Topai (Arabic)
- Ripon Lasker (Bengali & Urdu)
- Jasmin Akther (Bengali)
- Farzana Akhanjee (Bengali)
- Amirah Saleh (Arabic)
ML Home-to-School Specialist Message
We are excited to announce that Parent Engagement English Language Learner Classes will begin the week of September 16, 2024.
Dickinson East parent classes will take place every Tuesday from 1:30-3pm in the cafeteria. Additionally, the Tau Beta parent classes will be held every Wednesday from 2pm-3pm in the cafeteria.
Registration for the Dickinson East class will be held on Tuesday, September 10th from 1pm-3pm in the cafeteria. For those interested in the Tau Beta class, registration will take place on Wednesday, September 11th from 2pm-3pm in the cafeteria.
If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact Afaf Saleh at 313-729-9764. Thank you for your interest in our English Language Learner Classes.
Afaf Abdo-Nagi Saleh
Resources for ALL HPS Families
- Translation/Interpretation Services
- Medical/Dental/Vision/Hearing
- Adult ESL Classes
Are Bilingual Kids Smarter Because They Are Skilled in Multiple Languages?
For years, research has been done on the intelligence levels of bilingual kids. Knowing how to speak 2 or more language has lots of benefits, and countless studies indicate that bilingual kids are smarter than others.
Afrin F. Alavi (aalavi@hamtramckschools.org)
Mirjana Maros (mmaros@hamtramckschools.org