Just Keep Reading-A-Thon
September 30th-October 11th
Read-A-Thon is back!
Welcome Parents, Students and Friends to our 2024-25 Read-A-Thon! This is WESA's one big fundraiser of the school year. We raise funds to pay for your child's free WESA t-shirt each year, the funds allow us to not charge fees for most of our clubs, it helps us bring arts integration experiences to the school for your students and other student centered projects. One of the other projects this year is to purchase books for a book vending machine. Students will be able to earn a token to use in the vending machine to get a free book. Vending machine coming soon!
We are using a NEW platform this year. For those of you who have been with us, you may notice a different look. All the same applications are available, however this platform allows for easier payment options and allows for checks and cash. To turn in checks/cash, put the money in an envelope with your child's name on it and "Read-A-Thon. It will be brought to the office and applied to your child's account! On Friday your child will bring home a flyer explaining how to register your child, record minutes and how to earn prizes. The first 200 students registered will receive a free kid's meal from Culver's. (no adult purchase necessary)
Our Just Keep Reading-a-thon brings students together with family and friends to encourage reading and to build literacy skills. The main focus of the Read-a-thon is for everyone to know we are committed to improving reading skills. To that end, the Read-a-thon promises to be a fun, exciting journey for all participants as they begin a personal Reading Adventure. Watch for messages from your classroom teacher with more details along the way.
You will find this to be the easiest fundraiser possible. By simply activating your reader’s personal page and using the promotional tools found there, friends and family anywhere in the world can show their support for your reader by making a flat donation to our Read-a-thon.
We hope each one of you will activate your child’s personal page today and start logging sessions! Our Read-a-thon will start Monday, September 30th and run through Friday, October 11th.
Ways to Support Your Reader
WESA Home Page
Parent Registration Instructions
- Register for the fundraiser or login to your parent dashboard here
- On the parent dashboard, make sure your child has been successfully added to our fundraising event
- Share, easily send at least 10 text messages and/or E-mails, plus post on social media
The BIG Prize
The BIG prize for the most money raised includes an underwater gift set, fish tank building set and seat of your choice at the all school musical this spring. You and your family will be the first to enter the auditorium and choose your seats for BOTH shows.