May 2024
Hello Avon Lake!
We are starting to hit the final stretch for the class of 2024 as they head into prom and graduation. The remaining student body will certainly remain focused into final exams. In this month's newsletter you will find more outstanding accomplishments of students and staff. Also, information regarding our new bell schedule. Please visit our high school website, pay special attention to social media and School Messenger for updates.
Thank you for your support.
Take care,
Michael J. May, Principal
2 - OST Testing for Social Studies
7 - Early Release
7 - Spring Band Concert
9 - Orchestra Concert
10 - Cap and Gown Delivery
12 - IMMIX and Merples Spring Concert
13 PTSA Meeting (6pm)
18 - Senior Prom
23 Spring Choral Concert
24 - Senior Field Day
27 - No School (Memorial Day)
29 - Final Exams for Seniors
30 - Final Exams for Seniors
31 - Final Exams for Seniors
31 - Seniors Last Day of School
3 - Final Exams for Underclassmen
4 - Final Exams for Underclassmen
5 - Final Exams for Underclassmen
5 - Last Day of of School for Grades 9-11
7 - Senior Breakfast and Graduation Practice (8am ALHS Stadium)
7 - Graduation (6pm ALHS Stadium)
To subscribe or view the high school calendar click here
8 Period Bell Schedule Information
Please click the link below for important information regarding next year's 8 period bell schedule. There is important information regarding overall scheduling items and 2024-2025 master scheduling information.
All school fees and outstanding lunch balances need to be paid in full in order to purchase a Prom ticket or to walk for Graduation. Senior payment plans must be fulfilled by May 10, 2024. If there is a charge for a missing textbook, calculator, charger or Chromebook and your student has the missing item, please see Mrs. Hout with the item and the fee will be removed
Seniors - Class of 2024
Cap & Gown pick up day is May 10th during lunch periods.
To order your cap & gown, you may email rodd.torbert@jostens.com or go to www.jostens.com. Caps & Gowns must be paid for before picking up.
Cords will be handed out on May 24th at the end of Senior Field Day.
Each graduate will receive 12 tickets. Tickets will be picked up by the seniors at Graduation practice on June 7th. There is not an option for more tickets, 12 is the maximum.
*If handicap or wheelchair tickets are needed seniors can email jannuzzij@alstudent.org
to request a ticket. Emails must come from students. When emailing please put the name of the person that each ticket is needed for. In addition state which, if a handicap or wheelchair ticket is needed. The last day to request Handicap or Wheelchair tickets is April 1st.
For Complete information click the link below
2024 Important Dates Commencement Information & Practice Procedures
School Fees
All school fees and outstanding lunch balances need to be paid in full in order to purchase a Prom ticket or to walk for Graduation. Senior payment plans must be fulfilled by May 10, 2024. If there is a charge for a missing textbook, calculator, charger or Chromebook and your student has the missing item, please see Mrs. Hout with the item and the fee will be removed
Please contact Laura Hout (laura.hout@alcsoh.org) to set up a payment plan for your student. Payment plans for Senior students must be fulfilled by May 10, 2024. Building administration does not hold the ability to waive fees.
Payment Options:
Check made payable to ALHS can be mailed to :
Avon Lake High School
Attn: Student Fees
175 Avon Belden Rd
Avon Lake, OH 44012
Place payment in an envelope marked "Student Fees" into the Payment Depository located to the right of the Main Office door.
Payments can be made online at www.payschoolscentral.com. The student's ID number is necessary to set up an account. A 3.9% Convenience Fee for all credit card or a $1.75 Flat Fee for all ACH (electronic check) transactions will be charged. If you are having trouble accessing your account please contact support at 877-393-6628.
The fee is $300 per student, per school year to participate in any sport at the high school. There is a District Family Cap of $400 for families with more than one High School and/or Learwood Middle School student participating in sports. More information on Pay to Participate can be found on the athletics homepage of the website. www.avonlakesports.com
If there are any questions or concerns regarding your school fee balance please contact Laura Hout (laura.hout@alcsoh.org) or 440-933-6290 x 1548.
If there are any questions regarding your lunch account please contact Andrea Sokolow (andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org) or 440-933-6210 x 1522.
Food Service News
Parents of Seniors, Congratulations!
Please help Food Service achieve our goal of having all Senior lunch balances at ZERO.
- · Make lunch account current
- · Use the funds
- · Transfer to younger siblings
- · Donate to students in need
- · Ask for a refund
Food Service is here to help. Please reach out.
Andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org or call 440-930-8215
Attention to all parents with students that are planning to attend Prom on May 18th.
Negative lunch balances are to be paid in full before your student can purchase Prom tickets or walk at Graduation. If you need help or want to make payments towards the balance or have concerns and/or questions concerning your student’s lunch account, please reach out to Andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org or call 440-930-8215.
Avon Lake High School students have been presented with an opportunity to attend a Holocaust Remembrance Day Program at the Lorain Palace Theater on Wednesday, May 8. The program is approximately 90 minutes and will begin with a Holocaust Survivor speaking of her personal experiences. There will also be a limited number of Violins of Hope coming from Jerusalem. These violins were saved before their owners were taken to Auschwitz. Each violin has a story of how it survived and how they now have a life of their own. By working with the Dean of the Oberlin Conservatory, the Lorain Palace Theater was able to bring these precious instruments to Lorain County which is almost an impossible feat because they travel the world usually only going to big cities. If any parent would like to attend this program, it is open to the community at no charge on Sunday, May 5 at 4:30 PM in Warner Hall at the Oberlin College Conservatory and will also be repeated Monday, May 6 at 7:00 PM at the Lorain Palace Theater.
OST Testing
Spring is in the air which means state testing season is upon us! Students need to take the OSTs that correspond with their enrolled courses. Please review the testing schedule with your student to find out which tests are required for them. All testing is online and students must bring their fully charged, school issued Chromebook each day.
Please note: if you have a student that must retake a state test to earn a passing score, he/she will be notified by the Counseling Department.
For more information on graduation requirements, please refer to the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce or contact your child’s counselor.
Band News
Please join us on Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00pm in the Dr. Daniel B. Ross Performing Arts Center for our Spring Band Concert
Clinic News
End of Year Medication Pick-Up
Please remember any student medication and/or medical supplies that you have provided for use at school must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school. By board policy, students may not transport any medication home. Medications not picked up promptly will be discarded, as they cannot be stored at school over the summer.
Meningococcal Vaccine
The Ohio Department of Health has updated immunization requirements and now requires that *2 doses of MCV4-Meningococcal vaccine be administered before a student enters 12th grade. This vaccine protects against meningitis.
You will need to show proof of your current 11th grader having received these vaccines before he or she can return to school in the fall of 2024. We hope that by sharing this information with you now, you will be able to complete this form during regular physical appointments with your child’s doctor and return it to school. Please follow up with your child’s physician to be sure proper vaccines are in place.
If you would like more information on meningitis, please use the following link https://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/
*If the first dose of MCV4 was administered on or after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required. Ohio Revised Code (Section 3313.671) requires “exclusion” on the 15th day of school entrance of all pupils who do not meet the above requirements.
Please click the link below for the form
Camp Invention
Camp Invention is returning to Avon Lake June 10th – 13th! We are in need of Leadership Interns to help make camp a success! The Leadership Intern (LI) opportunity is ideal for high school and college-age students seeking to build leadership skills through hands-on, practical experience working with students. This opportunity introduces entrepreneurial and intellectual property concepts, builds confidence, strengthens college applications, and provides an opportunity to earn 40 service hours.
Leadership Interns are vital to the Camp Invention program and participant experience. They help create an environment of fun, learn strategies to encourage collaborative learning, serve as role models to participants and middle school Leaders-in-Training (LITs), and assist in providing a safe environment for participants. A dedicated and enthusiastic LI can make a lasting impression on a Camper's experience. Visit www.campinvention.org and apply to be a Leadership Intern today!
For more information on the Guidance Department please click the links below.
2023-2024 Yearbook
- Scan the QR code or go to Jostens.com/YBK to order
- If you ordered a 2022-2023 Yearbooks See Mrs. Rudkin or email tori.rudkin@alcsoh.org her for pick up.
- Seniors send your baby photos to Mrs. Rudkin for the Yearbook tori.rudkin@alcsoh.org
Dr. Cocco 9th brad.cocco@alcsoh.org
Mrs. Gingo 10th & 11th maria.gingo@alcsoh.org
Mr. Slabodnick 12th adam.slabodnick@alcsoh.org
It is important to come to school on time. Tardies to school accrue throughout the school year and may result in office discipline or truancy referrals.
Additionally, junior and senior passes may be removed from a student's schedule by administrators or by parent request for any failing course grades, discipline, and/or poor attendance.
If you have questions regarding your student's tardies, senior passes, etc please contact your student's Assistant Principal.
March Rotary Student of the Month
April ALHS Staff Spotlight
April Rotary Student of the Month
No Parking - Avon Lake Library
Please use the high school parking lots for student pick-up.
Thank you.
Sporting Event Ticket Information
Individual event ticket prices for 2023-24 have been set by the Southwestern Conference (SWC). To view ticket prices, click here. Cash is also now being accepted at events.
There are some slight changes from the previous few school years. Notably, senior citizens (60+) will now be admitted FREE to all of the Southwestern Conference schools’ regular season events.
Please bring proof of age (driver’s license or equivalent) to any SWC event to pick up your pass. An SWC Senior Citizen pass will allow the holder into any SWC regular season game, but are not applicable for post season games or tournaments. For a complete summary of ticket information, click here.
Donate your old sneakers
The Girls Golf team is recycling used athletic shoes. It is a small fundraiser for the team and the project keeps athletic shoes out of landfills. Please drop off your shoes to Room 165. Thank you to those who have donated, we appreciate your support.
ALHS Weight Room
Did You Know?
The ALHS Weight Room is open to Avon Lake residents during the following times (on days when school is in session):
Morning Times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:15 – 7:15 a.m.
Evening Times:
Monday through Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Residents must bring their ID with them. Middle school students must bring a parent/guardian. For complete rules and regulations, click the link below:
Author Visit Sept. 26, 2024.
Join The Avon Lake Public Library & Avon Lake High School for a Author Visit on Sept 26, 2024.
Author Elizabeth Letts will be at the High School for a 1 p.m. session and at the library for a 7 p.m. session about her novel Finding Dorothy .
Bell Schedules
- Daily Bell Schedule
- Early Release Bell Schedule
- All other bell schedules will be available to students via Google Classroom
Avon Lake High School
Commons Doors Open At 7:00AM
Interior Doors Open At 7:15AM
Main Office Hours
7:15AM - 3:30PM
Work Permit
Students who need a work permit please click the link here for instructions and forms.
Email: erica.petras@alcsoh.org
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/highschool
Location: 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-933-6290