
For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given... Isaiah 9:6
Time to Order January Hot Lunches!
Hot Lunch ordering for January is now available.
The last day to order is December 17th.
Go to https://cullmanchristian.gradelinklunch.com/ to order.
Make sure you select the dot beside the menu item and then press "add lunch."
After all lunches are added, BEFORE YOU PRESS SUBMIT, please check and make sure that it is showing the day and the price of $6.00 for EACH DAY. If there is a day that does not show the date and the price, then it will not process correctly.
Looking Back on Last Week
Parent Helpers
FTN Incentives - Meals
FTN Incentives - Teacher for a Day
Special Delivery
She even helped mailed some letters to Santa.
Youth Leadership
Reindeer in Training
Elf Art
Anatomy Lab
Crafty Surprise
A few of the seniors and other upper school students surprised Mr. Rutherford this week with a bedazzled self-portrait. Each pixel of the picture has a hand-placed crystal. Wonder where he will hang it?
Stacking Fun
CCS Alumni Chapel Speaker
Miss Gracie Lee, Class of 2024 CCS graduate, came home from college to share with upper school students during chapel service. It was great hearing Gracie talk about God's perfect timing and remind us not to get in a rush. Gracie is currently studying at Samford University.
LEO Club Officer Elections
The LEO Club held their officer elections on Tuesday. Congratulations to the following elected leaders!
- President - Andrew Jones
- Vice-President - Aby Robertson
- Secretary - Zoe Powell
- Treasurer - Asa Haynes
- Board Representatives - Emmalyn Wilkins, Hayden Smith, and Gracie Stidham
Socratic Method
Mrs. Robertson's English students tested their communication skills and content knowledge by participating in socratic seminars this week. This exercise encourages listening and debate skills as each student articulated their thoughts about the reading.
Christmas Songs and Student Worship Leaders
The students have been enjoying the Christmas season with some classic songs. This group, with the help of Mrs. Warden, led their peers in worship.
Remember Our Military at Christmas
Jingle Bell Jamboree
Thank you to everyone who came out to see the show and to our teachers, Mrs. Warden and Mrs. Griffin, who made it all possible!
See More Photos from December 9-14, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- December 16 - Christmas PJ Day!
- December 16 - Basketball vs Winston County (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- December 17 - Christmas Movie Character Day!
- December 17 - Basketball vs Meek at Home (JHG, JHB, VG, VB)
- December 18 - Christmas Sweater Day!
- December 18 - Upper School Semester Exams (Math, Science, History)
- December 19 - Christmas Pictures with Santa Day!
- December 19 - Upper School Semester Exams (English, Bible, Latin)
- December 20 - Christmas Accessory Day!
- December 20 - EARLY DISMISSAL DAY (11:30)
- December 21 - Basketball vs Waterloo at Home (VG, VB)
CHRISTMAS BREAK - December 21-January 6
Looking Ahead
We will be having Christmas Dress Up days from December 16th-20th.
- Monday, December 16th- PJ Day (Wear your favorite Christmas pajamas)
- Tuesday, December 17th- Christmas Movie Characters (ex. Rudolph, Grinch, The Star)
- Wednesday, December 18th- Christmas Sweater Day (Ugly or not you choose)
- Thursday, December 19th- Christmas Picture Day (Wear what you would for a holiday or Santa picture)
- Friday, December 20th- Christmas Accessory Day (Wear your favorite Santa hat, Christmas socks, light up necklace, etc.)
CCS Families:
It's time to start praying about enrollment decisions for 2025-2026!
Traditionally re-enrollment month has been in February. With the increase of enrollment interest we are experiencing, this may be moved up a little earlier. Please start thinking and praying about what your family will want to do. Official re-enrollment procedures will be announced in the coming weeks.
The CHOOSE Act (Alabama's School Choice Act)
You may have heard by now that Alabama lawmakers passed a new education savings account program, the CHOOSE Act, earlier this year. They have now launched a new website that provides the latest information about the program, including eligibility information.
The family application process for the 2025-2026 school year will open on January 2, 2025 and close on April 7, 2025.
Families may visit the website now to inquire about their potential eligibility.
Funding for eligible students includes up to $7,000 per participating student enrolled in a participating school. CCS is an approved, participating school.
Visit the link below for more information.
*2nd Chance for Parent Webinar*
If you missed the first one, the Alabama Department of Revenue is offering another webinar this Friday, December 27 at 1 PM for parents. This would be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the details of the program and eligibility requirements!
To attend the webinar you must register at https://classwallet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_At5ptlmwQpSYMkP0VKCcbQ#/registration
Get ready to start the 2nd semester off with a blast!
Basketball HOMECOMING WEEK will be the first week back from Christmas Break!
Details will be sent out over the holiday break.
A few other items...
Pictures with Santa
Santa, Mr. Delbert, will be at the Beech campus on Thursday, December 19th for pictures from 9:00-12:00.
Mark your calendar for this fun opportunity!
Upper School Semester Exams
- Wednesday, December 18: Math, Science, History
- Thursday, December 19: English, Bible, Latin
- Friday, December 20: Individual Make Ups as Scheduled
The latest Facebook video...
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED / Cognia Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu