News from the Nest

- Athletic Accomplishments
- Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills
- Help us break 1000 followers on the new Official District Facebook Page!
- Upper Dublin Township Comprehensive Plan
- Upcoming Events
- Kindergarten Registration for 24/25
- Summer STEM
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
A Message from Dr. Laurie Smith
Upper Dublin has a lot to be proud of. This week I'd like to highlight the accomplishments of several of our athletic teams!
- Boys Swimming sent 9 athletes to districts with 3 individuals earning district medals. All three relay teams finished on the podium as medalists and guaranteed spots at States in two weeks. The team finished in 5th place which is the best finish since 2020.
- The Girls Swimming team won the 2024 District I Championship last weekend at York! We sent 16 athletes who swam in 29 individual events which was the most in District I. The Medley Relay won a gold medal, while the other relays each finished in 2nd place. Eight individuals earned medals and 14 athletes scored points for the girls' team who put up 261 points total, which was 79.5 points higher than the 2nd place team.
- Indoor Track & Field - Congratulations to our Girls' 4x800 relay who won the State Championship in that event, shattering the school record. Two other relays, the Distance Medley Relay, and the 4x400 relay also won state medals each finishing in 7th place.
- Girls Wrestling - Rylee Netter finished in 3rd Place in the SE Regional Wrestling Tournament, guaranteeing her a spot in the first-ever PIAA Girls Wrestling State Tournament next week in Hershey.
- Boys Basketball - With a 55-25 win over Sun Valley last Saturday, the boys faced Unionville on Thursday night at West Chester for the District I 5A Championship. It was the school's first appearance in the district championship game since 1985.
We are extremely proud of all of our athletes for their continued commitment to their sports and for demonstrating Cardinal Pride and representing our school district!
Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week (March 4th through 6th) the Transportation Department will be conducting mandated Emergency Evacuation Drills when they arrive at their schools. While these drills help staff and students prepare for emergency situations, they are time consuming and might cause delays. Our buildings have already been notified of the schedule and any student that arrives late by bus will be excused. This process could also cause delays in middle school and elementary school students getting picked up at their bus stops. To better keep track of when your students' bus will arrive at the bus stop please use the Here Comes the Bus Application that was introduced in early February.
Click the image below to learn more about how to setup your account!
UDSD Launches NEW Facebook Page!
Like and follow the official Upper Dublin School District Facebook Page today. Just click the image below. Help us reach our goal of 4,000 followers!
Upper Dublin Township Comprehensive Plan
Upper Dublin Township is updating its Comprehensive Plan. You can help shape the future of Upper Dublin Township by:
- Taking the Upper Dublin Township Comprehensive Plan Update online survey. Take the survey here. The survey will close on March 12, 2024.
- Participating in visioning activities at pop-up events throughout the township during the months of January, February, and March. There are two remaining events scheduled:
- The Promenade — Sunday, March 3rd (12 - 1 p.m.) (This is a new date due to anticipated rain.)
- EPAB Open House — Saturday, March 9th (10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at the UD Library)
All Upper Dublin residents are encouraged to participate! The feedback received from the survey responses will inform the Comprehensive Plan and guide the township’s vision and efforts fro the net 10 years. The plan provides a framework for decision-making in transportation, housing, economic development, community facilities, natural resources, and more. The township will refer to this plan to develop current and future community projects. Questions? Please contact Alison Giles, Zoning Officer & Planning Coordinator, at agiles@upperdublin.net or 215-643-1600 x3213.
Preventing Gun Violence
Superintendent, Dr. Laurie Smith, and the District's Safety Supervisor, Mr. Shea Creamer are participating in a panel as part of this Interfaith Community Forum. They will be sharing about safety in our schools and the role of parents/guardians. They will be joined by several other speakers on the panel including Chief Wheatley from Upper Dublin Police and Representative Ben Sanchez. Representatives from several organizations will also be present to share their resources.
Roll the Dice for a Cause: Winning Cards Casino Night on March 16
Don't miss a night of fundraising and fun, hosted by the Upper Dublin Education Foundation and Upper Dublin Township, at the Manor House at Commonwealth. Winning "Cards" Casino Night is all about supporting our community, directly benefiting our schools and local charities. Join us for a night of casino gaming with professional dealers, delicious food and drinks, and incredible prizes and auction items. Bet on an entertaining night of giving back and register now!
PSSA Dates
English Language Arts (Students in Grades 3 - 8) ~ April 24, 25, 26
Mathematics (Students in Grades 3 - 8) ~ April 30 & May 1
Science (Students in Grades 4 & 8) ~ May 7 & 8
Kindergarten & New Student Registration
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 school year. Click the image for more information.
Summer STEM Academy
Come join us for our Summer STEM Academy for K-12 students! Students work collaboratively, learn perseverance, and engage in
project-based learning. Click the image for more details or click here to register!
2024-2025 District Calendar
The School Board approved the District Calendar for next school year. Click the image to see the details.