Superintendent Update

Superintendent's Update: March 5, 2025
Dear Medway families,
We hope that this update finds you well. It has been a very busy few weeks in our schools. We are excited to share that the 2025-2030 Medway Schools Strategic Plan was approved by the Medway School Committee at a recent meeting. This important document will guide our work over the next five years and ensure that we continue to provide an excellent education for all of our students. Over the coming months we will engage in planning to further articulate the specific initiatives we will undertake to achieve the Strategic Priorities outlined in the plan.
As you have likely seen, there have been challenges across the Commonwealth as school districts work to plan a budget for the upcoming school year. We would like to thank the Medway Select Board, Finance Committee, and School Committee for their collaborative efforts during the budget development process. We have made a request for a significant increase in funding for next year, which the Town has affirmed that they can meet through the use of funds from the Battery Storage facility currently under construction as well as the use of available tax levy. Please find more detailed information about the request below.
Finally, in our continued Spotlight on Excellence series, for March we highlight the Medway Early Childhood Center which is led by our Community Education department and offers childcare for employees. This program has been a great service for our employees and has supported our recruitment of excellent staff. Please take a few minutes to watch the latest Spotlight on Excellence: Medway Early Childhood Center.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
2025-2026 School Year Calendar
During the February 13 School Committee meeting, the 2025-2026 school calendar was approved. A copy of the approved 2025-2026 school year calendar can be found here.
Fiscal Year 2026 Proposed Medway Schools Budget
Last Thursday we presented a proposed Fiscal Year 2026 Budget to the Medway School Committee. This presentation was made following many collaborative meetings between school and Town officials. The FY26 budget request includes a request for a significant increase in funding, As previously shared, since Medway is a “minimum aid” district, additional Chapter 70 funding from the Commonwealth is limited. The majority of any new additional funding comes from the Town of Medway. The increase is necessary to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of all of our students. If interested, please review the FY26 Proposed Budget Presentation and FY26 Budget Book. Continued budget discussion will take place at a joint meeting with the Medway Finance Committee on March 12, and during a Public Hearing at the School Committee on March 13. Final approval of a Medway Schools budget by the school committee is expected on April 3.
2024-2025 DESE Report Cards
Each year, schools and districts across the Commonwealth are required to share DESE developed “report cards” which highlight performance under a number of criteria. Building principals will be sharing these reports with families as well. A fact sheet on the “report card” can be found here and a letter from Assistant Superintendent Paul Peri with a link to school report cards can be found below.
Town Forum on Hanlon Track and Field Project- April 14, 2025
As you may know, the Hanlon Track and Field at Medway High School needs to be replaced. We are at a critical point where without the replacement of both the track and field, they will soon no longer be fit for use.
The Town is continuing to work to identify a solution to this challenge. The Town has scheduled a Community Forum to discuss the replacement of the Hanlon Track and Field, which will take place on April 14 at 7:00 p.m. The discussion will include Town and Medway Schools personnel and will include an overview of replacement options. The goal is to answer questions and finalize a proposal for the upcoming spring Town Meeting.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025/2026 School Year is OPEN!
Kindergarten registration has opened for the 2025-2026 school year. 2025-2026 school year kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025. Registration information is available online, in the superintendent’s office, and at the McGovern School. We will send more information out in the coming weeks, but wanted to share dates for planning purposes. Finally, please mark your calendars for Kindergarten Camp which will take place from July 28-August 1. We will publish additional information as it becomes available. We look forward to welcoming our Class of 2038 to the Medway Public Schools!
We encourage you to pass on this message to others who may not have children who currently attend the Medway Schools.
Transportation Registration for the 2025/2026 School Year will open April 1
Transportation registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on April 1. Registration will be processed through the Parent Portal.
Please note that ALL students for whom transportation is requested must be registered. This includes those for whom no payment is required. Registrations requiring payment must be fully paid within five (5) days of registration or the registration will be canceled.
A synopsis of the program is as follows:
Students in K through Grade 6 who live more than 2 miles from school will receive school transportation at no cost
Students in K through Grade 6 who live less than 2 miles from school, and all students in grades 7-12 who do not qualify for free transportation, can participate in transportation via the district’s Pay to Ride program. The program is structured as follows:
$265 annual fee for first child in a family; $160 annual fee for each additional child with an annual family cap of $585
Students may take a different bus in the morning than the afternoon but each bus (morning and afternoon) must be consistent all 5 days of the week.
Example of approved scenario:
Morning pickup on Bus A at home
Afternoon dropoff on Bus B at daycare
Example of approved scenario:
Morning pickup on Bus A at home
Bus to MEDI on M, T, W
Either Bus A or Bus B on Th, F (must be the same on both days)
*Note: Transportation to and from MEDI is managed by MEDI and not considered a separate stop
In addition, families who meet the federal guidelines for free and reduced lunch will not be required to pay for transportation. At this time, qualification based on the income eligibility guidelines for 2024/25 school year will provide eligibility for free transportation for 2025/26.
The School Committee approved the 2025-26 Transportation Handbook at its February 27 meeting.
Please note that per Medway School Committee policy JFBB, School Choice students are not eligible for district transportation.
Substitute Nurses Needed
We are currently looking for registered nurses to add to our substitute pool. Ensuring that each of our school buildings has daily nursing support is important to us, and with limited nurses in our substitute pool, this can be very challenging at times. If you are a registered nurse and are interested in being added to our substitute pool, please contact Carly Hofstra, Human Resources Manager at hr@medwayschools.org.
Spring MCAS Schedule
Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 will be participating in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science/Technology/Engineering between March and May. These assessments, while representing only one measure of student learning, provide the district with valuable information about areas of success and where we can improve. Students are encouraged to be on time and in attendance on these days.
Student Recognitions
Winter Sports Update
Girls Basketball: On February 27, the girls defeated Pope Francis High School in the Round of 32 MIAA Division 3 Tournament. They hosted Old Rochester Regional High School in the Round of 16 game last night, but were defeated. The girls had a strong season.
Boys Basketball: They won the TVL Small Title! The boys defeated Dennis-Yarmouth High School on Tuesday, February 25 in the MIAA Division 3 Preliminary game and moved on to the Round of 32 to play #2 Norwell High School on Friday, February 28 where they were defeated.
Boys Hockey: The boys defeated Cohasset-Hull on February 26 in the MIAA Division 4 Round of 32 and moved on to the Round of 16 on March 1 where they were defeated by Hudson in an exciting double-overtime.
Alpine Ski: Our Medway Co-op Ski Team won the CMCSL Title; the first time in school history! The MIAA Alpine Ski Championship was held on Tuesday, February 25 at Berkshire East in Charlemont where our girls finished in 3rd place.
Gymnastics: Our Medway Co-op Gymnastics Team won the TVL Title with an undefeated season! The team competed in the MIAA South Sectional at Algonquin High School on February 22 and finished in 8th place.
Winter Cheer: Our cheer team took part in several competitions this month:
- February 8- Billerica Memorial High School where the team was Division 3 Champs and Grand Champs of the entire competition!
- February 16- Milford High School Invitational where they were Division 3 Champions!
- February 20- King Philip Invitational where they were Division Champions and Grand Champs for the entire competition!
- February 23- TVL Championship Bellingham High School-The girls are TVL Cheer Champs!
- March 2- MSAA Regionals at Framingham High School on Sunday, where they captured the MSAA South Regional Championship!
They will compete in the MSAA State Championship at Worcester State University on Sunday, March 9, time TBA.
Indoor Track: Natalie Anderson, Allie Chleboski and Nadja McNaney competed in the MSTCA Girl's Pentathlon at the Reggie Lewis Center on February 25. Chase Barucci and Davis Campbell competed in the MSTCA Boy's Pentathlon on Wednesday, February 26. Jack Weintraub competed in the New England Championships in the 600 meters at the Reggie Lewis Center on March 1 and placed 13th!
Swim and Dive: Charlie LaMonica, Devin Bird, and Michael Webb competed in the MIAA South Sectionals on February 9. They also competed in the Division 2 Swim Championship as part of the Holliston/Medway Swim and Dive Team on February 22 where the team finished in 10th place.
Girls Hockey: The girl's hockey team, hosted by Ashland, did not make the tournament, but had a great season.
District Operations
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
Should you or someone you know be interested in learning more about daily substitute opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Carly Hofstra at hr@medwayschools.org for more details.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. Click here to view recently published articles on our district website.
Community Education
Spring Brochure - Arriving soon in your mailbox and on Arbiter Registration, our Spring Brochure features many amazing programs for adults including fitness, art, and wellness plus fun programs for children and teens! The opening registration date will be shared via social media soon!
Summer Youth Programs - Registration is open! We are excited to share our summer programs to help families plan their summer! STEM, Arts, Sports, Theater - we offer unique, engaging and super-fun programs! To view the Brochure, click here and to register via Arbiter, click here. Please contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4 with questions.
Summer Adventures Camp - It is not too late to register your child for our popular camp! There are openings available in Week 1 June 23-27, Week 2 June 30-July 1, and Week 7 August 4-8.
Please use this link to Register on Arbiter.
Summer Camp Employment - We are seeking enthusiastic individuals 16 years-of-age and older to join our team of Camp Counselors! Do you enjoy an adventure every day, being outdoors and interacting with children? If yes, express your interest in this paid position by completing this application. If you are a student ages 14 or 15, our Leader-In-Training program is a fantastic opportunity to volunteer and gain valuable experience. Please indicate your interest by completing the application, too!
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Technology Department - Optional Chromebook Insurance Proposal
The Technology Department would like to inform families of a proposed change to our optional Chromebook insurance policy. Currently, families can purchase insurance through Worth Ave Group for $30 per year, but with minimal claims filed, the $19,000 in premiums primarily benefits the insurance company rather than our schools. To better support students and improve Chromebook repair processes, we are proposing an in-house optional insurance or use fee program. This change would allow Medway Public Schools to retain these funds, using them for:
Covering Repair Costs: Bringing the funds in-house would help offset Chromebook repair costs, reducing reliance on family payments.
Sustaining the 1:1 Program: Funds will be used to maintain and replace student Chromebooks.
Faster Repairs: Insurance claims currently take over 8 weeks to process, while in-house repairs are completed in approximately 48 hours, allowing students to get their devices back quickly.
Supporting Technology Staff: The funds will also help cover staff costs for the Medway Technology Department, which handles a high volume of repairs.
Proposed Plan:
Families can opt into insurance for $29 per year.
Students in 5th and 9th grade can choose a four-year plan for $90 (buy three years, get one free).
Families who do not purchase insurance will be responsible for the full cost of parts for any repairs. If a repair is needed, they will be invoiced and have the option to purchase insurance for future claims.
This proposal is being reviewed for School Committee approval, and we welcome any feedback from families. Thank you for your continued support as we work to improve our 1:1 Chromebook program!
Updates from Support Organizations
Medway Foundation for Education Trivia Bee
The MFE continued the time honored tradition of hosting another successful MFE Trivia Bee on February 26.
There was a large turnout as 20 teams including Charles River Bank, State Senate President Karen Spilka's office, State Representative Jeffrey Roy's office, six teams of high school students, teams of teachers and staff from each school in the district, a School Committee team, and multiple teams from the Medway community competed for the highly coveted trophy.
It was an exciting competition and we wish to extend congratulations to "The Educated Guessers" a team made up of School Committee members, Superintendent Dr. Pires and Assistant Superintendent Paul Peri, for taking home the championship trophy! The MFE hosts these events as fundraising efforts to support innovative grant proposals in support of all students in the Medway Public Schools.
Medway High School Presents Newsies: The Broadway Musical
It's time to carry the banner on our stage with Disney's Newsies! Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged "newsies." When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what's right!
Join them on March 7 at 7:00 p.m. and March 8 at 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. to see this exciting story unfold!
Click here to purchase your tickets now! Tickets will not be sold at the door.
MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle
Who's ready to Shuffle?!
Get your running (or walking) shoes on because early bird registration for the 14th Annual MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle is NOW OPEN! Join the Medway Education PTO on Saturday, March 8, 2025, for a fun-filled 5K (3.1 miles) course that winds through the beautiful back roads of Medway.
This event is perfect for ALL ages and abilities—so bring the whole family! Plus, every step you take supports the creative arts programs in ALL Medway schools!
Save the Date! Dodging 4 Medway Dodgeball Tournament
Get ready to dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge in this year's Dodging 4 Medway Dodgeball Tournament! Support the Medway Foundation for Education and MEPTO by registering your team today. The cost to enroll an 8 person team for this double elimination tournament is $200. Find some friends, determine your division and register today! Awards will be given for 1st and 2nd place as well as prizes for best costume in each division. For additional information and registration, please click here! We hope to see you on March 15!
Medway Friends of the Performing Arts Musical Bingo!
Don’t forget to register for the MFPA Musical Bingo Night!
The MFPA is excited to host our 3rd Annual Musical Bingo night. This year the event will take place on Thursday March 20 at the Medway Middle School cafeteria.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Bingo starts promptly at 6:30 p.m.
Pre-registration is required
Fee is $10/person or $50/family
Mr. Doug Herbst is our Musical Bingo DJ again this year!
This FUNdraiser is an all ages, family-friendly event. There will be incredible music, dancing, and raffle items. Space is limited, so register early. Registration ends March 19th.
Payment can be made after registering in advance via Venmo or cash/check at the door.
Join us for a great night & support the Medway Performing Arts!
Medway Middle School Performing Arts Department Presents Matilda, Jr.
The Medway Middle School Performing Arts Department is proud to announce their spring musical, Matilda Jr.
Based on the book, Matilda JR. is a lively musical about a brilliant girl with special abilities who stands up to cruelty. With support from her kind teacher, Miss Honey, Matilda challenges the terrifying headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, inspiring her classmates to rebel. Filled with catchy songs and energetic dances, this empowering tale delights audiences of all ages.
Performances will take place at Medway High School on Friday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, April 5 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. More information and tickets can be found here.
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : February 12, 2025
Dear Medway families,
We hope this message finds you well. Over the past month, there have been actions and discussions at the federal level regarding potential changes that could impact public education. These include possible shifts in governance structures within the Department of Education, adjustments to federal funding, and updates to regulations related to Title IX, special education services, and immigration policies that may affect some of our students and families. While the full impact of these changes remains uncertain, we recognize that they may create concerns within our school community.
Medway Public Schools remains committed to our mission to “create an academically challenging, safe, and supportive learning environment that promotes the pursuit of excellence for all.” We will continue to work with every student to ensure they feel safe, valued, and supported. We know that these foundations are essential for every student to fully engage in a learning experience that fosters their success and achievement at the highest levels.
Additionally, we will continue to rely on guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, adhere to Medway Public Schools’ policies, and follow all applicable regulations to fulfill our responsibilities. We are also anticipating additional resources for families which we will share when we receive them. Our commitment to supporting students and providing a stable, inclusive learning environment for all remains unwavering.
Please find additional updates below. Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable February break.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
February Break
There will be no school Monday, February 17-Friday, February 23 for Winter Break. We hope you and your families enjoy the week!
2025-2026 (FY26) Medway Public Schools Budget Development
As has been previously communicated, we are well underway with the development of the FY26 Budget. Recently, the Medway School Committee met with the Medway Select Board and the Medway Finance Committee. Each year these three boards come together to discuss the needs of the school for the coming year. This was a very productive meeting with many community members attending to show their support for the Medway Public Schools. The meeting was live-streamed and recorded and can be found here.
At this meeting, there was broad agreement of the need for a significant increase in funding for the Medway Schools. It was recognized that the Massachusetts funding formula (Chapter 70) has been inadequate to provide the Medway Public Schools with the financial support that is necessary to ensure that all students have access to an excellent educational experience. We are fortunate to continue to have leaders of the Town and the broader community who recognize this need and identify ways to ensure that the financial needs are met. We are seeking a funding increase of $2.66 million dollars. This represents a significant increase in funding from previous years and is necessary to ensure continuation of programs and services for our students.
The Budget Development process is far from over and there will be many opportunities to learn more about the financial needs for the Medway Public Schools for FY26 and beyond. Upcoming meetings that will include a discussion of the FY26 Budget are as follows:
February 27: FY26 Budget Presentation to the Medway School Committee, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
March 12: FY26 Preliminary Budget Presentation to the Medway Finance Committee, Location TBD, 7:00 p.m.
March 13: Public Hearing on the FY26 Budget Request (Medway School Committee), Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
March 13: Medway School Committee Discussion of the FY26 Preliminary Budget, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, following Public Hearing.
April 3: Medway School Committee Vote on FY26 Budget Request, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
May 12: Final Approval of the FY26 Medway Public Schools Budget at the Medway Annual Town Meeting, Medway High School Auditorium, 88 Summer Street, 7:00 p.m.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025/2026 School Year is OPEN!
Kindergarten registration has opened for the 2025-2026 school year. 2025-2026 school year kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025. Registration information is available online, in the superintendent’s office, and at the McGovern School. We will send more information out in the coming weeks, but wanted to share dates for planning purposes. Finally, please mark your calendars for Kindergarten Camp which will take place from July 28-August 1. We will publish additional information as it becomes available. We look forward to welcoming our Class of 2038 to the Medway Public Schools!
We encourage you to pass on this message to others who may not have children who currently attend the Medway Schools.
Pre-School Lottery is Currently Open from 1/27/25 until 2/21/25
The integrated preschool works to create an inclusive environment where all children may realize their full potential. The integrated program consists of students who require services due to their identified disabilities as well as community peers, who are not eligible for special education services and are not experiencing delays in their development. For families interested in having their child attend the Integrated Preschool program at McGovern School, please click on the follow link for more information and access to the application: Preschool Lottery and Application Information
Substitute Nurses Needed
We are currently looking for registered nurses to add to our substitute pool. Ensuring that each of our school buildings has daily nursing support is important to us, and with limited nurses in our substitute pool, this can be very challenging at times. If you are a registered nurse and are interested in being added to our substitute pool, please contact Carly Hofstra, Human Resources Manager at hr@medwayschools.org.
Spring MCAS Schedule
Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 will be participating in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science/Technology/Engineering between March and May. These assessments, while representing only one measure of student learning, provide the district with valuable information about areas of success and where we can improve. Students are encouraged to be on time and in attendance on these days.
Inclement Weather Information and Notification Process Change
As anticipated, this winter has included a number of weather events. When weather conditions result in a change in the typical school schedule we notify families via email and phone call. We are making a change to our phone call procedure and will move to the “robocall” for voice messages. We are making this change as the system we use has the ability to translate and share information in the home language of our families, which ensures clarity of the plan during these days.
As a reminder, we are sharing information about our procedures when dealing with inclement weather.
It is the goal of the district to hold school whenever possible. Parents and students should plan accordingly and leave plenty of time on winter mornings to arrive at school safely. Please know that the final decision about a child attending school during a weather event always rests with individual families. There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions.
We will review anticipated road conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.
The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:
No School Announcement
If the Superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled. The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and email using the information you have provided to your child’s school. The “no-school” announcement will also be shared on social media channels and carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7.
All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled. Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.
One or Two-Hour Delayed Opening Announcement
If the Superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one or two-hour delay may be made. As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.
Please keep in mind:
Bus routes will begin by a one or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.
Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.
Emergency Early Release Announcement
If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day. Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website. As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.
Additional Reminders for Parents
Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.
Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above. If your child is regularly driven to school and you or they feel it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.
Inclement Weather Bus Stops
In prior years the District provided the opportunity for families to sign up to be notified when their child could use the bus during inclement weather, and when sidewalks were not plowed. With the change of transportation practices, including an opportunity for all students to participate, and the daily ridership on buses, this is no longer an option. We ask that families plan accordingly.
Student Recognitions
Congratulations to the Innovation Career Pathway Program Inductees
The Innovation Career Pathways (ICP) program is designed to give students coursework and work-based learning experiences in specific high-demand industries.
On January 22, 32 freshmen students were admitted to the ICP program. An orientation will take place at the high school to officially welcome the students to the program and kick off their ICP journeys on February 13.
Congratulations National Spanish Honor Society Inductees
The SHH is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish and/or Portuguese, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The SHH was formally organized as the Spanish National Honor Society in 1953. The name was changed to Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica in 1959.
To be inducted as a member of the Spanish National Honor Society a student must have a minimum cumulative average of 3.0, As and Bs in Spanish classes and be enrolled in a Spanish class at or above Spanish 4. One must remain enrolled in a Spanish class senior year in order to remain a member of the Honor Society.
Congratulations to the following students on their induction into the Medway High School chapter of the National Spanish Honor Society:
Elias Alarmani
Anthony Bonarrigo
Lauren Carlson
Daniela Carrasco
Kai Connolly
Ava Cortis
Sydney Coyle
Allyson Fagan
Evelyn Francis
Anna Freeman
Charlotte George
Regan Longval
Amelia MacEvoy
Sabrina McAdams
Orla Mulcahy
Varshini Prapagar
Victoria Ribao
Emma Taraborelli
Gavin Tramontozzi
17th Annual Middle School Science Fair
Congratulations and thank you to all Medway Middle School Science Fair participants and to Mr. Larry Brown, advisor. This past Tuesday’s event was a wonderful showcase of learning. 41 students debuting 23 projects in grades 7 and 8 participated.
The following students earned award recognition:
3rd Place (TIE)
Name: James Cotsford and Jack Patterson
Project: Ants Impact on the Environment
Area of Science: Life Science - Research
Name: Pedro DaSilva, Lucas Healy, and Jas Bandaru
Project: Archimedes: Inventor of the Solar Death Ray
Area of Science: Science Engineering/Technology - Research
2nd Place
Name: Tanish Rao Asu
Project: DNA: The Code of Life
Area of Science: Chemistry/Life Science - Research
1st Place (TIE)
Name: Nate Dorr
Project: Fly Away (How Airplanes Fly)
Area of Science: Physical Science/Technology - Research
Name: Bennett Simon
Project: Will the Food Last? (5 Second Rule)
Area of Science: Behavioral/Life Science - Scientific Investigation
District Operations
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
As the winter weather rolls in, we predict to see an increase in staff absences due to seasonal illness. Should you or someone you know be interested in learning more about daily substitute opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Carly Hofstra at hr@medwayschools.org for more details.
Medway Public Schools in the News
The following articles were recently shared and published on our district website which can be accessed here:
Community Education
Winter Brochure - Our one-night enrichment programs promise an evening of learning a new skill, unlocking a hidden talent or just having fun! Please take a look at the brochure to see if one piques your interest! To register via Arbiter, click here. Contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4 with questions.
Summer Youth Programs - Registration is open! We are excited to share our summer programs to help families plan their summer! STEM, Arts, Sports, Theater - we offer unique, engaging and super-fun programs, sure to put a smile on all children's faces! To view the Brochure, click here and to register via Arbiter, click here. Please contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4 with questions.
Summer Adventures Camp - It is not too late to register your child for our popular camp! There are openings available in Week 1 June 23-27, Week 2 June 30-July 1, and Week 7 August 4-8.
Please use this link to Register on Arbiter.
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Summer Camp Employment - We are seeking enthusiastic individuals 16 years-of-age and older to join our team of Camp Counselors! Do you enjoy an adventure every day, being outdoors and interacting with children? If yes, express your interest in this paid position by completing this application. If you are a student ages 14 or 15, our Leader-In-Training program is a fantastic opportunity to volunteer and gain valuable experience. Please indicate your interest by completing the application, too!
Updates from Support Organizations
RESCHEDULED! Medway Friends of the Performing Arts Musical Bingo is back!
This FUNdraiser is one not to miss as there is FUN for all ages. Mr. Doug Herbst will once again be our Musical Bingo caller. There will be incredible music, dancing, and raffle items.
Medway Foundation for Education Trivia Bee
The Medway Foundation for Education (MFE) will hold its annual Trivia Bee on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Burke-Memorial cafeteria. Long-time hosts Bob and Dave Verdolino will provide musical clues to trivia questions across a broad range of topics. Register your team of six by emailing medwayfoundationforeducation@gmail.com. Corporate sponsorships are $300, and individual players are $25, or $150 per team. All proceeds support educational programs across the Medway school district.
MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle
Who's ready to Shuffle?!
Get your running (or walking) shoes on because early bird registration for the 14th Annual MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle is NOW OPEN! Join the Medway Education PTO on Saturday, March 8, 2025, for a fun-filled 5K (3.1 miles) course that winds through the beautiful back roads of Medway.
This event is perfect for ALL ages and abilities—so bring the whole family! Plus, every step you take supports the creative arts programs in ALL Medway schools!
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : January 30, 2025
Dear Medway Families,
This week marks the official midpoint of the school year, a time when we reflect on our progress and turn our focus to the future. As we begin planning for the year ahead, two key initiatives are currently underway: the 2025-2026 Budget Planning and the development of the 2025-2030 Medway Public Schools Strategic Plan. Below, you’ll find important updates on both efforts.
We are also excited to share the latest installment of our Spotlight on Excellence video series, which highlights innovative programs within Medway Schools. This episode, Spotlight on Excellence: Community Book Read, showcases the power of collaboration in creating meaningful community learning experiences. A special thanks to the Medway Foundation for Education for their generous support of this initiative. We invite you to take a few minutes to watch the video Spotlight on Excellence: Community Book Read.
Thank you for your continued support of Medway Schools. Please see below for additional updates and news.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
Pre-School Lottery Application Now Open!
The integrated preschool works to create an inclusive environment where all children may realize their full potential. The integrated program consists of students who require services due to their identified disabilities as well as community peers, who are not eligible for special education services and are not experiencing delays in their development.
For families interested in having their child attend the Integrated Preschool program at McGovern School, the lottery for community peers will be open from January 27, 2025 until February 21, 2025. The link to the application can be found here.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will open Monday, February 3 for the 2025-2026 school year! We are still working to finalize all details to make sure that online registration will be working properly, but updates will be available on our website. 2025-2026 school year kindergarten students must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025.
DESE District Visit
2025-2026 (FY26) Medway Public Schools Budget Development
As has been previously communicated, we are well underway with the development of the FY26 Budget. Recently, the Medway School Committee met with the Medway Select Board and the Medway Finance Committee. Each year these three boards come together to discuss the needs of the school for the coming year. This was a very productive meeting with many community members attending to show their support for the Medway Public Schools. The meeting was live-streamed and recorded and can be found here.
At this meeting, there was broad agreement of the need for a significant increase in funding for the Medway Schools. It was recognized that the Massachusetts funding formula (Chapter 70) has been inadequate to provide the Medway Public Schools with the financial support that is necessary to ensure that all students have access to an excellent educational experience. We are fortunate to continue to have leaders of the Town and the broader community who recognize this need and identify ways to ensure that the financial needs are met. We are seeking a funding increase of $2.66 million dollars. This represents a significant increase in funding from previous years and is necessary to ensure continuation of programs and services for our students.
The Budget Development process is far from over and there will be many opportunities to learn more about the financial needs for the Medway Public Schools for FY26 and beyond. Upcoming meetings that will include a discussion of the FY26 Budget are as follows:
- February 27: FY26 Budget Presentation to the Medway School Committee, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
- March 12: FY26 Preliminary Budget Presentation to the Medway Finance Committee, Location TBD, 7:00 p.m.
- March 13: Medway School Committee Discussion of the FY26 Preliminary Budget, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
- March 27: Public Hearing on the FY26 Budget Request (Medway School Committee), Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
- April 3: Medway School Committee Vote on FY26 Budget Request, Medway Middle School, Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, 6:00 p.m.
- May 12: Final Approval of the FY26 Medway Public Schools Budget at the Medway Annual Town Meeting, Medway High School Auditorium, 88 Summer Street, 7:00 p.m.
2025-2030 Medway Public Schools Strategic Plan
We are excited to share that the 2025-2030 Medway Public Schools Strategic Plan is nearing completion. This plan will replace the current one and serve as a roadmap for the district over the next five years. It includes annual progress reviews and a formal evaluation at the three-year mark to allow for adjustments as needed.
We are grateful to the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, which has dedicated the past nine months to this effort. Their work involved analyzing data from multiple sources, including focus groups and surveys conducted last spring, to ensure the plan is responsive to both current and anticipated future needs of the Medway Schools.
The next step is presenting the draft plan to the Medway School Committee at its February 6 meeting, with a request for final approval on February 27. We look forward to sharing the draft plan with the community following the initial presentation.
Student Recognitions
All State Chorus
Congratulations on the acceptance of Medway High School choir members into the annual Massachusetts Music Educators Association All-State Chorus Festival!
Aidan Christie
Ally Fagan
Nora Keavany
These students prepared a difficult piece for a live audition this past Saturday and now have the opportunity to participate in a full-day festival in March, culminating in a performance with some of the best High School choir singers from around the state at Boston's Symphony Hall.
District Operations
Community Education
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Summer Adventures Camp - Registration for Camp 2025 opens on Friday, January 31, at 8:00 a.m.! Please use the following links to Register on Arbiter and Pay on UniPay. Important: Register only for the weeks you know your child is able to attend; the Cancellation/Refund Policy is noted here. Also, be ready to upload your child’s most recent Health Form/Immunization Record at the time of registration, as required by the Medway Board of Health.
Summer Camp Employment - We are seeking enthusiastic individuals 16 years-of-age and older to join our team of Camp Counselors! Do you enjoy an adventure every day, being outdoors and interacting with children? If yes, express your interest in this paid position by completing this application. If you are a student ages 14 or 15, our Leader-In-Training program is a fantastic opportunity to volunteer and gain valuable experience. Please indicate your interest by completing the application, too!
Winter Brochure - Please take a look at our brochure to check out our many varied programs to see if one piques your interest! It is never too late to join a program! Many of our multiple-session fitness and sports programs accept late registrations - simply send us an email expressing your interest. Our one-night enrichment programs promise an evening of learning a new skill or unlocking a hidden talent. To register via Arbiter, please use the following link - Adult Programs and Youth/Teen Programs. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Questions with registering? Contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4.
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
As the winter weather rolls in, we predict to see an increase in staff absences due to seasonal illness. Should you or someone you know be interested in learning more about daily substitute opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Carly Hofstra at hr@medwayschools.org for more details.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. Click here to view recently published articles on our district website.
Updates from Support Organizations
Medway Friends of the Performing Arts Musical Bingo is back!
The MFPA is excited to host our 3rd annual MFPA Musical Bingo night. This year the event will take place on Thursday, February 13 at the Medway Middle School Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Musical Bingo will start promptly at 6:30 p.m.
This FUNdraiser is one not to miss as there is FUN for all ages. Mr. Doug Herbst will once again be our Musical Bingo caller. There will be incredible music, dancing, and raffle items.
Pre-registration is required and can be found here. There is a fee of $10/person or $50/family. Payment can be made after registering in advance via Venmo or cash/check at the door.
Registration closes on February 10th or until spots are filled.
Medway Foundation for Education Trivia Bee
The Medway Foundation for Education (MFE) will hold its annual Trivia Bee on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Burke-Memorial cafeteria. Long-time hosts Bob and Dave Verdolino will provide musical clues to trivia questions across a broad range of topics. Register your team of six by emailing medwayfoundationforeducation@gmail.com. Corporate sponsorships are $300, and individual players are $25, or $150 per team. All proceeds support educational programs across the Medway school district.
MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle
Who's ready to Shuffle?!
Get your running (or walking) shoes on because early bird registration for the 14th Annual MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle is NOW OPEN! Join the Medway Education PTO on Saturday, March 8, 2025, for a fun-filled 5K (3.1 miles) course that winds through the beautiful back roads of Medway.
This event is perfect for ALL ages and abilities—so bring the whole family! Plus, every step you take supports the creative arts programs in ALL Medway schools!
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : January 15, 2025
Dear Medway Families,
We hope this message finds you well. The partnership between Medway Schools and the Town of Medway continues to play a vital role in addressing challenges and ensuring our schools have the resources needed to support all students.
One recent example of this collaboration is the installation of a solar panel array on the roof of McGovern School. We are excited to share that the installation is complete, and the array will “power on” in the coming weeks. This project was made possible through the combined efforts of school and town staff, and we extend our thanks to Pete Pelletier, Director of Public Works, and Stephanie Carlisle, Compliance Coordinator, for their work to make this project a success.
With this addition, Medway Schools now have solar panels on three buildings: McGovern School, Medway Middle School, and Medway High School. Beyond the environmental benefits, these panels enable us to purchase energy at a fixed cost for up to 20 years, helping us manage expenses sustainably.
As we look ahead to the 2025-2026 school year, we anticipate significant budgetary needs, particularly to support the addition of staff essential to meeting student needs. We have engaged in discussions with the Town, the Select Board, and the Finance Committee to identify potential solutions. Over the coming weeks, we will provide updates on this process and invite community members to share their thoughts and ideas.
Thank you for your continued support of Medway Schools. Please see below for additional updates and news.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
No School and Early Release Day Reminder
There will be no school Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
There will be an Early Release day on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. See below for dismissal times.
McGovern Elementary: 12:00 p.m.
Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 a.m.
Middle School: 11:02 a.m.
High School: 11:34 a.m.
Strategic Plan Family Focus Group
As we have shared previously, we are in the process of creating a 2025-2030 Strategic Plan. Over the past 9 months, community members, district staff and district leadership have been meeting to craft the framework for the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan articulates the Vision, Mission, and Values of Medway Public Schools and its Strategic Priorities, Objectives, and Initiatives.
Its purpose is to provide clarity and focus for improvement efforts, fostering accountability, engaging stakeholders, promoting equity, building broad support, and driving continuous improvement.
The district will host a focus group to learn more about the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan and to gather feedback on the draft plan. The focus group will take place in-person on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., in the Middle School Presentation Room, 45 Holliston Street, door #7. For planning purposes, please complete this brief form to confirm your attendance.
PowerSchool Data Breach
As was reported earlier this month, PowerSchool, a Student Information System has suffered a significant data breach. The Medway Schools does not use PowerSchool and was not involved in this data breach.
DESE District Visit
As previously shared, the Medway Schools was selected to participate in a district review from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This required visit, taking place this week, includes a review of documents, interviews and focus groups with staff, students, parents, and community members to assess district alignment and achievement of District Standards and Indicators. Following the visit, the Visiting Team will complete a visit report with commendations and recommendations. We look forward to receiving the report which is anticipated to be completed by late spring.
Inclement Weather Information
As a reminder, we are sharing information about our procedures when dealing with inclement weather.
It is the goal of the district to hold school whenever possible. Parents and students should plan accordingly and leave plenty of time on winter mornings to arrive at school safely. Please know that the final decision about a child attending school during a weather event always rests with individual families. There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions.
We will review anticipated road conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.
The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:
No School Announcement
If the Superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled. The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and email using the information you have provided to your child’s school. The “no-school” announcement will also be shared on social media channels and carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7.
All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled. Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.
One or Two-Hour Delayed Opening Announcement
If the Superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one or two-hour delay may be made. As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.
Please keep in mind:
Bus routes will begin by a one or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.
Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.
Emergency Early Release Announcement
If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day. Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website. As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.
Additional Reminders for Parents
Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.
Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above. If your child is regularly driven to school and you or they feel it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.
Inclement Weather Bus Stops
In prior years the District provided the opportunity for families to sign up to be notified when their child could use the bus during inclement weather, and when sidewalks were not plowed. With the change of transportation practices, including an opportunity for all students to participate, and the daily ridership on buses, this is no longer an option. We ask that families plan accordingly.
Student Recognitions
Medway High School Student Selected for NAfME All-Eastern Treble Choir
Medway High School is proud to announce that senior Nora Keavany has been selected to sing in the 2025 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All-Eastern Treble Choir. Rehearsals and the concert will take place between April 24-27, 2025, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT.
The All-Eastern Honors Ensembles, held every two years, bring together high school musicians from 11 Northeastern states and the District of Columbia. Students must first earn a place in their state’s district and all-state ensembles through auditions. From there, the highest-scoring performers are nominated and selected to represent their schools and states at the All-Eastern level, where they collaborate and perform with accomplished peers under the direction of renowned conductors.
Congratulations to Nora on this incredible accomplishment!
District Operations
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
As the winter weather rolls in, we predict to see an increase in staff absences due to seasonal illness. Should you or someone you know be interested in learning more about daily substitute opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Carly Hofstra at hr@medwayschools.org for more details.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. The following articles were recently shared and published on our district website which can be accessed here:
Updates from Support Organizations
Medway Friends of the Performing Arts Musical Bingo is back!
place on Thursday, February 13 at the Medway Middle School Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Musical Bingo will start promptly at 6:30 p.m.
This FUNdraiser is one not to miss as there is FUN for all ages. Mr. Doug Herbst will once again be our Musical Bingo caller. There will be incredible music, dancing, and raffle items.
Pre-registration is required and can be found here. There is a fee of $10/person or $50/family. Payment can be made after registering in advance via Venmo or cash/check at the door.
Registration closes on February 10th or until spots are filled.
Medway Foundation for Education Trivia Bee
The Medway Foundation for Education (MFE) will hold its annual Trivia Bee on Wednesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Burke-Memorial cafeteria. Long-time hosts Bob and Dave Verdolino will provide musical clues to trivia questions across a broad range of topics. Register your team of six by emailing medwayfoundationforeducation@gmail.com. Corporate sponsorships are $300, and individual players are $25, or $150 per team. All proceeds support educational programs across the Medway school district.
MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle
Who's ready to Shuffle?!
Get your running (or walking) shoes on because early bird registration for the 14th Annual MEPTO Shamrock Shuffle is NOW OPEN! Join the Medway Education PTO on Saturday, March 8, 2025, for a fun-filled 5K (3.1 miles) course that winds through the beautiful back roads of Medway.
This event is perfect for ALL ages and abilities—so bring the whole family! Plus, every step you take supports the creative arts programs in ALL Medway schools!
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : December 18, 2024
Dear Medway Families,
There are so many wonderful things happening in our schools! Over the past two weeks, our community has been delighted by the incredible talents of our student artists and musicians. From the outstanding performances of our middle and high school band and chorus students to a memorable combined performance featuring high school and grade 6 students, the concerts have been nothing short of extraordinary. Additionally, the recent Art Walk showcased the remarkable creativity of our high school art students, leaving us inspired and proud. The arts truly enrich our schools, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to the students and teachers who shared their gifts with us.
We are also excited to share the December installment of the Spotlight on Excellence Video. As you know, the purpose of the Spotlight on Excellence Video Series is to highlight unique and innovative aspects of the Medway Public Schools. We are thrilled to highlight the partnership between Memorial School and the Medway Community Farm during the recent harvest event. This partnership provides students with an experiential learning opportunity that is sure to be remembered. Please take a few minutes to learn more about this great program: Memorial Harvest Day
Finally, it is hard to believe we are approaching the end of 2024. As we approach the upcoming break, we wish you a joyful and restful holiday season filled with warmth, connection, and happiness. Thank you for being a valued part of our school community, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
Winter Break No School Reminder
There will be no school Monday, December 23, 2024 thru Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Enjoy the break! We will return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Updated Strategic Plan Development
Since April, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee—a diverse group of district staff, administrators, parents, and community members—has been hard at work crafting an updated Strategic Plan for the Medway Schools. To share this progress and gather valuable input, we will be hosting a community forum in January. We will share additional details about the forum in early January and look forward to your feedback.
Inclement Weather Information
As a reminder, we are sharing information about our procedures when dealing with inclement weather.
It is the goal of the district to hold school whenever possible. Parents and students should plan accordingly and leave plenty of time on winter mornings to arrive at school safely. Please know that the final decision about a child attending school during a weather event always rests with individual families. There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions.
We will review anticipated road conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.
The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:
No School Announcement
If the Superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled. The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and email using the information you have provided to your child’s school. The “no-school” announcement will also be shared on social media channels and carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7.
All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled. Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.
One or Two-Hour Delayed Opening Announcement
If the Superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one or two-hour delay may be made. As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.
Please keep in mind:
Bus routes will begin by a one or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.
Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.
Emergency Early Release Announcement
If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day. Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website. As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.
Additional Reminders for Parents
Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.
Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above. If your child is regularly driven to school and you or they feel it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.
Inclement Weather Bus Stops
In prior years the District provided the opportunity for families to sign up to be notified when their child could use the bus during inclement weather, and when sidewalks were not plowed. With the change of transportation practices, including an opportunity for all students to participate, and the daily ridership on buses, this is no longer an option. We ask that families plan accordingly.
Student Recognitions
National Honors Society Induction
On Monday, November 25, 70 students were inducted into the National Honor Society at Medway High School. We wish to extend our congratulations to these students and their families for this noteworthy honor. A list of those students can be found below:
Central Massachusetts Music Educators District Auditions
Congratulations to the 27 students from MHS who auditioned for the Massachusetts Music Educators Senior Central District Festival after preparing a solo piece of repertoire. The students listed below were accepted into the ensembles and will be rehearsing with the other schools’ accepted students under the direction of top-notch conductors, culminating in a performance at Mechanics Hall in Worcester on Saturday, January 18.
John & Abigail Adams Scholarship Recipients
Forty-two Medway seniors are among those throughout the state to receive a John and Abigail Adams Scholarship this year. The students receiving this distinction demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and all performed in the top 25% of MCAS for the district. The John and Abigail Adams scholarship can be applied to all four undergraduate institutions at UMASS as well as all state universities and community colleges in Massachusetts. Congratulations to our students!
Student Athlete Commitment Ceremony
Congratulations to our four Medway High School seniors who were celebrated on November 27 at the High School’s Commitment Ceremony recognizing student athletes who will continue their athletic journey at the collegiate level.
The seniors recognized are listed below along with their sport of choice and the college they will be attending.
Priya Bedard: Softball, University of Hartford
John Farrell: Baseball, Husson University
Shae O’Neill: Field Hockey, Roger Williams University
Ella Taylor: Women’s Lacrosse, Salve Regina University.
Post-Season Sports
Cheer: The MHS Cheer team concluded their exceptional season and took second place at the MSAA Division 3 State Championship at Worcester State University in late November.
Unified Basketball: Medway's Unified Basketball team recently held its 2nd annual Unified Basketball Bash, a celebration of teamwork, inclusion, and community spirit.
The Unified team, consisting of 3 athletes and 9 partners, was joined by Medway’s First Responders from the police and fire departments, MHS faculty and staff, varsity basketball players, and the Unified coaches. Our spirited cheerleaders were also on hand to energize the crowd. The event included a special recognition of the team's senior players.
The Unified Basketball Bash showcased the power of sports to bring people together and highlighted the incredible support from the Medway community.
Football: Medway defeated Millis in the 94th Annual Thanksgiving Day Game, 34-15, ending the season with an 8-3 record! First year head coach, Ted Rigney, was selected as the TVL Small Coach of the Year. John Farrell surpassed the 1,000-yard rushing mark during the Millis game and was also awarded the game's MVP trophy.
District Operations
Community Education
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Winter Brochure - We are delighted to share our latest program-offerings with the Medway community, as well as with our neighbors in nearby communities! It is time to celebrate the colder weather with friends and families- join a fitness program or gather with friends for a fun night of crafts, wellness and laughs. Many new programs are being offered, plus our popular all-time favorites! To register via Arbiter, please use the following link - Adult Programs and Youth/Teen Programs. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Questions with registering? Contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 opt. 4.
Driver’s Education 30-Hour Classroom Program - We are pleased to continue our collaboration with Teachers Driving Academy (TDA) in the education of young drivers. TDA is offering the required 30-hour classroom program In Person which, for many, is the preferred method of learning. The week-long program will take place at Medway High School during the February and April School Vacation weeks. Please visit the TDA website to register and for more information.
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
As the winter weather rolls in, we predict to see an increase in staff absences due to seasonal illness. Should you or someone you know be interested in learning more about daily substitute opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Carly Hofstra at hr@medwayschools.org for more details.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. The following articles were recently shared published on our district website which can be accessed here:
Medway Public Schools Conclude Community Book Read with Panel Discussion Event
Medway High School Athletic Department Recognizes Fall 2024 Season Achievements
Medway High School Celebrates Student-Athletes in Collegiate Commitment Ceremony
Medway High School Hosts Second Annual Unified Basketball Bash
Medway High School Cheer Team Completes Successful Season, Ranks in State Competition
42 Students from Medway High School Class of 2025 Receive John and Abigail Adams Scholarship
Medway’s Burke-Memorial Elementary School Celebrates Harvest Day; Students Sell Their Crops
Updates from Support Organizations
Medway Friends of the Performing Arts Musical Bingo is back!
The MFPA is excited to host our 3rd annual MFPA Musical Bingo night. This year the event will take place on Thursday, February 13 at the Medway Middle School Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Musical Bingo will start promptly at 6:30 p.m.
This FUNdraiser is one not to miss as there is FUN for all ages. Mr. Doug Herbst will once again be our Musical Bingo caller. There will be incredible music, dancing, and raffle items.
Save the date! Registration will begin in January, seats are limited!
Medway Foundation for Education Teacher Cards are back!
Do you want to thank a teacher or other school staff member this holiday season? Send them a holiday card while making a donation to Medway Foundation of Education (MFE) in their honor! Each card will be delivered with a small gift.
$5 minimum donation per card
Please Venmo MFE (in the notes include To: & From: Names)
Last 4 digits - 8182
These are available to send to any school employee so don’t forget custodians, secretaries, cafeteria staff & administration!
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Parent/Guardian Webinar Recording: Executive Functioning
Earlier this month, Dr. Alex Hirshberg joined a Medway SEPAC meeting to present about how to support students with executive functioning. He was kind enough to record the video for Medway families to view. The webinar recording is linked here.
Holiday Activity Bundle for Families
The holidays bring a mix of joy and challenges for many families. To help families get the most out of the holiday season, our partners at Cartwheel have created a Holiday Activity Bundle, which is designed to foster moments of connection and dialogue at home. The Holiday Activity Bundle is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : November 20, 2024
Dear Medway Families,
We hope that this Community Update finds you well. We are excited to share the October installment of the Spotlight on Excellence Video. As we have shared, the purpose of the Spotlight on Excellence Video Series is to highlight unique and innovative aspects of the Medway Public Schools.
This month’s edition features our Substance Use Prevention Coalition - ‘SUP Medway. This program is funded through a 6-year federal grant and focuses on planning and implementing supportive activities to prevent adolescent substance use. Please take some time to watch this brief view which provides more information about this incredible program for our students - ’SUP Medway
In addition, please find below updates on many other activities within our schools.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
Half Day and No School Reminder
As a reminder, there will be a half day on Wednesday, November 27 followed by no school on Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - Medway Public Schools Review
Earlier this summer, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) notified us that Medway Public Schools had been selected for a required district review.
The goal of this review is to look closely at the systems, policies, and practices that drive our day-to-day work. At the end of the process, we will receive a written report that highlights our strengths, identifies areas for growth, and makes recommendations to help us improve and better support our teachers and students.
The visit will take place the week of January 13. We will be looking for 4–6 family representatives from all levels—elementary, middle, and high school—to participate in the family focus groups. Additional details will be provided in an upcoming community update.
Question 2: MCAS Graduation Requirement
As you know, the recent election resulted in the passage of Question 2. Question 2 eliminates the MCAS as a high school graduation requirement. Guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education indicates that this law will go into effect on December 5, 2024. Additional information about the impact of this change can be found here.
For students in Medway, the graduation requirements are outlined in Medway School Committee Policy IKF school committee policy and the Medway High School Program of Studies.
It is important to note that the elimination of MCAS as a graduation requirement does not eliminate our responsibility to assess students through a state-identified assessment program. This is a requirement of state and federal law and factors into school and district accountability determinations conducted by DESE. As a result, we anticipate that the MCAS testing will continue this year, as it has in the past.
District Safety Webinar
Thank you to everyone who attended our recent community safety webinar, hosted in partnership with District Leadership and the Medway Police Department. We discussed important safety topics, including emergency procedures, online safety, and tips for keeping your family safe.
If you missed the webinar or would like to review the information, you can watch it here.
MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey Data
Every two years, students in grades 5-12 participate in the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey. The 2023 results indicate that our students have seen improvements in rates of substance use, mental health concerns, bullying, and cyberbullying. Please watch this five-minute video for a brief synopsis of the results.
Inclement Weather Information
It is the goal of the district to hold school whenever possible. Parents and students should plan accordingly and leave plenty of time on winter mornings to arrive at school safely. Please know that the final decision about a child attending school during a weather event always rests with individual families. There may be occasions when deteriorating weather will mean that schools close due to unsafe conditions.
The Superintendent will review anticipated road and sidewalk conditions, access to schools, projected weather forecasts, and consult with the police and public works departments in order to make a determination between approximately 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. if conditions will be safe for students to come to school.
The following plans will be in effect for inclement weather:
No School Announcement
If the Superintendent has determined the conditions are unsafe, school will be canceled. The district will utilize the emergency notification system that will contact your home/cell phone and email using the information you have provided to your child’s school. The “no-school” announcement will also be shared on social media channels and carried on local television channels 4, 5, and 7.
All classes, school activities, before and after school programs, the Medway Extended Day program (MEDI), daycare program, adult education evening classes, and any school facilities use activities will be canceled. Transportation of students to out-of-district schools will also be canceled.
One or Two-Hour Delayed Opening Announcement
If the Superintendent has been notified that the public works department needs additional time to plow or sand the streets to ensure safety, then a determination for a one or two-hour delay may be made. As with no-school announcements, the delayed opening announcement will be made using the emergency notification system to home/cell phone and email and carried on local television channels.
Please keep in mind:
Bus routes will begin by a one or two-hour delay, including all special education transportation for out-of-district schools.
Do not send your child to school earlier than the delayed opening, as the school grounds may not be plowed and there will be no staff available to supervise early arrivals.
PreK ½ day sessions will take place if a one hour delay is called, and will be canceled for a two hour delay.
School lunch will be served at its regularly scheduled time.
Schools will be dismissed at their regular times.
Emergency Early Release Announcement
If a severe weather condition or other emergency develops during the school day, the district may release students before the typical end of the school day. Parents will be notified by home/cell phone and email and the announcement will be carried on local television channels, and displayed on the district website. As appropriate, the district will work with public safety officials to shelter students in the district if unable to send home.
Additional Reminders for Parents
Be sure your child’s school has your updated contact information.
Have a family emergency plan in place so your child knows what to do if sent home for any of the reasons noted above. If your child is regularly driven to school and you or they feel it is unsafe to drive during the inclement weather, please determine an alternative means of transportation to school.
Inclement Weather Bus Stops
In prior years the District provided the opportunity for families to sign up to be notified when their child could use the bus during inclement weather, and when sidewalks were not plowed. With the change of transportation practices, including an opportunity for all students to participate, and the daily ridership on buses, this is no longer an option. We ask that families plan accordingly.
School Winter Concerts & More
Medway Middle School Winter Band Concert- Grade 5 & 7
Tuesday, December 10 in the Medway High School Auditorium from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Medway High School Art Walk and Winter Concert
Join us on Wednesday, December 11 for the Art Walk from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in the main lobby followed by the High School Winter Concert in the Auditorium.
Medway Middle School Winter Band Concert- Grade 6 & 8
Thursday, December 12 in the Medway High School Auditorium from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Student Recognitions
Post-Season Sports
Cheer: The MHS Cheer team won the TVL Fall Cheer Championship as well as the Sportsmanship award in Bellingham on November 2! On November 3, they placed 1st in their division and won Grand Champions for the entire competition at the Panther Invitational in Marlborough. They competed at Regionals at Franklin High School on Sunday, November 17, and came in second qualifying them for All-States which will take place at Worcester State University on Sunday, November 24. They will hit the floor at 12:45 p.m., good luck!
Field Hockey: Our field hockey team defeated Nipmuc High School in the MIAA Round of 32, as well as Dedham in the Round of 16 in a very exciting overtime game. The team then moved on to the MIAA Round of 8 where they faced fellow TVL member, Medfield. After going down 1-0 they stormed back with the tying goal by Ella Taylor and then the go-ahead goal by Olivia Melanson to win it! The team moved on to the State Semifinals versus powerhouse and undefeated Sandwich. After a hard fought effort, they were defeated by the #1 seed, 4-0. What a great run the girls had!
Girls Soccer: Their fantastic season ended on Friday, November 8, where they were defeated by Nipmuc in the Round of 16. The team had previously lost to Nipmuc 5-0 during the regular season and held them to only two goals this time around.
Football: After finishing the regular season with an impressive 6-2 record, they fell to a very strong Old Rochester Regional team last Friday, November 8, in the Round of 16 game. They defeated Bishop Stang High School on November 15 with an incredible 35-14 win, and will play at Millis on Thanksgiving morning.
Cross Country: Members of our boy's and girl's cross country teams participated in the MIAA Division 3A Championship at the Wrentham Development center on November 9. It was a great day of racing for our 7 boys and 3 girls who qualified for the 3A championship race. Congratulations to all of our runners on a great job! Senior Matthew Montana qualified for and participated in the D3 All-State Championship on Saturday, November 16, at Fort Devens!
Unified Basketball: Unified Basketball had their final home game of the season vs. Norton on Tuesday, November 12. They then participated in the annual Unified Basketball Jamboree in Holliston on November 13. The team has been super exciting to watch this season and will cap their year off with the Unified Basketball Bash on November 25; which will also serve as Senior Day for our athletes and partners.
Central Massachusetts Music Educators District Auditions
Congratulations to the 27 students from MHS who auditioned this past Saturday for the Massachusetts Music Educators Senior Central District Festival after preparing a solo piece of repertoire. The students listed below were accepted into the ensembles and will be rehearsing with the other schools’ accepted students under the direction of top-notch conductors, culminating in a performance at Mechanics Hall in Worcester on Saturday, January 18.
District Operations
Community Education
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Grade 4 Musical Instrument Lessons - Students in 4th grade will have the opportunity to learn basic knowledge of a musical instrument - flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone - in a small group setting. The program, beginning the week of January 20, 2025, will offer a specific instrument on a different day of the week. Additional information will be shared with 4th grade families in early December.
Fall Brochure - Join us for a fun holiday program to learn a new skill or to decorate your home - Holiday Royal Icing Cookie Decorating, Cookie Decorating for Parent & Child, Holiday Wreath, and Holiday English Boxwood Trees. Please click here for additional information. To register via Arbiter, please use the following link - Adult Programs. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Questions with registering? Contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4.
Driver’s Education 30-Hour Classroom Program - We are pleased to continue our collaboration with Teachers Driving Academy (TDA) in the education of young drivers. TDA is offering the required 30-hour classroom program In Person which, for many, is the preferred method of learning. The program will take place at Medway High School during the Winter Break. Please visit the TDA website to register and for more information.
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. Click here to view recently published articles on our district website.
Updates from Support Organizations
Recent Communication from the Medway School Committee
Turkey Trot
Founded in 2011, The Medway Turkey Trot has been a Thanksgiving tradition for families from Medway and beyond. The 13th Annual race will be held on Thursday, November 28 at 7:30 a.m. All proceeds of the Turkey Trot go to the Medway High School Athletic Department for uniform and other equipment purchases. For additional information and to register, click here!
SEPAC Meeting
The next SEPAC Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 4.
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Parent/Guardian Webinar Recording: Executive Functioning
Earlier this month, Dr. Alex Hirshberg joined a Medway SEPAC meeting to present about how to support students with executive functioning. He was kind enough to record the video for Medway families to view. The webinar recording is linked here.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : November 5, 2024
Dear Medway families,
We hope that this communication finds you well. As you may know, on October 24 the Town hosted a Community Forum on the Proposed Public Safety/Town Hall Municipal Complex on Main Street. The forum offered an in-depth look at the needs driving this new facility, alongside plans for funding the project.
While the primary purpose was to provide the community with an overview of the plan for this project, I was invited to sit on the panel. During the meeting, there was a discussion about the overall town funding needs, including funding for the Medway Schools. As the Town manages a wide range of needs within the community, with inadequate funding from the state, we are appreciative of the inclusion of the future needs of our schools as part of that conversation. The meeting was recorded and you can access the link to the Public Forum here.
As has been discussed in the past, funding for the Medway School is complicated. We want to support a broader understanding of the finances of the Medway Schools and the factors that impact our decision-making. As we begin the budget planning process for next school year, we will provide a variety of opportunities for members of the community to engage to learn more. We anticipate additional information about how to stay informed and involved will be sent next week.
In addition, please find below updates on many other activities taking place within our schools.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
No School Reminder and Early Release Day
There will be no school on Monday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
A reminder that there will be an Elementary Early Release day on Wednesday, November 20 for all PreK-Grade 4 students only.
McGovern Elementary: 12:00 p.m.
Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 a.m.
Community Safety Webinar
As we have done in the past, we are planning to host a Community Safety Webinar on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. This event will highlight the district’s safety efforts to date and also provide a look forward as we continue to engage in efforts to maintain the highest level of attention on these vital practices. Registration will be required, please click here to register.
ACTION REQUIRED: Annual Student Information Update Reminder
All families are required to complete an annual review of our policies and the information on file, known as the Yearly Information Update, accessible through the online Parent Portal module. While the current information may be accurate, the annual review process includes several important items that require completion and acknowledgment each year, such as the Acceptable Use Policy, Student Handbook, surveys, and School Committee policies. To complete this process, please perform the following:
Log in to the Parent Portal.
Select "MORE" from the left menu options.
Click on "Registrations” then under the heading of “Existing” choose “Start” to the right of “2024-25 Student Registration" to begin the review.
Families will continue to receive emails from the Technology Department to remind them to complete this important process.
For the best experience, we recommend using a computer with a full-screen browser, as smartphone users may find the process challenging.
Student Recognitions
Post-Season Sports
The boys soccer team (#26) played a preliminary game on Sunday, November 3 and beat Arlington Catholic(#39) 4-0. They will play #7 St. Mary's of Lynn today in the round of 32.
Our Field hockey team (#12) defeated Nipmuc HS(#21) yesterday and will play #5 Dedham in Dedham in the round of 16 on Wednesday, November 6 at 6:00 p.m.
Our girl's soccer team (#13) will play #20 Wilmington today at home on Hanlon Field at 4:00 p.m. If they win, they will play in the round of 16 at Nipmuc. Good luck!
Football will play Friday, November 8 in the round of 16 at Old Rochester Regional at 6:30 p.m.
Our cross country teams will compete in the State Championship on Saturday, November 9 at the Wrentham Development Center. The girls will begin at 11:00 a.m., and the boys at 11:45 a.m.
Medway Middle School Performing Arts to Perform 'The Jungle Book'
Congratulations to the Middle School Performing Arts Department for their extraordinary work and performances of The Jungle Book.
Medway High School Theatre Program Presents ‘Alice in Wonderland’
Congratulations to the Medway High School Theatre Program for two outstanding performances of Alice in Wonderland over the weekend.
District Operations
Transportation Request
As the district works to improve morning arrival times for some problematic bus routes, one identified challenge has been buses losing minutes waiting for students to run up the street/leave their car/walk down the driveway etc. It would be helpful if parents could ensure that their student is fully at the bus stop waiting to board the bus as it arrives at the stop. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Community Education
Community Education is Hiring! Medway Early Childhood Center (MECC) is seeking qualified Teachers and Teacher Assistants. For additional information, please email Kerry Liard, Director, at kliard@medwayschools.org.
Fall Brochure - Join us for a fun holiday program to learn a new skill or to decorate your home - Floral Thanksgiving Centerpiece, Mosaic Holiday Ornaments, Holiday Royal Icing Cookie Decorating, Cookie Decorating for Parent & Child, Holiday Wreath, and Holiday English Boxwood Trees. Please click here for additional information. To register via Arbiter, please use the following link - Adult Programs. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Questions with registering? Contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4.
Grade 4 Musical Instrument Lessons - Students in 4th grade will have the opportunity to learn basic knowledge of a musical instrument - flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone - in a small group setting. The program, beginning the week of January 20, 2025, will offer a specific instrument on a different day of the week. Additional information will be communicated to 4th grade students’ families in early December.
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. The following articles were recently shared on our district website and can be accessed here:
Updates from Support Organizations
*** Reminder***Parent/Guardian Event: Student Executive Functioning *Tonight*
Dr. Alex Hirsberg will be presenting to parents and caregivers on how to support student executive functioning on November 6 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. This informational webinar will help parents and caregivers better understand how they can support their students to organize their mind and their backpacks in order to achieve academic success. For more information about the event and to register, please click here. This event organized by Medway SEPAC and THRIVE.
Healthy Community, Healthy Youth is the vision of 'SUP Medway
Subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter to see how the substance use prevention coalition here in Medway works to create positive experiences and environment so that our young people do not get caught in the harmful habits of drug and alcohol use. Click here to receive monthly email updates.
Important Resources for Families
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_
Superintendent's Update : October 16, 2024
Dear Medway families,
We hope that this Community Update finds you well. We are excited to share the October installment of the Spotlight on Excellence Video. The purpose of the Spotlight on Excellence Video Series is to highlight unique and innovative aspects of our district, programs, and/or personnel.
This month’s edition features our Permanent Art Gallery and the importance of a visual arts education. The Permanent Art Gallery showcases the talents of a student artist from each grade, K-12. Students are selected by visual arts teachers to be included in a gallery-style exhibit. This special event celebrates the creativity of our students and their selection in the Permanent Art Collection.
Following the event, the selected artwork is hung in the halls of the District Office as an ongoing reminder and inspiration from our students. Thanks to our amazing visual arts teachers for making art come alive in the Medway Schools. Please take a moment to watch this brief video on our Permanent Art Gallery here.
Please find important updates and information below.
Be well,
Armand Pires, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Medway Public Schools QR Code for App
District Information/Updates
Early Release Day and No School Reminder
A reminder that there will be an Early Release day on Wednesday, October 23 for all PreK-Grade 12 students.
McGovern Elementary: 12:00 p.m.
Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 a.m.
Middle School: 11:02 a.m.
High School: 11:34 a.m.
There will be no school on Tuesday, November 5 due to Election Day.
2024-2025 School Calendar
The approved calendar for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here.
Spring 2024 MCAS Results Mailed
Last week, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education released Spring 2024 MCAS results to the public. The public release can be found here.
Families of students in grades 3-10 during the 2023-2024 school year will be receiving reports on their child(ren)’s progress in the mail. These results are only one measure of student progress in English language arts, mathematics, and science, technology, and engineering.
Community Safety Webinar
As we have done in the past, we are planning to host a Community Safety Webinar on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. This event will highlight the district’s safety efforts to date and also provide a look forward as we continue to engage in efforts to maintain the highest level of attention on these vital practices. Registration will be required, please click here to register.
Memorial Plaque Ceremony
Last week, the School Committee celebrated individuals whose names will be placed on the Memorial Plaque. Nominations come from the community and are reviewed by the school committee. At the ceremony, Memorial students share an overview of each awardees' contributions to the community. Three individuals were recognized:
Kathy Hickey, nominated by Jayne Butler, dedicated 28 years to teaching in the Medway district. After retiring, she continued to serve the community by returning as a substitute teacher for an additional seven years. A lifelong Medway resident, Kathy takes great pride in her roots and longstanding connection to the town.
Heidi Cross, nominated by Kate Fennyery, joined the Medway school district in 1996 and retired in 2017. As a third-grade teacher, she was admired for her passion for teaching and her talent for making each student feel uniquely valued.
James Tremble was nominated by Kathy Gaudreau. Jim has lived in Medway for more than 50 years and has dedicated many hours volunteering in various capacities, mostly as a Medway Lion. Jim helped organize many Lions events including the Bottle and Can drive, the Pancake Breakfast, the Father/Daughter dance and many more.
Student Recognitions
Tri-M Honor Society Induction
We were pleased to celebrate our most recent group of performing arts’ students who were inducted into the Tri-M Honor Society on Thursday, September 26. Congratulations on all your hard work!
This year’s inductees were:
Faye Bagalawis – Voice
Davis Campbell – Percussion
Aidan Christie – Voice
Kai Connolly – Clarinet
Riley Gallerani – Voice
Winter Lafferty – Trombone
Maeve McDermott – Voice
Aurelia Mello – Flute
Will Nassiff – Alto Saxophone
Medway Middle School Performing Arts to Perform 'The Jungle Book'
Please join us for the Medway Middle School Performing Arts’ production of ‘The Jungle Book’. In this action-packed adaptation of the classic adventure story, precocious Mowgli grows up believing he's as fierce a wolf as any of the members of his pack. When he learns he is actually a human, he must discover how to reconcile these very different identities. Performances will take place on Friday, October 25, at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, October 26 at 2:00 p.m. in the Middle School Auditorium. Tickets are on sale for purchase here. Tickets will also be available to purchase at the door.
Medway High School Theatre Program Presents ‘Alice in Wonderland’
Don’t miss out on the Medway High School Theatre Program’s production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Come jump down the rabbit hole and enter this magical world with Alice on Saturday, November 2 at 2:00 & 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale for purchase here. Tickets will also be available to purchase at the door.
District Operations
Transportation Request
As the district works to improve morning arrival times for some problematic bus routes, one identified challenge has been buses losing minutes waiting for students to run up the street/leave their car/walk down the driveway etc. It would be helpful if parents could ensure that their student is fully at the bus stop waiting to board the bus as it arrives at the stop. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Community Education
Community Education is Hiring! We are seeking qualified individuals for the positions below. For further information and to apply, please visit the Medway Community Education website, www.medwayschools.org/o/commed, or give us a call at 508-533-3222 option 4 or send an email to communityed@medwayschools.org - we would love to hear from you!
Medway Early Childhood Center - Early childhood teachers and teacher assistants
After School Site Coordinator - Fall enrichment program at Burke-Memorial School
Fall Brochure - We are excited to offer many one-night programs to pique anyone’s interest! It is never too late to join a program! The fall brochure may be viewed here with registration access to Arbiter using the following links - Youth & Teen Programs and Adult Programs. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Questions with registering? Please contact Community Education at communityed@medwayschools.org or call 508-533-3222 option 4.
After School Enrichment Programs - Registration for fall after school programs for students in kindergarten through grade 8 opened on Tuesday, October 1. Some programs still have openings! The program flyer may be viewed here with registration access to Arbiter using the following links - McGovern School, Burke-Memorial School and Medway Middle School. Registrants may use the UniPay link for program payment. Wednesday programs began on October 16, and all other programs will begin the week of October 21. Please reach out with questions!
Grade 4 Musical Instrument Lessons - Students in 4th grade will have the opportunity to learn basic knowledge of a musical instrument - flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone - in a small group setting. The program, beginning the week of January 20, 2025, will offer a specific instrument on a different day of the week. Additional information will be communicated to 4th grade families in December, including instrument rental options.
District Wide Vacancies and Openings
Medway Public Schools has been actively working to staff all district wide vacancies.
All vacant positions can be found on both School Spring and/or Indeed.
Medway Public Schools in the News
We are pleased to share press releases and published news about events and accomplishments throughout the district. The following articles were recently shared on our district website and can be accessed here:
Updates from Support Organizations
Youth programming through 'SUP Medway in the NEWS!
Expanded youth programs through the 'SUP Medway coalition is on page 11 of the Medway & Millis Town Pages monthly newspaper. Click here to view!
Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) Meeting
The next SEPAC meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 6. This will include a virtual presentation from Dr. Alex Hirshberg, see below.
Parent/Guardian Event: Student Executive Functioning
Dr. Alex Hirsberg will be presenting to parents and caregivers on how to support student executive functioning on November 6 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This information webinar will help parents and caregivers better understand how they can support their students to organize their mind and their backpacks in order to achieve academic success. For more information about the event and to register, please click here.
Important Resources for Families
Galaxy Gas TikTok Trend
The use of Galaxy Gas, which is a brand name for Nitrous Oxide, has become a recent TikTok trend. The concept of teens buying and inhaling nitrous has been around for a long time, but there has been a major surge in social media recently, with millions of views and hundreds of thousands of videos showing how to obtain and use this very dangerous substance. Galaxy Gas is technically for culinary purposes only but is sold in vape shops and packaged in bright, fun colors and designs to appeal to kids. It is extremely dangerous and can lead to brain injury, cardiac injury, and death. For more information please click here.
Free English Classes for Adults
Last year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced the launch of MassLinks, the first fully virtual educational option for Massachusetts adults statewide who are seeking their high school equivalency or English language instruction. MassLinks classes are free for all adults, and Mount Wachusett Community College, in partnership with DESE’s Office for Adult and Community Learning Services, will deliver the instruction.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System
In partnership with Sandy Hook’s Promise and the Medway Police Department, Medway High and Medway Middle School have launched the Say Something Reporting System. This anonymous reporting system allows students and parents to share concerning information such as concerns about self-harm, violence, and bullying, among others. Reports are triaged by a 24/7 response team and are shared with Medway EMS dispatch and school administrators. Students were trained at both schools on how to use the system, and links to the reporting system have been loaded to student Chromebooks and added to both school websites. We believe the addition of this system provides another layer of safety and support for our students.
Mental Health Resource for Families
Medway Schools has partnered with Care Solace, which offers mental health care coordination services and can help connect you, your child, and extended family members with appropriate community-based mental health providers. Whether it's counseling, therapy, or other mental health services, Care Solace can assist you in finding the support your family may need. To access Care Solace's coordination services, simply reach out using the following options:
Call 888-515-0595: Their multilingual helpline is staffed 24/7/365.
Visit www.caresolace.com/medway: On their website, you can explore mental health providers independently or click "Book Appointment" for personalized assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
Parenting Solutions Library
For the last several years, Medway Schools have collaborated with the Massachusetts Partnership for Youth (MPY) to provide professional development for our staff. MPY now offers a library of 10-minute videos and handouts for parents. Over 24 offerings include tips for parents regarding school success, student mental health, and more. The library can be accessed for free by clicking here.
Follow the Medway Public Schools on Social Media
Medway Public Schools: Twitter: @MedwaySchools Facebook: @medwayps
Instagram: @Medwayschools
Medway High School: Twitter: @MedwayHighInfo Facebook: @medwayhighschool
Instagram: @medwayhighschool
Medway Middle School: Twitter: @Medwaymiddle Facebook: @medwaymiddleschool
Instagram: @medwaymiddle31
Burke-Memorial Elementary: Twitter: @BurkeMemorial Facebook: @burkememorial
Instagram: @burkememorialelem
McGovern Elementary School: Twitter: @McGovernElem Facebook: @mcgovernelem
Instagram: @mcgovernelem
Medway Community Education: Twitter: @medwayce Facebook: @medwayce
Instagram: @medwaycommunityed
Medway Athletics: Twitter: @MedwayAthletics
Medway Wellness: Twitter: @MPS_Wellness_