The Franklin Academy
Weekly Update Newsletter - February 28 - March 4th
Monday, February 28th
- Port of Subs Lunch for those who pre-ordered
Middle School - 8th Grade Volleyball Game @ Meridian MS 4:00
- Middle School - C Squad Volleyball Game @ Meridian MS 5:00
- Family Night Out at Mod Pizza!
Tuesday, March 1st
- Reading Week - Hat Day - Wear a Hat to School
- PALS AM Meeting - Markell Hall 8:10am
- Pizza Lunch for those who pre-ordered
Girls Volleyball Practice 3:15-4:45 Markell Hall
Wednesday, March 2nd
- House Color Dress Day
- Middle School Electives Schedule
- Auction Volunteer Meeting 8:15 Markell Hall Chapel
- Port of Subs Lunch for those who pre-ordered
- Girls Volleyball Practice 3:15-4:45 Markell Hall
Thursday, March 3rd
- Reading Week - Pajama Day
- Pizza Lunch for those who pre-ordered
- Chess Club - 3:15 Markell Hall Cafeteria
- Girls Volleyball Practice 3:15-4:45 Markell Hall
Friday, March 4th
- Reading Week - Dress as Your Favorite Book Character - Please no masks covering your entire face and we ask that costumes are age appropriate, include shoes, have no real weapons, and don’t violate any of our student standards of conduct.
- Port of Subs Lunch for those who pre-ordered
- Girls Volleyball Practice 3:15-4:45 Markell Hall
Upcoming Events
- Roller Skating PALS Event - Sunday, March 6th 4:30
- Thursday, March 10th - End of Trimester 2
- No School - Friday, March 11th - Faculty In-service
- St. Patrick's Day - wear green - March 17th
- Early Release - March 17-18 - Conferences
- Track and Field Begins - Middle School - March 21st
- Spring Day - celebrate the first day of Spring by wearing bright colors or floral prints - March 21st
Annual Auction - In Person - Rescheduled - March 26, 2022 Bellwether Hotel
- STEM Fair - Wednesday, March 30th
- Spring Break - April 4-8 - No School
The Reading Corner with Mrs. Samuel and Mrs. Snyder
The Reading Corner
With Mrs. Samuel and Mrs. Snyder
Next week is Reading Week! The Lower School (Robin Hall and 2-4 Markell Hall) will be celebrating with activities and dress up days. Each building is doing a different author this year, and below are the activities for next week. As parents/guardians, you just need to keep in mind the dress up days-- Tuesday: Hat Day, Wednesday: House Dress day, Thursday: Pajama Day, and Friday: Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day.*
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Samuel
*Reading Week - Dress as Your Favorite Book Character - Please no masks covering your entire face and we ask that costumes are age appropriate, include shoes, have no real weapons, and don’t violate any of our student standards of conduct.
Reading Week ROBIN HALL
reading week markell hall
Mrs. Samuel's Joke of the Week!
Why does an elephant use her trunk as a bookmark?
Then she NOSE where she stopped reading!
Enrollment is Now Open To Everyone! We are filling up fast!
We are so excited to invite you to the 2022-2023 school year. Please bring your enrollment contract and a check for 10 percent of the total tuition or payment in full.
If you have not turned in your enrollment please do so as soon as possible. Classes are reaching maximum capacity.
Other items to note:
- Tuition must be paid in full, or you must have signed up for a FACTS payment plan by April 29th.
- Tuition assistance is now open (K-8th grade only). Click here to apply. The maximum assistance given is 50% of tuition. All supporting tax documents must be completed before processing will take place.
- Click here for the Parent Handbook for the 2022-2023 school year. A student information form will be released closer to next school year.
If you have a child not currently enrolled at our school (like a sibling), please don't delay in getting an application submitted as-soon-as-possible (ASAP). Please email if you need a copy of the application.
If you know someone interested in learning more about our program or wanting to set up a virtual tour, please encourage them to reach out to:
Admissions Director, Natalie Bennett:
If you have any questions, please know that we are happy to assist you. We look forward to a great 2022-2023 school year at The Franklin Academy!
Brian and Heather Babbitt
Daughter in Kindergarten
We are so blessed to be a part of The Franklin Academy. This is our first year here and we couldn’t be happier. The curriculum is fantastic and the staff is amazing. Our daughter is in kindergarten and she is soaring. We adore her teacher!. We love that she sends out daily emails about their day and what was everyone’s favorite activity. The small class sizes make for a great learning experience and allows for more one-on-one attention. We are looking forward to the next eight (8) years with The Franklin Academy.
Auction Update
Please join us for an auction meeting this Wednesday after drop off in the Chapel at Markell Hall.
Do you want to attend the auction March 26th?
We have seats available, so please let us know if you are interested in attending our new date!
email inquiries to:
Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Please sign up below if you are able to help transport and set up desserts from our vendors to the Bellwether on March 26th from 2-4pm.
Ongoing Auction Help:
Mrs. Ho's Classroom Update!
This was another busy week for our class. We do a lot of things in our room, but one of my favorite times is when the children come to school in the morning. When they come into the classroom the first thing they do is hang up their backpacks, take off and hang up their coats, they take out their lunches, find their name tags and put it in the basket, then they head to the sink to wash their hands. After they have done all that they go to the toy cabinet to choose the toys they would like to play with until free play is over. Watching your children play together, build together, talk with each other, read in our library or just play by themselves is the highlight of my day. Below are some pictures of that magical time.
When playtime is over we have a short circle to go over the calendar, talk about the letter, shape and number or the week and learn some songs that we will share with you later in the year. After Circle time we head outside. Literacy is on our agenda after we come in and wash our hands. Literacy is when we do our letter of the week activity, have a name recognition game and write our name. The children are all doing great. This was "Love week and after lunch recess is art. We made so many things like "Love Aliens'', a valentine card for our memory book, painted with our hands a lot and we turned our hand paintings into heart mice and heart butterflies. After art is Math where we made a heart number chart. The highlight of our week was putting valentines in our box and having our valentine party. Enjoy all the pictures of the children, they really like school.
Ms. Dizon's Kindergarten Class
Here is our Daily News: “Today I learned…” Toby: “not to drop the clay heart.” Jena: “how to skip count by 5’s.” Samara: “how to listen to Mrs. Fox.” Xia-Mari: “that George Washington was once a kid like us.” Caden: “that George Washington was the first US president.” Jaxon: “I read my book to Ms. Dizon.” Yarinka: “that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president.” Savitri: “George Washington led the army.” Kellan: “that the US was controlled by the British King.” Knox: “how to print a drawing made of foam. Lola: “that George Washington wore a tricorn hat.” Here are some sweet photos of reading buddies this week too!
March greeters:
We are in need of a few people to help clean up the teacher lounges and restrooms at both buildings on April 9th. Please sign up below to help.
Auction help:
March 17th evening uniform sales
Family Night Out with Mod Pizza, February 28th .
Mod Pizza will donate 20% of all purchases either in-store, via the app, or online done on February 28th. to Pals.
Mrs. Owen's Early Kindergarten Class Update!
What a “LOVELY” week it has been. Our theme included topics of kindness, friendship, love, and caring. We really enjoyed decorating our Valentine's Day bags with hearts and sparkles and passing out Valentines to our friends. And, can you believe we celebrated our 100th Day of School?! We did lots of hands-on math with our 100 items. Thank you for participating in this fun learning event and for providing festive food for our class party!
Here's what else we were up to this week:
-Letter Vv, how it looks, writes, sounds, and signs
-Super Sight Word be, as in Will you be my Valentine?
-All About Number 10 , handwriting, tallies, base ten, number line, and number word
-Sweet Heart Addition 1-10, we have been discussing vocabulary such as addend, plus sign, equal sign, sum, equation, and addition
-Counted by tens to 100 using a hand exercise called fist to fan, counted our steps to 100, used a 100's chart to count objects to 100, placed groups of 100 items in a line and measured the length, made a 100 froot loop necklace, traced numbers 1-100, did 10 sets of 10 different exercises, and compared each kiddos items, WOW! 100 can look so different. The kiddos deserve high praise for these activities as it takes much hand strength, fine motor skill, and hand eye coordination to complete many of these tasks (we did silly hand wiggles when our hands got tired).
-The Science of Chocolate: Reversible Change. We observed different types of chocolate in its solid state, melted it to its liquid state, and watched it over time return back to its original state, a solid. However, chocolate does not look, sound, or taste the same once the molecular structure has been changed. Once the chocolate solidified again, the shiny texture turned dull, the snap turned into a bend, and the taste was sweeter. This was very fun and got all of our senses going as we smelled, compared, and tasted the chocolate. Yum!
-Created an I love you to pieces fine motor craft using red, purple, and pink tissue paper
-After three weeks, we finally met our class goal for Blurt Alert! The kids get to pick a gem from the gem box and for each blurt we do NOT get one pom pom goes into our class jar for a class party. Nice job!
Mrs. Killian and Ms. TeVelde's Pre-Kindergarten Class Update!
Monday was a full day in which we celebrated Valentine’s Day, and our 100th day of school.
We learned about our teeth last week and this weekour focus is on animal teeth, and what they use their teeth for. On Tuesday we learned that teeth are made up of a hard enamel, which covers the softer parts of the tooth. We decorated paper teeth with enamel.
On Wednesday we talked about animals and what they use their teeth for. We created
“Elephant Toothpaste” even though elephants do not use toothpaste. Some of our favorite tooth facts are that sharks have many rows of teeth, and beavers have teeth with iron in them.
We completed another 10 frame in class, and filled out a 100 chart with small items on Monday for our 100th day.
Mrs. Mellos' Class Learned about Taking Care of Their Teeth!
What Makes a Good Friend? Mrs. Rail's Kindergarten Class
Mrs. Pickerill's Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Update!
This week we will learn about and explore space. We will talk about the many different planets, the moon, and sun.
Last week we enjoyed all of the fun Valentine’s day activities. Thank you for providing valentines for the whole class. We also celebrated Lachlan’s birthday. Thanks to Lachlan and his family for the birthday treats for everyone.
In math the children were each given a small box of candy hearts. They used the candy hearts to sort them in the correct color and then counted how much they had of each color.
In writing I asked the children the prompt “Love is…”
Dallas: “making chocolate cookies.”
Dane: “being with my family.”
Finley: “playing with my friends.”
Gurnoor: “being with my family.”
Lachlan: “my mom, dad, sister, and brother.”
Leandra: “being with my mom, dad, and sister.”
Maya: “playing with Alex and Norah.”
Norah: “being with my cats and family.”
Quorra: “being with my family and playing games.”
Ceramic Hearts with texture, by K-1st grades!
Cave Paintings, By 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades!
Cups of Fantasy, by 5th-6th grades!
PE Shirts
We wanted to send a reminder that all PE shirts and uniform sales are made via the link below through PALS, with all payments being made online rather than through either front desk at Robin or Markell.
Anything purchased will be delivered to your child's classroom. As a reminder, the used uniforms can vary in size due to wear and shrinkage, so it's best to come in and try them on. We are working to add more uniform store availability for working families, hopefully in the evenings (by appointment).
If you shop at, this is a great opportunity to raise money for Franklin Academy. Sign up at Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your purchase price will go towards the FA Annual Fund. Here’s how:
1. Go to Amazon Smile
2. In the “pick your own charitable organization” box type in Franklin Preschool
3. Click on the Bellingham Franklin Academy (may still be listed under St. Paul’s Episcopal School through the summer)
4. Very Important! Please make sure whenever you shop on Amazon you go to the Amazon Smile webpage. If you shop on we won’t receive the donation.
The Franklin Academy
Location: 1509 East Victor Street, Bellingham, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 733-1750
The Franklin Academy Points of Contact
Melanie Hurley, Associate Head of School,
Dawn Regier, Administrative Assistant Markell Hall,
Rachel Lee, Administrative Assistant Robin Hall,
Natalie Bennett, Admissions Director,
PALS (Parents Actively Lending Support)
After School Care Supervisor Violet Lord