Hisle Happenings
January 27
- Mark your calendar for campus events! Spring Pictures and more!
- 1st Grade Families: Mark your calendars for February 10th!
- Sign up to help at our Cultural Fair or to be a Watchdog!
- Buy a yearbook...we only have 50 remaining.
Posts by Prindle
January has brought us the opportunity to wear winter clothes, play in snow, and enjoy some time doing "indoor" recess! Learning is in full swing at Hisle, and there is NO time to waste! We begin each day with a "class meeting" where we review goals, talk about ways to treat one another and more before we start math or language arts! This last week, we had district personnel on campus, and we spent time observing learning in action in our EC-5th Grade classrooms. District continually commented on the student engagement and their ability to work together and talk about the what they were learning.
Over the last few weeks, each child has taken his/her mid-year assessment for i-station and MAP. Reports should be coming home this Friday! As a reminder, it would be good to visit with your child about areas of improvement and what are they doing to become a better reader, writer, and mathematician. As a campus, we are seeing STRONG improvement in our literacy skills! Each grade level's "rate of improvement" is moderate or high! More students are reading on grade level and being able to talk about what they are reading. We're going to celebrate! Mathematically, we are seeing growth in our students BUT we want more! We need to work on extending and our thinking about how to solve problems. Our instructional staff will be identifying 2-3 additional strategies to support mathematical thinking this week! I would encourage you to reach out if you have any questions...we are here to partner with you!
Remember, Hisle Hounds howl loud and proud!
Calling all multilingual students! The Global Languages and Cultures Department is hosting the 4th Annual Leander ISD International Film Festival on March 8th, 2025 in the Leander High School PAC. We invite EC-12 students to submit videos by February 21st. For more information, please see Film Festival Info and Links 2025
This is an opportunity for students to showcase their multilingualism, academic strengths, and creativity. Participating in the International Film Festival empowers students to be creative & critical thinkers, skilled communicators & collaborators, compassionate community contributors, and adaptable & reflective individuals. The audience for the film festival will include students, staff, families and community members. Sample videos from previous years
Cedar Park High School's award-winning broadcast program is hosting an elementary broadcast camp on Monday, Feb. 17 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Broadcast students will lead and help the kids make a newscast by the end of the day!
- Monday, Feb. 17 (Staff PD Day) 8 to 11:30 a.m.
- 3rd-5th graders
- Snacks Included
- Cost is $50
Cultural Night Happens with Volunteers!
HIsle Elementary is excited to host our 1st "Cultural Night" on March 7th! We are looking for volunteers to host a country, decorate, or more! Please complete your interest on the form