Ferguson PTO Weekly Newsletter
Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday, February 7, 2025
Firefly Families,
What a week it has been at Alyssa Ferguson Elementary! Our Fireflies continue to amaze us with their dedication, energy, and enthusiasm for learning. From academic milestones to special celebrations and off-campus adventures.
On Monday, we had Interim testing, giving our students an opportunity to demonstrate their learning and growth. We are so proud of their focus and perseverance as they worked through the assessments, showing just how much they have accomplished so far this year.
Tuesday and Wednesday, we welcomed District and campus personnel for instructional walks. These visits allowed us to highlight the incredible teaching and learning happening every day in our classrooms. It was inspiring to see our educators engage in meaningful conversations about best practices, student success and ways to continue fostering a dynamic learning environment for all.
Thursday, was a day of joy and celebration as we officially marked the 101st day of school by dressing up in our best 'spots.'
Friday, wrapped up our week with an exciting off-campus experience for our third graders. Their field trip provided an opportunity for hands-on learning outside the classroom, sparking curiosity and reinforcing the importance of real-world connections to their studies.
Next week is a short week. We have parent-teacher conferences on Thursday afternoon and a holiday for the students on both Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Filled with Firefly Pride,
New 'Bright News' for This Week
- Art Studio Newsletter
- February Library News
- Black History Month Staff Luncheon
- Cultural Display
- Attendance Pizza Party
- Bounce House Bonanza
- Boosterthon Volunteers Opportunity
- Family Movie Night
- Field Day
- Sponsor Highlight
- Community Events
Important Announcements
News from Nurse Peluse
To ensure the health of our school community, please keep your child home if they are experiencing symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cough, or any other signs of illness. A fever is anything above 100 degrees.
Contact Nurse Peluse if you have any questions about when your student can return to school. If you are unsure whether to send your child to school, most likely the student should stay home to rest and recover.
Please consult your child's healthcare provider for specific guidance regarding their health concerns. With flu season being in full effect, we must prioritize the health of all students and staff.
Staff Recognition - Heart-pliments!
Alyssa Ferguson Elemenatry Sock Drive
Spririt Week is Here!
Get ready to spread kindness and positivity during our special Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week! Dress up in your favorite kindness themed attire and/or participate in daily acts of kindness to make our school shine brighter! Let’s make kindness the norm.
Art Studio Newsletter
Take Care of Texas Kids Art Contest
Ms. Nelson invites all students in grades K - 5th to take part in an exciting opportunity to learn about protecting the environment and unleash their creativity to share knowledge with others.
For more information;
LINK: https://takecareoftexas.org/education/take-care-texas-kids-art-contest/art-contest-rules
‘I’m excited to see the creative ideas our talented Fireflies will come up with!’ - Ms. Nelson - FE Art Teacher 💙💛
Submit artwork along with parent permission form to Ms. Nelson by February 27th!
Garden Club
Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special Carnation Sale. Share the love by purchasing a beautiful carnation for your friends and teachers. All proceeds will support the Alyssa Ferguson Firefly Sprouts Garden Club. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to spread kindness and brighten someone’s day!
Revtrak Link for Purchase & more information:
February Library News
Lunch Visitors Now Welcome!
We welcome our families to come enjoy lunch with his/her Firefly!
• Guests will sit at the designated guest tables with the student they are visiting.
• Guests will only be allowed to eat with their Firefly when visiting for lunch.
• Guests will only be able to eat with their Firefly on designated days.
• Guests will be invited to exit the cafeteria during the start of the 5-minute quiet SEL moment.
December VIPS of the Month
Black History Month Staff Luncheon
Thank you Micheaux’s for bringing our faculty and staff together for a celebration of culture and heritage.
Your Southern classics were such a treat!
Visit our Cultural Display!
Alyssa Ferguson Elementary is honoring the past, acknowledging the present and inspiring future generations by celebrating Black History Month.
Come visit our Beautiful Black History Month Cultural Display! A big thank you to Aly Elliott for decorating our display case!
Attendance Pizza Party!
✨ ✨ Congratulations to Ms. Chirayil’s Class for receiving the Highest Class Attendance Percentage for the month of January!!!
Huge thanks to our FE PTO Sponsor Center Court for providing a celebratory pizza party!! 🎉 🍕 😋
The Ferguson Bounce House Bonanza | Save the Dates
We're excited to introduce this year's main fundraiser, the Ferguson Bounce House Bonanza. Our goal this year is to raise $40,000 for field trips, staff appreciation week, student/staff t-shirts for 2025/2026 school year, 5th Grade celebration, end of year class parties, and more to benefit ALL students at Alyssa Ferguson Elementary. We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers 3 important things to our school community: User-friendly fundraising platform Character enrichment program Fitness-focused event that includes ALL of our students As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s Donation Page at MyBooster.com. The best part is, you can still support our school just by SHARING about the fundraiser! Students will also experience an amazing character enrichment program called “Castle Quest”, teaching students about how to be brave and live with character. Key Dates to Remember: Sign up online at MyBooster.com – 02/13/2025 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 02/27/2025 Event Day – 03/07/2025 More details to come! Follow our social pages for updates on our fundraiser
Interested in joining the Boosterthon Team? Join us for a meeting on Monday, February 10 via Google Meet.
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Yearbook Sale
Yearbook Cover Contest
PTO events and activities - Year at a Glance
Mark your calendars for all of our PTO events and activities!
Please note: dates are subject to change and we will notify you as soon as possible.
Volunteer sign ups can be found on Konstella. We will be adding more as events approach.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers: We Need You!
✨Calling all Firefly Families!! Make a difference by volunteering your time to support our students and teachers. This is a great way to meet some of the Firefly Staff and see your little Firefly too.
Sign Up To Volunteer Today thru the Konstella App ( + More & + Sign-Ups).
Want to Wish Your Firefly a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"?
Firefly Wishes are birthday messages displayed on the school marquee and mentioned in the weekly Fireflyer newsletter. Click on the graphic below for more information.
**Please submit your request at least 10 days week prior to your desired publishing date. We will not be able to enter late submissions into the system. Firefly wishes are $12 plus a $.59 processing fee. Availability is based on a first come, first serve basis. Firefly wishes can be purchased through Konstella under the "sales" link. When you are on the home feed, click "more", and "sales".
Click on the logos below to check us out on our websites and social media.
FE PTO 2024-2025 Board
President: Stephanie Titas
Vice President: April Royston
Secretary: Whitney Johnson
Treasurer: Kiran Agarwal
Parliamentarian: Megan Allshouse
PTO Meetings
2024 -2025 Meeting Dates
The PTO Board meets monthly at the dates and times listed below. Meetings at 12 pm will be held in person in the Extended Day Room. Meetings held at 7 pm will be on Google Meet.
Everyone is welcome and invited to join us. It is a great opportunity to hear what the PTO is doing and share ideas with us. The PTO Board will convene on the following dates:.
Community Events
Join us for the 8th annual Gumbo Cookoff, 2/8, featuring over 20 flavors to try! Bring the whole family! All are welcome!
Enjoy gumbo, burgers, desserts, drinks, a carnival, and more. All proceeds go directly to the youth ministry of St. Angela Merici.