WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
As we shared last week, there are so many fun, creative, and exciting things going on in our building. In short, there are a lot of things to like about WJHS! Please enjoy this short, celebratory video as we wrap up calendar year 2024!
The junior high school experience brings a lot of laughter and also challenges. The shift to adolescence is different for every student and they change a lot throughout their time at WJHS. Many of our students still love recess and run outside as soon as they are given the go-ahead, and some of our students try and hide inside the school to avoid the cold. 🥶 Spirit Weeks can be fun and a bright spot for so many, and for others there is the sense that they have outgrown dressing up for school. It is such a unique time in a young person's life, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to sit beside your children to help them navigate the experiences that come their way. Thank you for being wonderful partners as we work to help your children grow both academically and as human beings, to be contributing members of our society.
Thank you for your dedication, generosity and support. We wish you a safe and happy holiday season!
Warm regards,
Kate, Jeff and Rob
School Safety Dog Visit
The safety of our students and schools is our top priority. One of our proactive safety steps is implementing unannounced dog searches at WJHS. Yesterday we were visited by Zeus, his handler Glenn, and our Community Resource Officer Val Davis. We are thankful that his visit confirmed that our school was safe on Thursday.
These dogs are trained to detect the presence of many prohibited items including:
illicit drugs and narcotics
gunpowder-based items
alcoholic beverages
commonly abused prescription and over-the-counter medication
Drop Off and Pick Up Pattern
Drop-off/Pick-up Traffic Pattern
As a reminder, and for the safety of our students and staff, there is no left turn into the circle drive during both drop-off and pick-off and no left turn leaving the circle drive in front of the school. Not adhering to the designated traffic pattern impacts student safety and traffic flow.
The Village of Wilmette has replaced the sign into the traffic circle to make the message more clear and visible. Please be advised that this is a Village of Wilmette sign enforceable by the Wilmette Police Department. Since there have been recent complaints made to the Wilmette Police Department about left turns, there will be enforcement periods in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation.
8th Grade Families: Save the Date!
8th grade graduation will take place on Thursday, June 5 at 5:30pm in the new Winnetka Main Gym, at the Winnetka Campus of New Trier High School. We are excited to return to New Trier for our 8th grade graduation ceremony this year! More information on graduation will come out in the next few weeks.
SEL News
December often finds us in a season of giving and offering gratitude for the things that we are thankful. Practicing gratitude with our children is a wonderful way to help them build empathy, support the development of their relationship skills, support finding creative solutions to conflict, and can help kids make positive choices when they interact with others.
This month as we all reflect on the past year and look forward to a fresh start in 2025, try one of these simple ways to practice gratitude as a family…even the simplest acts can make a big difference in the lives of others…as well as your own!
As you tuck your child in bed at night or as you converse at the dinner table, ask your child, “What were you thankful for today?” Share your own as well! This will help to reframe even the negative thoughts (i.e. “Ugh…the snow…”) to positive thoughts (i.e. “The snow today made everything look clean and bright outside.”) and by sharing your own thoughts of gratitude, you serve as a model for your child.
Write thank you notes…but not only for gifts! Gratitude can be expressed to others (teachers, grandparents, siblings, etc.) with a simple note of thanks for anything! See if you can get crafty and creative as you send notes to others expressing your thanks.
Create a family gratitude jar. After creating the jar, put it in a special place in the house where you add to it on a regular basis with little slips of paper. You can use questions such as, “Who makes you laugh?” or “What are the things that made you happy this week?” to prompt thinking about gratitude, or just keep it as a spot for family members to add regularly. Open it and look through it every few months, to see how many things in our lives have created a sense of gratitude.
The German students went downtown to the Christkindlmarket last week to experience an authentic German style Christmas market.
The French students enjoyed Buche de Noel cakes this week during classes and learned the history of this traditional French dessert.
These activities are sponsored by the WJHS PTO’s iGNITE Fund for Enrichment. Thank you parents for donating to your child’s enrichment programs!
iGNITE Magnets were distributed to students whose families made a contribution to the WJHS PTO’s iGNITE Fund for Enrichment. Your student would have received their magnet with a thank you note from the WJHS PTO during their homeroom this week. Hopefully they will make their way home to parents to display on your car! Questions? Email Tania Bouwman at waysandmeans@wjhspto.com.
112 Gift cards ($140) were handed out this week to each WJHS staff member from the WJHS PTO Teacher/Staff Holiday Gift Fund, representing our wonderful parent community. We also delivered gift cards to our hard-working crossing guards! Thank you for your generosity!
The WJHS Talent and Variety Show has added dates in January 2025 for your student to audition with their act! Choose from 1/16, 1/22 or 1/30, 3:15pm-4pm at WJHS.
Whether they sing, dance, play an instrument, recite poetry or tell jokes, this is the chance for them to have a real audience! Sign up HERE! Rehearsals will be on Thursdays afterschool in January and February, with the performance on 3/6/25. Questions? Email Vandita Pateriya at vandita9@gmail.com for any questions.
Have your student get their submission into Mr. Donhost TODAY in order to enter the 2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Design Challenge. Students received the submission link via their Schoology Lunch Course. Email Mr. Donhost at donhostm@wilmette39.org with any questions.
Did you know that the State of Illinois recently passed Public Act 103-0899 that says “(c) a person may not operate a low-speed electric scooter unless he or she is 18 years of age or older.” Just in case you were thinking of purchasing a holiday gift for your student…. now you know! Check it out at Public Act 103-0899!
The WJHS PTO has been asked to pass along these community announcements:
The New Trier Parent Association is looking for volunteers to help fill packets for the incoming Class of 2029's Activity Night. Sign up HERE and thank you!
Date: Tuesday, 1/7/25
Time 10:15am - 1:00pm (or come when you can)
Where: Room C234 Northfield Campus
Enter through D or B building. Security will check in volunteers please bring your ID.
Parents can honor a special teacher/staff member with an Appreciation Certificate HERE for $39 on our website’s virtual Wall of Honor. All donations benefit D39 schools by funding the Gripp Grant program.
District Update
What I Like About…District 39!
There are so many fun and creative things happening in our schools that bring smiles to students and staff alike. As we head into winter break, we celebrate all that we love about our schools! Please enjoy these short videos sharing a few of the many reasons our students and staff enjoy their schools!
Parent Education Event
District 39’s December Parent Education event titled “Youth Substance Use Trends Parents Should Know About” was full of valuable information for families. If you were unable to join us live, the recording and presentation materials are available below.
We are grateful to have partnered with PEER Services and the Knowledge Empowers Youth (KEY) Coalition for this presentation, which provided outstanding guidance on an important topic. Please visit our Parent Education webpage for our full schedule of events as well as archived recordings of past events.
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education gathered this past Monday for its monthly business meeting. In addition to hearing committee reports, the Board was presented with a draft of the 2025-26 academic year calendar, which will be officially approved by the Board on January 27th, and approved the supplemental debt service tax levy for 2024. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings are posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Save the Date – Registration for the 2025-26 Academic Year
With the end of the calendar year rapidly approaching, we wanted to share that registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. District 39 is excited that it will be offering full-day kindergarten for all families beginning in Fall 2025! A draft of the 2025-26 academic year calendar is available here and will be officially approved at the Board’s January 27th Board of Education Meeting.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @wjhswolves39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family