Falcon Flyer for Families!
July 12, 2024
Hello families! We are very excited as school is just a few short weeks away! Before you know it, it will be August 8, and we look forward to greeting you.
Parents, the transition to "back to school" can be a tough one for adolescents. As we near the start of school, here are a few tips: 1) gradually return to a regular bed schedule and rise time so the transition will be easier; 2) if your student has a cell phone, or has been playing many video games over break, reduce screen time as it can be difficult for students to abruptly transition without technology during the school day; 3) start conversations about expectations or concerns for the school year so that you can reassure your student that it's going to be a great year; 4) set some goals for the first month of school and include a set study time so that your student is all set to begin the year with a great start. This is the prime time to begin your transition since we are only a few weeks from school starting!
Last, please Save the Date! Next Thursday, July 18 will be our first SIC/PTO meeting starting at 5:30 in the Media Center. Please make sure to park in the lot next to Cherry Park/CPES as the entrance is from the side of the school near the auditorium. Hope to see you there!
We look forward to seeing you soon. Please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
Dr. Persinski
Rising 6th graders--Welcome to the Nest!
We are so excited to welcome our 6th graders! 6th graders are invited to come to campus on July 24 and 25 from 9:00-12:00. 6th graders will be introduced to SOAR, our DLI and IB programmes, dress code, and expectations. They able to meet some teachers, Ms. Wilmore (counselor) and Mr. Modla (Assistant Principal)! School schedules will be provided. Come explore the Nest! RSVP to Mr. Modla at bmodla@rhmail.org and Ms. Wilmore at ewilmore@rhmail.org to attend!
SIC/PTO Meeting
Returning Student Verification
Proof of Residency--Save time and beat the line!
Please verify your student will be returning to our school next year by completing the returning student verification. You should have received an email from Rock Hill Schools. Please reach out to our registrar, Ms. Melissa Payne, if you need assistance. You can email her at mpayne@rhmail.org. Additionally, all returning students will need to provide a Proof of Residency in the form of a current utility bill (electric or gas) or a lease agreement. Those can be emailed to Ms. Payne, as well. Returning student enrollment will not be considered complete until that POR is submitted. All Rock Hill School families (who had students in the district last year) will need to update your child's verification and provide a Proof of Residency.
Parent Portal
Once you have completed verification, please register for Parent Portal. This hub has recently been updated with our Transportation Forms and Technology Agreement form. All families will need to fill out the technology form.
Only families looking for bus service need to fill out the transportation form. Requests for transportation are due by 5 p.m. on July 25 to ensure service on the first day of school. We cannot guarantee immediate service for any requests received after July 25 as we will have to place those students on an existing route, and it will take a few days to process the additions.
Parent Portal access is available on the PowerSchool website: https://rock-hill.powerschool.com/public
Does my child need any shots this year?
If your student is going into 7th grade, then YES! Please make sure to have proof of receiving the TDAP vaccine. You will receive more information soon from Nurse Bailey.
Schedule Time!
Sullivan Administration!
Mr. Beau Modla, 6th grade AP
Mr. Brian Hollingsworth, 7th grade AP
Mrs. Gwen Lindsey, 8th grade AP
Suggested Summer Reading
Falcons, make sure to continue reading over the summer and avoide "summer slide!" Check out the suggested book list HERE from the SC Junior Book Award Nominee List.
Falcon Handbook 2024-2025
Upcoming Events and Calendar
July 18: 5:30 pm SIC Meeting in the Media *Please park in the lot next to Cherry Park
July 24-25: 9:00-12:00 6th graders
July 29: 7th grade Registration and Schedules 3:00-6:00 pm
July 30: 8th grade Registration and Schedules 3:00-6:00 pm
August 5-7: Volleyball Tryouts
August 8: First day of School!
August 15: Open House 6:00-7:15 pm
August 27: MAP testing ELA
August 29: MAP testing Math
August 30: Early Release @ 11:45
September 2nd: Labor Day Holiday