Principal Zeman's Notes
September 27th, 2024
Tackle Cancer and Military/ First Responder Appreciation Football Game Oct. 4th
Next Friday is our annual Tackle Cancer game.. Students will be highlighting childhood cancer with the color gold. If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt follow THIS LINK. Shirts will be delivered next week and worn on Friday. All proceeds from the activities throughout the week (including the shirts) will benefit the Randy Shaver Cancer Research & Community Fund.
Also, the football game is our Military/ First Responder appreciation night! Any adult with a valid military, police, fire, or first responder ID will be admitted for free to the game. We have arranged for a Life Link helicopter to deliver the game ball at approximately 6:50pm (weather dependent as well as Life Link availability).
We will also be inviting all current and former military onto the field for the presentation of the colors. Please be there to show them your support! Go Elks!
Students of the Week
The below students are recognized for their display of Elk Pride. At Elk River we educate, inspire and empower our ERHS community to be the best versions of ourselves for today and tomorrow. These students have supported our community in a variety of ways this week. Thank you for being an important part of the Elk Family!
Anna Murphy
Carolyn Loxtercamp
Celina Boggs
Daisy Chambers
Luke Bauer
Natalie Berthiaume
Piper Smith
Stacy Moraa
Will Jansen
Adriana Patullo
Anna Voigt
Avery Hofstede
Carelle Nkosi
Hudson Pasiowitz
Jace Larson-Vito
Josh Canterbury
Lily Sofio
Nathan Parker
Odell Kruah
Orin Jansen
Owen Westberg
Wyatt Mueller
Addison Frost
Andrew Roehrdanz
Brady Anderson
Caden Monson
Cameron Gustafson
Chase Swenson
Christian Rean
Hannah Arika
Jack Bauer
Jaelynn Mogren
Kylie Hanson
Mark Kohout
Traeh Hanson
Upcoming Events
ERHS School Picture Ordering Information
10/4 Final Picture and Retake day
Parent/Teacher Conferences, Open House style, no appointments needed
10/10, 4:00p- 7:00p
10/15, 4:00p- 7:00p
10/16, 8:00a-11:30a, 12:30p-3:00p
10/16-10/18 No School
Counseling Update
October is Manufacturing Month
Today's manufacturing careers are about advanced technologies, state of the art facilities, and fast paced, interesting work environments. But most of all, these technical careers are about those people who like to see the product of a honest day's work. Please see below for two great opportunities to learn more about careers in manufacturing. A free meal will also be provided by the sponsoring companies.
Cool Jobs Tour: October 3, 2024, 4-7:30 PM
Cool Jobs Tour: October 22, 2024, 4-7:30 PM
EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers): Grade 10 Field Trip Opportunity
Sophomores at Elk River High School are invited to participate in a FREE field trip attending an awesome career exploration event at St. Cloud Technical and Community College on Friday, October 25, 2024 from 9:15 AM-1:45 PM . This EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers) event is designed for high school students to learn about careers. EPIC is not your typical career fair. Students will be able to see demonstrations and have hands-on experiences facilitated by professionals who work in a variety of career fields. The event will allow students to "try-on" a career by engaging in experiences that mimic the activities of a variety of careers. Check out this VIDEO and WEBSITE for more information on the EPIC event.
To take advantage of this great opportunity and attend the EPIC field trip, you must sign up. By completing the digital parent permission form, you are indicating that you are committed to attending this field trip. The deadline to register is Monday, October 7.This is a firm deadline as accurate sign up is essential to arrange transportation.Students are required to use school transportation for this event. If your student chooses not to attend the field trip, they will be expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes on October 25. All students signed up for the field trip will attend an Elk Time on 10/24/24 to help them prepare for the event. Space is limited to 200 grade 10 ERHS students. We hope you will join us for this great opportunity to plan for life after high school.
College Credit Opportunities Information Night: October 10
The Counseling Office will offer a presentation on ways to earn FREE college credit while attending high school. Information will include Concurrent Enrollment, Advanced Placement, Articulated College Credit, and Post-Secondary Enrollment Options. This event will be held during Fall Conferences on October 10 from 5:00-5:45 PM in the Zabee Theater.
ERHS Financial Aid Information Night: October 10
The ERHS Financial Aid Night will be held during Fall Conferences from 5:45-6:30 PM in the Zabee Theater on October 10 . Basic information about aid programs, eligibility, college cost, and tips on completing the FAFSA will be covered. Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to attend with their parents.
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.