Wildwood Weekly
December 8, 2024
Tigers roAr
This coming Friday, Trimester 1 report cards will be sent home with students. This checkpoint presents a wonderful opportunity for you to sit down with your child, reflect on the progress, celebrate successes, and make plans for improvement.
I would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of reviewing the EFFORT grades on your child's report card. Consistent EFFORT, over time, is the most trustworthy predictor of academic success and personal growth.
Here's a general interpretation of E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), and N (Needs Improvement) for effort grades:
E (Excellent): This grade typically indicates that the student consistently puts forth a high level of effort in their citizenship, work and study habits, and academic work. They actively participate in class, complete assignments with care, and demonstrate a strong commitment to learning. Students earning an E for effort are proactive in seeking help when needed and consistently go above and beyond expectations.
S (Satisfactory): A grade of S suggests that the student puts in an acceptable amount of effort. They complete assignments on time, engage in class activities, and demonstrate a satisfactory level of commitment to their studies. While they may not consistently go above and beyond, their effort is solid and meets the expected standard.
N (Needs Improvement): An N indicates that the student's effort in their academic work falls below the expected standard. This could mean they are struggling to complete assignments, lack engagement in class activities, show inconsistency in their commitment to learning, or need frequent reminders related to citizenship and work and study habits. Students with an N for effort might benefit from additional support, encouragement, or strategies to enhance their work habits.
When your child brings home their Trimester 1 report card on Friday (12/13/24), we encourage you to review and discuss all effort and academic grades with your child, acknowledging their hard work and commitment. Together, let's celebrate not just the outcomes but also the journey of learning. Thank you for your continued support in fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment for our students.
Mr. Lynch
Honor Roll Awards
In an EFFORT to recognize and reward students for excellent EFFORT and academic achievement, Wildwood is expanding our report card recognition system this year to include:
- Academic Honor Roll: All A's and B's (4th and 5th Grades only)
- Work Habits Honor Roll: An "E" mark for work habits (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) NEW
- Citizenship Honor Roll: An "E" mark for citizenship ( Kindergarten - 5th Grade) NEW
EXCELLENT Work Habits, Citizenship, and Academics take time and practice to develop. If your child does not earn one of these awards during the first trimester, we encourage you to have a constructive conversation with your child to determine what steps they can take to improve.
If your child DOES comes home on Friday with one (or more) of these award certificates in their report card envelope, we encourage you to celebrate this special achievement with them.
- Important Dates -
December, 2024
11: Stand Proud on Campus for 5th Grade11: PTA Executive Board Meeting at 6:00pm
13: School Spelling Bee Assembly at 8:15am (Gr. 3-5)
13: Report Cards Go Home With Students
17: SSC Meeting at 4:00pm
18: Chorus Concert at 6:30pm
20: Pep Rally at 8:15am, Lunch with the Principal, Special Dress Day (Winter Holiday Wear)
21: Winter Break Begins
Helpful LINKS
- School News -
Unity Within Community
We had a wonderful time practicing ways to respect ourselves and others during Inclusive Schools Week. We played games, read stories, watched videos, and participated in activities that helped us learn how to value our unique differences and see how they can be leveraged to create a more welcoming and inclusive community.
Many thanks to the 5th grade students who culminated the week by visiting classes to read to their younger schoolmates. We're proud of the way our older students mentor, model and care for the Tigers who follow in their footsteps.
Join me in thanking our campus supervisors, our P.E. staff, our office staff, our teachers, our parent volunteers, and the students for their efforts in making Inclusive Schools Week such a great success.
Wildwood Spelling Bee
Upcoming Spirit Dress-up Day
Our Wildwood Student Council has selected and announced the next Spirit Dress-up Day. Start planning now and get in on the fun.
- December 20: Winter Holiday Wear - Have fun dressing in whatever colors and clothing items that you into the spirit of the holidays
Follow Us on Social Media
Wildwood Elementary has an official presence on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Click on each image below to access Wildwood's social media accounts. Be sure to like and follow to get an inside peek into daily happenings at Wildwood through videos, images, and reminders which are posted weekly by our Wildwood social media manager.
- PTA News -
Reflections Update
Congratulations to our Reflection's Art Contest winners who made it into the Conejo Council Show, and on to the District judging process!
Film Production:
Walker DesAutels, JJ Martinez, Benjamin Zone
Sawyer Hopkins
Kai Loo
School Cents and Toy Drive
We wanted to send a reminder about our partnership with The Oaks Mall and their School Cents program- when we submit our receipts, Wildwood receives points, and at the end of the year we receive a check for our school based on how many points we earn. All receipts dated and submitted Nov. 1 - Jan. 15 earn 20 points per dollar spent! In addition, submit your Santa photo package receipt (located in the JCPenny Court) to earn an additional 1,000 points.
Donate a new, unwrapped toy ($15 minimum value) now through December 20 to earn 500 points for our school. To help with this, our Student Council will be collecting toys. Please drop off donations in front of the school and Student Council and PTA will do the rest!
Logging your receipts is easy! Simply fill out this form and upload a picture of your receipt and they do the rest. You can also email a picture of your receipt to to Cristina Davis at wildwoodcents24@gmail.com and she will take care of the rest for you. Don't forget that the movie theater and restaurants count as well!
Thanks for your support & happy shopping!
-Wildwood PTA
Food Night Update
Thanks to Imperial Garden for hosting our most recent food night & thank you to all the Wildwood Families that attended. Imperial Garden donated $488 back to Wildwood- which goes straight to programs for our students!
Tuesday, December 10th: Join us at 3 Amigos on Arboles ALL day to earn 20% back to our school. Call ahead to pre-order and don't forget to show the flyer below. Thank you for supporting our school!!
3 Amigos Restaurant Night - 12/10
Get Your Gear Here!
Digital Backpack Fliers
Please click the "Digital Backpack" image to check if any new community fliers have been posted recently. Not all fliers will appear as images in our Wildwood Weekly newsletter, and we don't want you to miss out on community events, classes, or opportunities that are of interest to you. Fliers are organized under three tabs:
- School-Connected Organizations and Governmental Agencies
- Non-Profit Groups
- All Other Groups
From time to time, individuals or groups in the community will distribute information and advertisements to parents/guardians on the public sidewalks during school arrival or dismissal. This information is not affiliated or endorsed by Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD. Any approved communications (i.e. announcements, fliers) from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD will be provided directly from the school to you via email, or given to your students to take home. If you ever are unsure whether or not materials are from Wildwood Elementary and CVUSD, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.
- Important CVUSD Information -
Wildwood Elementary
Email: klynch@conejousd.org
Website: www.conejousd.org/wildwood
Location: 620 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA
Phone: 805-492-3531
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WildwoodTigers
Twitter: @WildwoodTigers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildwoodtigers/