Early Intervention Newsletter
September 2024
What are ARIN IU 28 Early Intervention Services?
The ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 Early Intervention (EI) Preschool Program provides a variety of programs and services for children from their third birthday until entry into school. Services for children during the preschool years are provided at no cost to their families when the child is determined to meet eligibility requirements. Individual Education Programs (IEPs) are written to define the services that will be provided to those eligible children.
Preschool Services may include:
- Screening and Evaluation
- Support in Early Childhood Environments
- Specialized Instruction
- Speech
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Hearing
- Vision
- Specialized Classrooms
- Transition to School Age Programs
ARIN IU 28 Early Intervention Calendar for September:
Green = Student Classes in Session
Yellow/White/Purple= No Student Sessions
Welcome New ARIN IU 28 Early Intervention Staff!
Preschool Highlight of the Month: Kindernook
September is National Emergency Preparedness Month. Use this month to help your family prepare for an emergency like floods, fires, winter storms and more.
Check out these resources to help your family prepare for emergencies.
- Pennsylvania Emergency Preparedness Guide: This guide will help you become better prepared by learning about different kinds of emergencies, how to create emergency plans and kits for your home, your vehicle and your workplace, and how to plan ahead if you have a special need.
- Family Communication Plan for Parents and Kids: Guidelines to help your family determine who would be your out-of-state point of contact, and where you would meet away from your home.
- Helping Children Cope: Tips to help children recognize their reactions during and after emergencies, and also help children cope with their emotions.
- Ready Kids: Ready Kids has tools and information to help before, during and after disasters. Play games, learn about disasters, and get tips to prepare before a disaster strikes.
There may be a monster in your home and it's right in front of your eyes. It's your television or tablet!
Spending time watching TV or using a tablet means your preschooler may not be engaged in creative or learning activities, like reading, playing or just being a kid.
Many homes have one or more TVs or tablets. Too often, a preschooler's free time may center around what's playing on TV or on the tablet. Watching excessive, or inappropriate shows or games can lead to:
- violent and aggressive behavior,
- obesity,
- poor body concept and self-image, and later,
- substance abuse and early sexual activity.
Get tips to help your family tame the monster in your home and take control of your family's TV or tablet habits.
Pennsylvania State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) invites families of children currently receiving Early Intervention (EI) services and parent co-chairs of the Local Interagency Coordinating Councils (LICC) to join the SICC Family Meet and Greet on Thursday, October 10th, 11:30am -12:30pm. This event takes place through Zoom. Please note the meet and greet is designed exclusively for families of children currently receiving EI services and parent co-chairs of LICCs.
The SICC Meet and Greet is an opportunity to connect with other EI families, learn more about the purpose of the State Interagency Coordinating Council and how families can be involved. See attached flyer for registration details. After registration, the Zoom details will be sent a few days prior to the meet and greet to the email chosen to register with.
Register Here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeihr8QJyJ88E.../viewform
Watch: Videos to Help Preschool Kids Recognize Their Emotions
The Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Pre-K Project is a video series, based on mental health research, created to make important mental health skills available to preschool children (age 3 to 5). These videos introduce important ideas, taught the way young children learn best: through entertaining, relatable stories set in a vivid, imaginary world. Each video features a memorable song that reinforces the key messages.
Watch the complete series with your child. You can also download the free companion guides that summarize key ideas and include an activity that can help kids practice the skills they’re learning. For older children, explore more free evidence-based video resources for K-12. Each video in the series is available in both English and Spanish.
Armstrong and Indiana County Food Banks
Power Library
Do you know about Power Library, Pennsylvania's electronic library? With Power Kids, you and your child can access things like:
- BookFlix: Watch videos and read books
- CyberSmarts: Learn how to be a safe, responsible and smart citizen with eBooks
- TrueFlix: Learn about people, places, nature, history and science from videos and eBooks
- Chat with a Librarian
In addition, many libraries throughout Pennsylvania offers their members access to downloadable or streaming eBooks and audiobooks through Axis 360 and Hoopla. Enjoy new bestsellers and old favorites on your compatible digital device! Check with your library for additional info.
Harvest Hayride FREE Workshop
Looking for a fun, free activity to do with your child(ren)? Check out your local Lowe's for the September 21st workshop! You can either complete the activity at the store, or get it to take home and complete!
Click here to register for the workshop! Change your store to the Lowe's location closest to you!
Have you signed up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library?
Check availability in your area!
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides books free of charge each month to children from birth to age 5. Wondering what books your child will receive each month in 2024? See below!
Is Your Child Starting Kindergarten Next Fall?
Sign up for the FREE monthly Kindergarten, Here I Am eNews!
Each month get activities, tips and resources you can use to help your kindergartner prepare for and have a successful Kindergarten year.
Learning is Everywhere
September: We're in the Living Room!
Each month offers activities families can do together in a variety of settings. The activities within the Learning is Everywhere Calendar and on the website are aligned with the Pennsylvania Early Learning Standards (ELS).
Activities for your preschooler:
Low-adhesive tape, like masking or painter’s tape, can be used to make a road map in the living room. Working with your preschooler, ask where the roads should go. Will they go over a sofa? Under a table? Behind a chair? Once created, use toy vehicles, dolls or toy animals to follow the roads. Ask where the roads lead and what will be found at the end. Creative Thinking and Expression
With magazines or newspapers, your preschooler can choose a theme, like animals or food. Then, using safety scissors, encourage them to look through the magazines or newspapers to find and cut out pictures that fit into the selected theme. Talk about why certain items fit into the theme, and why others do not. Once the pictures are cut out, have them choose a few favorites to paste or glue onto a piece of paper they can keep. Approaches to Learning through Play
Use a paper lunch bag to make a puppet. Turn the lunch bag upside down so that the bottom of the bag becomes the top of the puppet. Use the flap for the face, have your preschooler draw a face with crayons or markers, and talk about what the puppet might be and what it might do. Once finished creating the puppet, have them put their hand inside and to make the puppet talk. What does it say? Check out PA’s Promise for Children’s Pinterest Board, Feelin’ Crafty for more puppet ideas! Creating Thinking and Expression
Sing up for the FREE monthly Learning is Everywhere eNewsletter!
12 books about family and friends to correlate with the September Theme:
- Ciencia Magica enla sala de estar by Richard Robinson
- Please, baby, please by Spike Lee and Tonya Lewis Lee
- Who’s in my Family by Robie H. Harris
- More More More, Said the Baby: Three Love Stories by Vera Williams
- Annie Rose is My Little Sister by Shirley Hughes
- Lion in the Living Room by Caelaach McKinna & A. R. Stone
- Crazy Hair Day by Barney Saltzberg
- Toot & Puddle You Are my Sunshine by Holly Hobbie
- Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
- Max’s First Word by Rosemary Wells
- Hunter’s Best Friend at School by L. M. Elliott
- Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson
What can you do with the monthly book list?
Each month Learning is Everywhere provides a list of books that compliment the activities. What can you do with this list?
- Make a short video of your child reading or giving a book review of one of the books on the list. What was their favorite part of the book? Share the video with family and friends. Tag PA's Promise for Children on Facebook or Instagram!
- Share the list with your friends who have children.
- If you are a teacher, print this list and give it to the families of your students, or post this list where families can see it. They'll know which books are being read in your classroom.
- If you are an early learning community partner, host a special reading event for families using the monthly book lists. Each month has a different focus--find them at PA's Promise for Children. Include an activity from the monthly list to engage families.
- Print the list and take it to your local library. Your librarian can help you find the books on the list. Then read the books with your child. Help your child circle or cross out the books on the list as you read them.
How do you use this book list? Share on PA's Promise for Children, the Facebook page, or send it to Mary at marhal@pakeys.org.
Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania
Parent to Parent matches parents of children with special needs or disabilities with other families who've had similar journeys. A new diagnosis for your child might feel overwhelming, but P2P wants to ensure that you don't feel alone. By being matched to another family, they can provide emotional support, advice, stories of their own experiences, or just a listening ear!
Click here to complete a new match intake form
Want to become a Peer Supporter? Click here!
For more information, call 1-888-727-2706