Zion Lutheran Children's Ministry
August 2024 Newsletter
Hello from Mrs. Rachel!
Hello Children's Ministry Families!
We hope you and your families have enjoyed your Summer break and are excited to return to school and Kids Connect in a few weeks. We have greatly missed the smiles and hugs from your sweet kiddos.
One more BIG THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered at SCUBA VBS 2024! We were able to serve and share God's love with 180 children this year. It would not have been possible without our congregation stepping up to serve!
Quick reminder to bring in your completed Summer Bible Buddy Reading log, to Kids Connect class, to collect your prize!
Praying for you as you enter a new school year,
~Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Sherlyn
Back to School Prayer Guide
Backpack Blessings
Kids Connect
Kids Connect Kicks Off Sunday, August 18th!
Join us on Sunday, August 18th, for our first day of Kid Connect Fall 2024! We will be using Group's Dig In curriculum and studying The Heart of God. Kids Connect meets MOST Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30 AM at the North end of our campus in classrooms by the Gym. Please see the calendar below that indicates the weekends we will not hold class. If you are interested in joining our incredible team of volunteers we are always looking for teachers and substitute teachers!
Zion Children's Ministry will be implementing a kids check in system starting Sunday, August 18th. Children will need to be dropped off and picked up by their parent/guardian each week and wear their printed name badge during class. Your children's safety is our top priority and this will add another layer of protection for your children.
The 2024 Kids Connect Information Packet will be emailed to you next week!
Bible Buddy Reading Log Prize Pick-Up
Please bring your completed Summer Bible Buddy Reading Logs to Kids Connect to receive your reward! We hope you enjoyed reading your Bible this Summer with your newly adopted Bible Buddy.
3rd Grade Bibles
Calling all 3rd Graders! This is the time of year that I start to plan for Zion's 3rd Grade Bible Presentation. Do you have an incoming 3rd grader in your family? Please send me an email and let me know if you would like for them to receive a Bible. If your child in enrolled in school at Zion I will already have them on my list. Thank you!