The Faubion Lion Pride Press
Week of February 3, 2025
Dear Faubion Family,
In this edition of The Faubion Lion Pride Press, we provide updates, feature exceptional students and teachers, and congratulate our award-winning counseling team!
Aristotle once said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." At Faubion Middle School, we make excellence a habit, and we are kind. Parents, thank you for partnering with us in helping your children build quality habits so they will become the leaders of our future.
Go Lions!
- Mr. Boom
Melting on a Hot Plate
Description with Academic Vocabulary
Visual Non-Glossary
Creative and Engaging Instruction
Our 6th grade science team provided an all-encompassing lab to simulate the rock cycle to their young scientists. Students manipulated materials and applied different forces such as pressure and heat. Our students will continue to expand on their learning, covering many aspects of our physical world. We look forward to our visitors from the City of McKinney's Department of Environmental Services visiting our classes next Monday!
McKinney ISD Distinguished Art Show
Our extracurricular and curricular offerings at Faubion create special moments! Pictured is 6th grade artist Lyla Mercer, two adoring fans, and Mrs. Manning at the McKinney ISD Distinguished Art Showcase. One of our Faubion staff members provided Mrs. Manning a picture of their family's beloved family pet, and Lyla was able to surprise the girls with a special painting at the art show! Congratulations to all of our artists for showcasing their special gifts and to Mrs. Manning and Ms. Gerbig for helping our artists learn and grow. We welcome you to join us next Wednesday, February 12 for the upcoming HeARTS for Arts Art Show in the Faubion Art Gallery (adjacent to the cafeteria) from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Youth and Government in Austin
Pictured are members of our state Youth and Government Team, led by Coach Larissa Nicolle. Distinguished delegates and participants filled the senate floor to propose bills as a means to better understand the legislative process. Congratulations to our future legislators and to their amazing coach!
Faubion Counselors Earn Leadership Distinction at the State Level!
We are excited to share that Faubion Middle School counselors have earned the CREST Award for the fourth consecutive year! This prestigious recognition from the Texas School Counselor Association highlights our commitment to a data-driven, comprehensive counseling program that supports student success.
This year is especially significant as it marks the first time we were eligible to apply at the Leadership level—and we won! Achieving this highest distinction reflects our dedication to advocacy, collaboration, and innovative practices that make a lasting impact on our students and community. Thank you for your support as we continue to empower every learner! Much appreciation to Mrs. Jones, Mr. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Kiefer for their work in supporting our students and staff. Pictured are our counselors as well as Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Boom, who accepted the Leadership award on behalf of Faubion.
HeARTS for Art Showcase
Please join us for the first ever Art Showcase Wednesday, February 12 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the "Art Gallery" (adjacent to the cafeteria). We will have student art on display, face painting, a photo booth and more! You do not need to purchase a ticket to attend. If you would like to donate a frame to a student CLICK HERE. Face painting is available for a cost of $5. Congratulations to Ms. Gerbig and Mrs. Manning for their leadership of the studio art program.
7th/8th Grade School Dance
Tickets to the Sneaker Ball go on sale during all lunches the week of the dance. For a cash-only price of $15, a ticket to the dance gets your child pizza, water, and a cookie. Students are not able to bring outside guests, and tickets will not be sold at the door. As advertised in the newsletter for the last several months, students had to pass all classes and be in good behavioral/attendance standing to purchase a ticket. Our art department, Student Council, and outstanding PTO are working together on this event to create a memorable event for our 7th and 8th graders!
RBFCU is sponsoring our photo booth, allowing 100% of proceeds to go to our Student Council. The cost is $3 per round of three photos of two rounds for $5. Up to five students can be in the picture, and every student in the picture gets a print. Really Free Checking account gives you more when it comes to your money. Along with the no-cost Freedom Debit Card and standard checks, our Really Free Checking account includes no monthly maintenance fee and no minimum balance requirements. Join today at rbfcu.org/join use promo code: DA0009
Spreading Kindness
Our Student Council, under the leadership of Mrs. Boysen, is creating a heartfelt tribute to Valentine's Week. Complete with sending inspirational messages to others, having theme days, and setting up a photo booth at the school dance, our Student Council is heavily involved in creating a culture of kindness!
Thank you to Monica Gurrola
Monica Gurrola, operation specialists for Morada Senior Living and Redbud Place Assisted Living in McKinney paid us a surprise visit this week. Our teacher retirement groups are happy to assist our staff and wanted to send a big thank you to them! "Thank you to our teachers that love our children every day and grow our children to be the best version of themselves!"
Illness Exclusion Criteria
McKinney ISD is dedicated to ensuring that every student has a safe and healthy environment in which to learn. As a result of that dedication, there are specific policies and guidelines that are in place to maintain a healthy atmosphere for all students. Given that fact, it is important to safeguard our students and not send students to school when they are ill or are not fully recovered from illness.
At Faubion we recognize that learning is greatly enhanced when our children are in good health. We have already begun to see many signs and symptoms of cold and other respiratory problems in children at school. Once again, it is our goal to have all children well and at school learning, but there are times when they must be at home.
- If your child runs a temperature > 100 degrees he/she should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours without medication.
- If your child continues to run fever three or more days and has other symptoms, which do not appear to be affected by your care at home, he/she should remain home and you should contact your physician as soon as possible.
- No Vomiting or Diarrhea for 24 hours without medication. Your child must remain home for 24 hours after having diarrhea or vomiting.
- If your child vomited during the night or as they were getting ready for school, they must stay home.
- Communicable disease: Any illness diagnosed as a communicable disease requires a doctor's note for re-admittance into school. The Texas Department of Health School Exclusion Guidelines is used to determine re-admittance. Please call Nurse Ganter for any other information needed.
Dear Parents of Current 8th Graders,
We are excited to share information about Accelerated Online Courses available to McKinney ISD students in grade 8. These courses provide students with the opportunity to advance their academic journey by taking additional courses online.
What are Accelerated Online Courses?
Accelerated online courses are self-paced and taught by MISD teachers using an approved online curriculum. This option allows students to enhance their learning experience and earn credits in a flexible format.
Spring Session Details:
Start Date: January 20 (may start after)
End Date: May 2
All coursework must be completed by May 2 at 2:30 PM.
Please note: No extensions or refunds are provided for incomplete work.
Courses Offered (with Counselor Approval):
Psychology (Grades 8-12)
Sociology (Grades 8-12)
Health (Grades 8-12)
Foundations of Personal Fitness PE-A & Fitness for Life PE-B (Grades 8-12)
Professional Communications (Grades 8-12)
How to Register:
To register for an accelerated online course, please contact Christina Kiefer at chkiefer@mckinneyisd.net for detailed instructions and approval.
Tuition Payment:
$225 per course ($50 per course for students who receive free/reduced lunch or are currently in AVID)
After counselor approval, tuition can be paid:
Online through My School Bucks
Or by cash, check, or money order payable to McKinney ISD
If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out to your campus counselor.
Cheer Tryout Information
Please review the following links or use the QR codes above for information about our upcoming cheer tryouts!
Required Forms
Important Dates
MISD Spirit Guidelines
Add Money to Your Child's Lunch Account
MySchool Bucks – www.myschoolbucks.com - is the place to add money to your child's school lunch account.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Complete Free and Reduced Lunch Form: www.myschoolapps.com
This needs to be completed every year and does not renew from year to year.
(You can change the default language on this website by clicking “Language” in the top-right corner)
If you would like further information on our lunch programming, please visit: https://www.mckinneyisd.net/o/misd/page/free-reduced-meals
Food Deliveries to Students
Per district policy, food deliveries during the school day for students will only be allowed from a parent/guardian or emergency contact. No outside deliveries of food from sources such as UBER, Lyft, restaurant delivery, or friends' parents will be accepted.
Student IDs
Students are required to wear their student ID on their neck at all times on campus (except for PE, pre-athletics, or athletics classes). Our PTO has lanyards for sale during lunches on Wednesdays, so feel free to customize!
Please tell your child to secure their ID in their backpack at the end of the school day so it is ready for them the next school day when they walk in the school building. Replacement IDs will cost $5. If a student forgets their ID at home - even if they know that it is not lost - they will be required to have a replacement ID printed and their account will be assessed a $5 fee. Multiple replacement IDs may also result in school discipline. If you have not yet, please have a conversation with your child about how to keep track of their ID and to be prepared every morning to come to school.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure that your child has their student ID and is accompanied by a grown-up at all after-hours McKinney ISD events!
How to Stay Updated on Your Child's Progress
Staying current on information is easy, if you know where to look!
For school-wide information, you can visit us at:
School website -https://www.mckinneyisd.net/o/fms
Facebook - facebook.com/faubionms
Our counselor webpage - https://fmscounselors.weebly.com/
PTO website - faubionpto.com.
Please visit all of these sites regularly to stay updated. Make sure to check your child's grade regularly in Home Access Center (HAC) at https://hac.mckinneyisd.net and view coursework in Canvas at https://canvas.mckinneyisd.net.
You may monitor your child's grades and attendance by using the Home Access Center.
Here are the steps to follow:
1) Please make sure that you are using Google Chrome as your browser.
2) Go to https://sso.mckinneyisd.net
3) Enter your login credentials. If you need assistance with your login information, please reach out to your child's house secretary:
A-G: Mrs. Hernandez - dahernandez@mckinneyisd.net or 469-302-7005
H-O: Mrs. Perea - lperea@mckinneyisd.net or 469-302-6911
P-Z: Mrs. Dedman - odedman@mckinneyisd.net or 469-302-6917
Nurse Megan Ganter - mganter@mckinneyisd.net or 469-302-6914
You may enter PARENT NOTES on the Faubion website, and even upload a doctor note in that form!
Drug Use Prevention: McKinney ISD offers a Canvas course called "Talk it up! Prevention resources for parents," which is full of drug prevention resources. Please visit the following LINK, bookmark it, and review it at your convenience. Our district truly embodies the "Live Kind" mindset in taking care of the entire child. Our district Substance Use Prevention Committee works hard to make the content relevant, engaging, and timely. Our counselors are also equipped with lots of resources to assist you, so if you need anything please reach out to us.
Expectations for Students
As new students enter Faubion, they are provided a tour by our PALS program, which includes a viewing of the FIRST DAY SLIDE SHOW!
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy - At your convenience, please listen to the Simon Sinek video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNgQOHwsIbg) about the harmful effects of cell phones and the importance of interpersonal communication. We do not allow cell phones or smart watches to be turned on during the school day with the exception of lunch. Please help us reinforce this expectation, as we want to engage your child in high-quality instruction from bell-to-bell in every class, every day.
McKinney ISD Student Handbook
All students in McKinney ISD are to follow the rules set in the student handbook. Please visit https://www.mckinneyisd.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-25-Student-Handbook.pdf for the handbook that you signed for your student as part of registration.
If you are interested in joining the PTO, volunteering, or finding out more about our work, please visit www.faubionpto.com. Our PTO will partner with businesses throughout the year to help create fun experiences for our students. Please email sponsorship@faubionpto.com if you know of a business wanting to get connected.
Spirit Wear from our PTO!
Please go to www.faubionpto.com and shop at your convenience! All athletics gear (7th and 8th grade athletics) is purchased through the Athletics department. All 6th grade Pre-Athletics and 6th-8th grade Physical Education gear is sold through the PTO.
The WOW Positive Behavior Program
Stanford University professor Carol Dweck conducted a study to determine the impact of recognition. She found that applauding effort is more beneficial for students in building a growth mindset than recognizing positive outcomes. Since we want our students to do their best every day, we celebrate effort by acknowledging students both in the classroom and throughout the entire school. We hold random drawings every Wednesday to select winners. This past year, 12,052 positive student actions were acknowledged by teachers!!
The Faubion PTO, Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Chick-Fil-A, Dillas, Market Street of McKinney, Jeremiah's in McKinney, CUTX, New York Life, the Faubion Orchestra, and more have contributed to the cause! If you know of a local for-profit or non-profit business or individual that would like to donate items or money, please let us know. We would love to highlight those who impact our work in building the leaders of our future!
Volunteers Needed!
We appreciate our parents who go beyond the call of duty to give back to our teachers and students. If you are interested in helping, please join the Faubion PTO. Additionally, you can sign up to be a Copy Room volunteer (whatever time of day is most convenient for you).If you are interested in serving as a MENTOR for McKinney ISD students, please visit this LINK.
For any visits to campus (field trips, volunteering, guest speaking, etc.), you would to have a current Volunteer application on file.
Traffic and Pick-Up Guidelines
As you are planning for picking up your child after school, here are FMS expectations:
1) Adhere to the "No Parking" signs, which means no parking/stopping/standing. Streets affected are southbound Paula, northbound Isola, northbound Hollis, and southbound Duvall.
2) Do not enter the McKinney ISD Central Office parking lot or the FMS gym parking lot.
3) You may use parking in front of Ron Poe stadium, where there is ample parking and access to go north, east, or south after picking up your child.
4) Duvall is one-way street (southbound only) on the south side of Josephine.
5) Dropping off children in front of the cafeteria is not allowed in the mornings.
6) Please note that parents will not be able to check out their child from the front office after 3:30 p.m.
Note: The speed limit for the entirety of the one-mile block surrounding Faubion, Central Office, and Al Alford Field has a speed limit of 20 miles per hour during drop-off and pick-up hours. Please adhere strictly to this law, as there are several school buildings in the vicinity.
Clubs and Organizations
We have several well established clubs and organizations on campus, including Academic UIL, Student Council, Youth and Government, the Kindness Club, and more. All clubs are student-led and guided by a faculty sponsor. Please follow this LINK for a listing of our clubs.
Mental Health Awareness for Parents
Keep Talking: Mental Health Awareness for Parents https://tinyurl.com/misdcares
We invite you to explore our self-guided course to learn about common mental health conditions, resources for assistance, and wellness practices that will support your family. You’ll be empowered to teach your child positive coping strategies and resiliency skills. This course can be accessed on-demand from the privacy of your home.
Bus Status App
McKinney ISD, and bus provider Durham School Services, have a new mobile app for MISD families: BusZone.
BusZone allows parents, guardians, and students to monitor the location of a particular bus and/or possible delays in a bus arriving at a specific stop. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play. A parent must have a smartphone, tablet, or similar device to download the app. Use of the app is purely voluntary. No cost is associated with the app; however, associated data charges may apply and will be the user’s responsibility.
To get started, please follow these five steps:
Download the BusZone app from your mobile device (iOS, Android)
Enter school access code 3021MISD
Search for your child’s bus route number (can be found in HAC if you need to look it up)
Enter your child’s name and unique six-digit student ID (no ‘s’ before the ID)
Set up alert zones for notifications
When your child’s bus enters an alert zone, you will receive notification by email or text.
This flyer contains all the information you need including a convenient QR code to access the user guide. Additional information can be found on the BusZone Support Page including a How-To video found in the BusZone Bus Tracking section.
Monday, February 3
Boys' Basketball Games
Tuesday, February 4
Faubion students to present at McKinney City Council
Band Social at Andretti's
Thursday, February 6
Girls' Basketball Games
Faubion PTO General Meeting
Saturday, February 8
Basketball "A Team" Tournament
Wednesday, February 12
HeARTS for Arts Showcase and Fundraiser - 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Thursday, February 13
UIL One Act Play competition at McKinney Boyd HS @ 4:30 p.m. Public is encouraged to attend!
Friday, February 14
School Dance - 7th and 8th graders only! Must be passing at semester w/ good attendance and behavior
Friday, March 7
Walker Elementary Silver Jubilee
Friday, April 4
Lion's Pride / Merit Scholar Awards Ceremony - 3 p.m. in the Faubion Auditorium
* Merit Scholar recipients must have a 93% or higher in all classes at the end of the prior quarter *
Friday, April 11
Faubion Family Fun Night
Jack C. Faubion Middle School
Email: mvandenboom@mckinneyisd.net
Website: https://www.mckinneyisd.net/o/fms
Location: 2000 Rollins Street, McKinney, TX 75069
Phone: 469) 302-6900
Facebook: facebook.com/faubionms
Twitter: @FaubionMiddle