Updates from U-32
November 1, 2024
Principal's Update
Dear U-32 Community,
One of our commitments as a U-32 community is teaching civic engagement and educating students to become active and engaged members of local, national, and global democratic processes. In doing so, we encourage students to ask questions, seek evidence, and explore issues from multiple perspectives and allow them to ask questions about those processes.
As we near the ending of a national election cycle we continue to expect students to engage in civil and informed discourse about issues. We continue to expect them to formulate their understanding of issues based on trusted evidence and our teachers support them in understanding how to identify trustworthy sources.
As an educational community it is our responsibility to engage students in learning about the processes that ensure peaceful transitions of power in the United States. It is also important for them to see how their voices as young people can positively and thoughtfully impact our community.
We live in an economically, politically, and ideologically diverse community. Therefore it is our responsibility to foster engagement that is safe and respectful for everyone. I recognize that conversations at home may differ from those we have in school. Our main goal as a school community is to provide a safe space for productive discussions. As you engage with your student at home, I would ask that we continue to work together to make sure everyone feels included and valued.
All the best,
Rebecca Tatistcheff, Principal U-32
Caregiver/Teacher Conference Information
U-32 Caregiver / Teacher Conferences Information & Link
VIRTUAL CONFERENCES - 7th Grade Cores, 9th Grade Teams, 10th Grade Teams and High School ~ 8:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
IN-PERSON CONFERENCES ~ 10:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
VIRTUAL CONFERENCES - 7th Grade Cores and Off-Team Classes for High School Team Teachers ~ 2:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
U-32 Fall Craft Show!
U-32 Participates in Annual Suicide Prevention Walk
Last Saturday, our community came together for the annual Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk, creating an unforgettable day of awareness, remembrance, and solidarity. Each step taken represented a message of hope: that no one has to struggle alone. By walking together, we honored those we've lost and helped break down the stigma surrounding mental health challenges, making it easier for people to seek the support they need.
The event was both healing and inspiring, as participants connected with each other, shared stories, and embraced the collective resilience of our community. Whether participants walked in memory of a loved one, for a friend, or for their own journey, every step taken truly made a difference. This event reminded us all of the power of community and the impact we can have when we stand together for a cause. Thank you to everyone who walked, and to those donated to our team. We collectively raised $905 that will go towards suicide prevention!
Marine Ecology Opportunity for U-32 Students
Marine Ecology, a course available to U-32 students in current grades 9-12, is an innovative course that combines face-to-face learning, online discussion, and a research experience abroad. Students will delve deep into Earth’s oceans and study ocean geology, biology, ecology, zoology, chemistry, and how humans impact ocean ecosystems. Students will investigate characteristics of marine food webs, distribution patterns of aquatic life, and threats to our precious underwater ecosystems.
The second half of the course will center around preparing for a July trip to Bermuda. In Bermuda, students will be intimately involved with marine research, collecting fish biodiversity data while snorkeling in coral reefs and other marine ecosystems.
For more info and to sign up, please visit https://northbranchnaturecenter.org/marine.
AI & Disaster Relief Opportunity at Norwich University
Are you interested in learning more about AI? Join us for an exhilarating day-long event at Norwich University on November 16, 2024, for hands on learning in the artificial intelligence and disaster response field. Register by November 6, 2024.
Norwich University's Artificial Intelligence Center, and the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI) with the support of the office of Vermont Senator Peter Welch invite area high school students to spend the day exploring how the power of artificial intelligence (AI) can be utilized to respond to a variety of humanitarian disasters.
During this day-long experience, students will hear from experts in the fields of: artificial intelligence, humanitarian disaster response, and resilience as they outline the case for utilizing AI in disaster response.
Afterward, students will participate in hands-on activities and experiments utilizing AI tools in a variety of case study scenarios. The event will conclude with a competition where students will get to compete in teams to come up with the most creative and effective AI solution to a disaster response scenario.
- Key Skills: Leadership, Teamwork, Artificial Intelligence, Disaster Response, Resilience, Cultural Competence, STEM, Non-STEM
- Time: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
- Cost: Free for all participants
- Where: Norwich University, Northfield, VT.
- Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
News from the Student Services Office
IC PLP courses- all students have a course called PLP in the AS (After School) slot in their IC schedule. There is a lot of info so we hope you will check it out.
Naviance - Remember to frequent Naviance as this site helps U-32 students explore post high school planning options, build a resume, manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers. This is also where all of the scholarship opportunities are housed. Each student will work with his/her TA and school counselor in Naviance to create his/her Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs).
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself. If you have misplaced your registration code, please notify Student Services.
Report Card Dates for 2024-2025
Semester 1
Quarter 1 HS/MS Progress Report - Available Friday, November 1, 2024
Quarter 2 HS/MS Report Cards - Available Thursday, January 30, 2025
Semester 2
Quarter 3 HS/MS Progress Report - Available Monday, April 7, 2025
Quarter 4 HS/MS Report Cards - Available TBA mailed pending snow days
DUAL ENROLLMENT: Vermont high school juniors and seniors can take one FREE college class during their junior and senior year. Dual enrollment gives students the opportunity to experience college while still in high school, and they can earn credit toward a college degree (saving hundreds of dollars in tuition fees).
Learn more about dual enrollment at http://www.vtdualenrollment.org/
To create an account and apply for a dual enrollment voucher, go to:
Community College of Vermont (CCV) Spring Schedule
Community College of Vermont (CCV) Summer Schedule
Not All Colleges and Universities Require SATs/ACTs
Not all admissions processes are created equal. One major point of difference among colleges these days is how admissions officers consider your SAT scores. More schools are de-emphasizing SAT scores as part of your application with “test optional” and “test flexible” policies. One college has even eliminated SAT scores completely!
There are now over 800 accredited, bachelor-degree granting institutions that have changed their approach to standardized test scores. (Keep in mind that the majority of colleges, especially the more prestigious schools, do still require and strongly consider your SAT scores.) Let’s take a look at the different policies and which schools no longer require applicants to submit their scores for admission. Go to www.fairtest.org for more info
Looking for an alternative to college?
VSAC is a fantastic resource for college and non college bound students www.vsac.org
VT DOL Apprenticeship Site - This Web site features detailed information on Vermont Registered Apprenticeships, employer-sponsored training programs that offer both supervised work experience and related instruction.
https://labor.vermont.gov/workforce-development/job-training-education-and-apprenticeship/apprenticeship or https://www.apprenticeship.gov/
Join us November 15th to Support the U-32 French Trip
Bolton Ski and Ride - January 2025!
Scholarship Opportunities!
The U-32 Student Services Office strongly urges all students and parents to frequent the scholarship section on the Naviance Family Connection site. Scholarships are updated weekly.
The scholarships below are accepting applications between October 29th, 2024, and May 31st, 2025. For more details about each scholarship and the eligibility requirements, read the details below carefully.
$20,000 (100 Awards)
Equitable Excellence Scholarship
Deadline: December 18, 2024
$5,000 (80 Awards)
Deadline: January 10, 2025
$1,000 (1 Award)
Avoiding Probate Pitfalls Scholarship
Deadline: February 10, 2025
$1,000 (2 Awards)
Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarship
Deadline: March 1, 2025
$25,000 (1 Award)
Deadline: November 1, 2024
$3,500 (1 Award)
College Mix Christian College Scholarship
Deadline: May 31, 2025
College Calendar and Checklist for Seniors
November 4th - SAT
Meet with college representatives virtually.
Check with your teachers, coaches, and/or TA to ensure that letters of recommendation are sent on time.
Mail applications for colleges with “rolling” deadlines as soon as possible.
Keep polishing your essay.
Continue to attend meetings with college representations.
Check in with your counselor.
Remember; Colleges take senior grades seriously.
Put the finishing touches on your essay. Be sure to proofread!
Try to wrap up applications before winter break. Photocopy all application materials before sending them in.
Send standardized test scores to your colleges. It can be done electronically at collegeboard.com or by phone at 800-SAT-SCORE.
Early Decision and Early Action letters start arriving this month. Check with individual schools to confirm dates. Good luck!
Regular applicants: call admissions offices to set up interviews if needed.
Complete CSS Profile if you haven’t already done so
Check in with your Counselor.
- ACT information
- January 17: Start of Quarter 3.
- Students admitted by Early Decision must withdraw applications to other schools. Deferred students should consider sending in additional letters of recommendation and other supplementary materials.
- Talk to friends home from college on break.
- Where possible, set up interviews with admissions officers or alumni interviewers.
- Check in with your Counselor.
Yearbook Info!
Purchase your yearbook early! You can customize it!
Seniors and their families! See THIS important information about senior quotes, farewells, younger photos and family dedication ads.
If you purchase your yearbook before October 31, 2024: your yearbook will be $35.00 and icons are FREE. If you purchase your yearbook between October 31, 2024 and December 31, 2024 your yearbook will be $35.00 before customizing. If you purchase your yearbook after December 31, 2024, your yearbook will be $40.00.
Here is the link to purchase your yearbook!
You can also purchase your yearbook from Sara Wolf in the technology office. Please bring cash or check made payable to U-32.
Yearbooks will be distributed in June.
If you have any questions please email yearbook@u32.org or call Sara Wolf at 802-229-0321 ext. 5107.