McAuliffe Elementary
Continue the Love for Learning - Week of August 31st
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Ways to stay connected with your child's teacher or school
- Remind 101 – Each class has a special code - contact the front office if you need your teacher's code
- Email - see staff directory above
- McAuliffe Newsletters - created through Smore
- SeeSaw
- Flyers will be sent home with students or information will be shared through text
- McAuliffe Facebook Page – McAuliffe a Community School
Welcome Packets
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms
Assessments for Virtual Students
English -
Spanish -
Call 918-357-6570
Leader In Me
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - Put First Things First
Habit 4 - Think Win Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw
Habit 8 - Find your Voice
Ask your student about the habits.
First Day of School - Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Monday, August 24th is the first day of school.
Students will not be let in the building until 7:15am. Tardy Bell rings at 7:40am.
No parents are allowed to walk students into the building. All K-5 students must be dropped off in the front loop. PreK families may park and walk their student to the covered picnic area or drop off in the loop.
Dismissal is 2:25pm - please do not arrive earlier than 2:15pm.
See the Below Map ATTACHMENT
Parents Right to Know
Dear Parents and Guardians:
In accordance with Parents Right-to-Know requirement under Every Student Succeeds Act - ESSA, Section1112 (e)(1)(A) this is a notification from Union Public Schools to every parent/guardian of a student in a Title I school that you have the right to request and receive in a timely manner:
a) Information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers. The information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers shall include the following:
§ If the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught;
§ If the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status in which the state qualifications and licensing criteria are waived;
§ The teachers baccalaureate degree major, graduate certification, and field of discipline; and
§ Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications
[ESSA, Section 1112(e)(1)(A)(i)-(ii)]
b) Information regarding any State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or local educational agency, which shall include a policy, procedure, or parental right to opt the child out of such assessment, where applicable.
[ESSA, Section 1112(e)(2)(A)]
c) Upon request, parents of an English learner may:
§ have the child immediately removed from an English Learner (EL) program; [ESSA 1112(e)(3)(A)(viii)(i)]
§ decline the child’s enrollment in an EL program, or choose another program or method of instruction, if available; [ESSA, Section 1112(e)(3)(A)(viii)(ii)]
§ receive assistance in selecting among various programs and methods of instruction, if more than 1 program or method is offered by the eligible entity. [ESSA 1112(e)(3)(A)(viii)(iii)]
d) In addition to the above information you will be notified if your student has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the applicable state certification for licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
[ESSA, Section 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii)]
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school principal at 918-357-6570
Jennifer McKnight
McAuliffe Elementary
Bus Procedures
Bus Procedures
Before Bus Arrives
1. Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus is due to arrive. Dress appropriately for the weather. You may have to wait in the rain or cold.
2. Wait for the bus at least ten feet back from the roadway and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before approaching.
3. Form a single line and enter the bus in an orderly manner (no pushing or shoving).
4. When entering or exiting the bus, always us the handrail.
5. Once you have entered the bus, find a seat quickly.
6. Carry belongings in a backpack or book bag and if something falls under or around the bus, tell the driver. NEVER TRY TO PICK IT UP YOURSELF.
While on the Bus
1. All rules for the classroom apply to the bus. No loud talking or yelling is permitted.
2. Always cooperate with the bus driver and other school officials.
3. Remain seated facing forward at all times. Do not change seats and keep feet out of the aisle. Bus seats are designed to protect you in an accident and can only do so if you are sitting properly.
4. Do not be destructive. Throwing objects on or off the bus is strictly prohibited. Students and their parents may be held responsible for damage to the bus or property outside of the bus.
5. Harmful items, such as drugs, tobacco, alcohol, knives, weapons, etc., are strictly prohibited.
6. Be courteous to your bus driver and fellow passengers. Profane language or gestures will not be tolerated. Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.
7. Help keep the bus clean.
8. Keep all parts of the body inside the bus at all times.
9. No food or beverages of any kind are permitted. Lunches may be taken to school if kept inside a lunch box or in a backpack/book bag.
10. Only those items that can be safely help in your lap or stored under the seat will be permitted on the bus.
11. Remain quiet when the bus is approaching and stopped at railroad crossings.
When Leaving the Bus
1. Exit the bus in an orderly manner (no pushing or shoving).
2. If you must cross the street, walk away from the bus and forward about 12 feet until you can see the driver’s face. Cross only after the driver motions for you to cross. Check traffic as you cross the street. Never cross behind the bus.
3. If something falls under or near the bus, tell the driver. NEVER PICK IT UP YOURSELF!
4. Move about six feet away from the bus and stay away from the wheels. Do not attempt to grab any part of the bus or run after it.
5. Never attempt to crawl under the bus for any reason.
6. Go directly home after leaving the bus, do not return to it for any reason or go to a friend’s house without parental permission.
Parent Conferences and Meet the Teacher
In-Person Learning
CDC Guidelines
All Students and Staff will be required to wear face masks
No visitors will be allowed in the building - this includes walking your student to class
Students and Staff that have COVID symptoms should not come to school
Hand washing times will be done throughout the day
Students will eat lunch in the classroom to remain in their homeroom cohort
Classroom cohorts will have designated times and spaces for recess
Students will be physically distanced from one another as much as possible. Although a six-foot minimum distance is not likely to be achieved given the size limitations in some classrooms.
One-way hallways, physical markers, or any other needed strategies to help maintain social distancing.
Elementary school sites will prioritize keeping students together in cohorts to limit the spread of COVID-19. Recess and outside time will continue to be available to students, but an effort will be made to limit recess to individual classroom cohorts.
In cooperation with local health officials, a decision may be made to cease “In-Person Learning” for a period of time. In these instances, students would transition to “Distance Learning” led by their regular classroom teacher. Please note: Distance Learning is not the same as Virtual Learning. (The Virtual option takes place entirely at home for an entire semester).
Distance Learning will be put in place for those students choosing “In-Person Learning” only when there is a need to close school buildings. There will likely not be much advance notice in the event we need to move to Distance Learning due to circumstances beyond our control. Again, our #1 priority is keeping students and staff safe in the event of an outbreak.
Union Public Schools Handbook Notification Form
The handbooks can be found under "Schools" in the "Enrollment" section under "Handbooks" or on each individual school's site.
Additional information concerning the school calendar, club descriptions, sponsors, sports, and announcements may be found at each school's website.
Community Health Connection
Services Include:
• Family Medicine
• Behavorial Health
• Routine Preventative Care
• Prenatal/Postpartum Care
• Pediatrics
• Preventive/Restorative Dental Services
• On-Site Pharmacy
• Teen Clinic
Over 80% of the staff is fluent in both English and Spanish and they offer FREE pregnancy
tests, FREE nutrition, cooking classes and aerobics classes, assistance with prescriptions/
medications, Health Insurance Marketplace (Affordable Care Act), Medicaid (SoonerCare)
enrollment and food stamp application assistance.
They accept private insurance, Medicaid (SoonerCare) and Medicare for all services. They
also serve individuals who are uninsured or underinsured by offering our services on a
sliding fee scale to those who meet certain requirements.
Call 918.622.0641 to schedule your appointment today!
Located by Ellen Ochoa Elementary
12020 East 31st Street
Tulsa, OK 74146
McAuliffe Elementary
Location: 6515 South Garnett Road, Broken Arrow, OK, USA
Phone: 9183576590