The Howler Vol. 15
December 20th, 2024

Volume 17: January 17th, 2025
From the Principal
Greetings Grant Watts Community,
As we approach the national holiday that celebrates the life and service of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I want to acknowledge the kindness and empathy we see within our students. In the past few weeks, they have learned about the teachings and history of this important American hero and engaged in some heartfelt conversations and activities inspired by the legacy of Dr. King. As you enjoy the day off Monday, I encourage you to talk with your children about how we can continue to work towards making MLK’s dream a reality.
Next week brings colder temperatures and the potential for icy conditions. Please use caution when walking around campus, and try to stay on the main pathways, which will be treated with deicer. If the thermostat drops below freezing in the mornings, we will bring all students inside beginning at 8:00 am. Recess will still be held outdoors, so please send your child with appropriate cold-weather gear. Also, remember to label those items with their names, as our Lost & Found is already filling up again.
Lastly, please ask your children about our new fruits and vegetables program we rolled out at Grant Watts this week. Thanks to a grant from the US Department of Agriculture, we can offer fresh and healthy snack choices for all our students each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We tried Fuji apples, kiwi fruit, and micro greens this week!
Have a wonderful long weekend,
Principal Small
PLEASE, if your child or your family are experiencing challenges, please reach out to me for support.
Tami McDonald, School Counselor
Is it Raining in Here?!
THIS WEEK IN THE LIBRARY: This week we had fun reading a story about how to act in a library and how to treat books–Do NOT Bring Your Dragon to the Library! It was Dragon Appreciation week and this was a fun little story to remind us how to be respectful, responsible, safe and kind in the library and to our books. It was perfect timing for this lesson and book because we have had a lot of wet books lately; hence the raining bitmoji! Unfortunately we had to throw away 5 books in the last 2 weeks because of water damage and mold. If you have a water accident with a book, please return it to school ASAP and give it to your teacher or Mrs. Nudo (if Mrs. Nudo is not here, please give it to Miss Anne or Miss Kailee). DO NOT PUT THE WET BOOK IN THE RETURN BIN! The faster you get the book back to me, the better the chance I can save the book! Thanks for your help!
AND, THE WINNER IS: Congratulations to Mrs. Ziels, Mrs. Greisen and Mrs. Feakin’s classes! They won the Golden Shelf Elf award for their grade level–these are the classes with the best on time book returns! We love it when books come back on time so another friend can have a turn! Thank you so much to these classes and way to go!
BE A BOOK FINDER: Please be on the lookout for overdue/lost/damaged notices this next week. We have a lot of newly “lost” books that were checked out 60-90 days ago. I hate it when families have to pay for books, so please look around for those hiding books! Thanks for your help!
Check out our District Librarian Website HERE!
Happy Reading! ~ Mrs. Nudo
Family Bingo Night Friday, January 24th!
Get ready for Family Bingo Night! This is one our favorite events of the year - and it’s FREE! This year we will be holding the event at the High School Cafeteria.
We are looking for prize donations for all ages - from toddler to adults. Donations can be dropped off at the schools.
If you would like to volunteer at the event, please see our Sign Up Genius
Save the Date - Hearts & Arrows Dance - Saturday, February 8th!
We LOVE our elementary schools, and it’s time to celebrate! Join us at the Hearts & Arrows Dance on Saturday, February 8th at Grant Watts Elementary. Music, lights, photo areas, and fun! Students from all elementary schools are invited. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must stay with students for the event.
Stay tuned for more information.
3rd Grade Families
The 3rd grade students will be going on a field trip to see the Oregon Symphony perform on February 13. The concert will be at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall downtown Portland. Students will be learning about the symphony and about the composers and music they wrote between now and the concert.
2nd Grade Families
Second grade students are starting to prepare for their 2nd grade concert starting this week. The theme of the concert is: Explore the World. We will be learning about five different countries and singing a song from each one. There will be a slideshow coming to your email soon (I’m still working on putting it together) that will be a practice aid for your student. They will be singing songs in different languages, so practice at home will be vital for their success. The more they hear the music, the better they will perform it. The concert date is March 20 at 6:30.
Champions is open at Otto Petersen
We are accepting enrollments for the 2024-2025 school year. We would love to welcome any new students to join our after-school program. Families can learn more at discoverchampions.com or by phone at 971.290.9010.
Information about Non-School Days:
Champions will be open on Non-School Days providing a safe and fun environment for school-aged children. Families needing care can sign their children up for these days by visiting discoverchampions.com. Register your child now before it's too late and enjoy peace of mind knowing your child is in good hands while school is out! Please note that our Champions program will be closed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on 1/20. The next Non-School Day will be on 1/31 at Otto Peterson from 7:30 am - 5:30 pm.
Upcoming Breaks with Champions!
In addition to our regular programming, we are now open for Spring Break and Summer Break enrollments for children ages 5-12. These seasonal programs provide a great opportunity for families to engage their children in fun, enriching, and educational activities during the upcoming breaks. Enroll your children at discoverchampions.com.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20th- MLK Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
- Friday, January 24th -SEPO Bingo Night @ SHS
- Tuesday, January 28th- 3rd Grade Field Trip to OMSI
- Friday, January 31st-Grade Day- NO SCHOOL
- Saturday, February 8th- Hearts and Arrows Dance
- Thursday, February 13th- 3rd Grade Field Trip to see Oregon Symphony