Virtual Youth Ministry 2020-2021
- The need for ministry is still there (and i'd argue more important now). Students are in need of deep, soul-changing relationships with the Lord and with God's people. Ministry is desperately needed.
- The triune God still moves and is active. God the Father is still sovereignly drawing his sons and daughters to himself. Jesus is still calling his people to come and follow him. The Holy Spirit is still comforting, leading believers away from sin and regenerating hearts. God has been active and is still active and will continue to be active.
- Trials are given to believers not as punishment, but as a source of refining the believer. These trials are meant to draw us closer to the Lord, allowing his people depend all the more on him. And in the end, they are meant to sanctify us and have us perfect and complete (James 1).
So you ready? And no, i'm not asking if you're ready to do what historically we would call "normal." I'm asking if we're ready to be faithful to what God has called us to as Christians - to make disciples of these students. For us to lead some towards the goodness and the beauty of the Gospel and have the saving power of Jesus change those students from death to life. For us to walk with students further along in this process of sanctification (becoming more like Jesus).
- 1:30PM First Sunday of the Month
- Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/cbcyouthpraise (860 4804 6335)
- First official Youth Praise will start Sept. 6th
DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS (DGs) // Discipleship groups are designed for each youth to grow together with other students in order to live life together and pursue Christ together. The main purpose of DGs is more for community and discipleship than it is a traditional bible study group. The bulk of our youth group's teaching will come from ACCESS and Youth Praise. Each DG is led by a DG leader who is to be their mentor and coach throughout the year. Since the majority of the youth's growth this semester will depend on weekly interactions, we expect each youth not only to attend DG meetings, but also get involved in the lives of their DG members.
- Meets weekly at various times (except for the first week of the month)
- Times & schedules will be sent out by each DG leader.
- Each youth will be assigned their new DG by August 30
VIRTUAL ACCESS // ACCESS is our youth group's version of Sunday school and is designed to provide the youth weekly teaching of the bible, theology, and doctrine. ACCESS will provide various tracks in which a student can sign up for during the semester according to their interests and needs.
- Meets weekly at 8:00-9:15pm on Friday nights
- Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/cbcaccess2020 (865 7478 1380)
- ACCESS Kickoff starts Sept. 4
WHAT IS THE GOAL? The goal is to have all of our youth cared for. Discipleship groups allows our members to care for and be cared on by each other and other members of the church. The goal of each discipleship group is to make sure that each person in the group has a safe space to share about their lives, struggles, thoughts, doubts, and needs. The goal is to foster discipleship of believers into maturity and witness to non believers through word and example while they look at the beauty of community groups.
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE GROUP LEADER(S)? The role of the group leader is mainly to coach and to provide wisdom. We ideally want the members of cbc youth to lead and take charge of their own group. The group leader is to coach those members to lead well. Give encouragement, advice, and correction for them to succeed.
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE COLLEGE SPONSORS? Your role is to provide the support for the group in addition to the group leaders. Work with your group leaders to make sure all of your students are cared for that week. In addition to praying for each member of your DG, get your college community to come alongside of you to love and support your DG. You can do that by asking them to pray for them, sponsoring them, group chatting and video calling them, serve with them when you’re back on break, etc. You are the big brother/big sister to these youth in your DG.
- WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE YOUTH MEMBER? I’m defining youth member as those CBC youth who are Christian and have (or on the their way of becoming) baptized members of CBC. Their role is to take care of their own DG. They are to mentor those younger than them and be mentored by those older. They are to set the example for the rest of their group when it comes to honesty and vulnerability. They are to pray for their group and check in with all the members. But they are also to grow themselves.