OCTOBER 7, 2022
School Store is OPEN TODAY!
The School Store will be open during recess, on Friday, October 7, and will be set up outside on the blacktop. All items are between $.25 and $3.00. Don’t forget your $$$ for the CAS School Store!
Important: School Drills
Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day is October 12th.
Save on gas, lace up your sneakers, and walk to school on Wednesday, October 12.
Bagel Lunch Fundraiser
Half Day Bagel Lunch!
Do you really dislike making lunches on half days? CAS PTO and Bagel Nosh have the answer! Order your child a plain or rainbow bagel with butter or cream cheese to bring home for lunch and help the CAS PTO fundraise at the same time! See the flyer below for more details on our new program that teams with Bagel Nosh or click here to order!
Turkey Trot 2022
The CAS annual virtual Turkey Trot is back for a 3rd year! Click the link for race and t-shirt registration -- https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Madison/CASTurkeyTrot2020
Deadline to order a t-shirt is October 20th. Sign up now!
volunteer opportunities
We are so excited to have parent volunteers back in the building this Fall! There are all sorts of ways you can volunteer to help, here are our immediate needs:
Picture Day
- Help the kids primp, straighten and smile at picture day on Monday, October 24 and Tuesday, October 25. Sign up to help your child’s class keep the line moving: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050E4EACAF2FA0FA7-casschool
May Day Prep Chair
- Like to get your hands dirty and shovel mulch? Then this is the job for you! Our May Day Prep Chair coordinates and communicates with volunteers and Town representatives for May Day at CAS! If you are interested, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know!
This week's theme: Organization
Home Connection Skill: Organization
What do you do when your child is disorganized, loses materials, is unable to find completed assignments, and misplaces items?
- Provide time before the day begins or at the end of the day to have the child organize and review their materials.
- Provide a fixed area in the house where the child can keep their items for school.
- Act as a model and share how you organize yourself. This may include how you develop a shopping list or following a recipe.
- Provide checklists, family calendar, or other visuals to help the child know what is needed and what is coming up.
- Reinforce when the child is organized.
- Speak to your child about expectations and provide examples.
- Routine is so important! Don't make sudden changes to the routine and if you do make changes, take the time to walk the child through the changes. Be consistent!
- Let your child fail. If they forget an item and or misplace an item, use this as a teachable moment instead of rescuing them.
- Take it step by step. Organization does not happen overnight!
- Develop a designated work area! A child that has full run of the home and is allowed to work anywhere may misplace items.
This fall, we launched the Meffie Awards, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Madison, to celebrate innovation in teaching in our schools. Six winning MEF grants from the 2021-2022 school year were selected, one from each school plus one district-wide grant. In all, eight educators were honored with a certificate, plaque, and $250 grant to invest in their classrooms. Congratulations to our amazing educators, including CAS’s own Mr. Paradiso!
We're able to fund our educators’ big ideas because of your generosity. Have you made your annual MEF donation yet? To learn more about the Meffie Awards and to make a tax-deductible donation, visit www.mefnj.org.
Did you know that CAS has a courtyard? Unfortunately, during the COVID shutdown, our beautiful courtyard reading garden fell into disrepair. This year, the PTO will be working with the building to revitalize and rebuild this outdoor learning space for our children to enjoy. Be on the lookout for more information regarding paver sales and big fundraising efforts to make this happen!
Keep scrolling for the following flyers:
- 5th Grade STEAM Think Tank (see button)
- CAS School Store
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