September 2023 Newsletter
For St. Paul's
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
226 E. Madison St.
Waterloo, WI 53594
Shared Ministeries
Bristol Lutheran Church
6835 County Hwy N
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
From The Pastors Desk
It is close to 100 degrees as I write this and going outside feels like I'm going to melt. On days like this, it is hard to believe that summer is almost over. But time keeps marching on.
It is hard to believe I have been pastoring for over five years at Bristol and one year at St. Paul’s. Without a doubt, things have changed. And thank God for that. What started as an idea has flourished into a community. Both churches giving their best for the ministries that serve God, our community, and each other. This took sacrifice, courage, and love. Without sounding condescending, I am so proud of you all, and thank God I am your pastor!!
What is next? Where do we go from here? Do we continue as is? or do we explore other options for our churches to grow? Only God knows. But that’s the exciting part, right? Working together, using our God-given gifts to serve God, each other, and our community. It sure takes a lot of work. Many hands make light work as the old saying goes.
So, my challenge to you is to think and pray about how you are called to be church together. It’s easy to think of why you can't do something, but what if instead, you believe God has called you just as you are and can use you in amazing ways?
There are so many opportunities to serve and we need the help!! You could be a confirmation guide or help with Sunday School or Sr. high activities. You could join a shared ministry like choir, making a joyful song to the Lord, or “Outreach” that plans church events. How about the council, usher, reader, communion assistant, or help with funeral luncheons? Perhaps you can grow in your financial giving to strengthen the church's ability to grow and thrive. The list goes on.
I know many of you are already doing these things, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. And if you are tired, if you have served and need a break, or you just need to rest in God's presence, that’s okay. This is also being faithful.
But for those who might want to help, who after praying feel the tug of the Holy Spirit pulling, come see me or Pastor Bob and we will figure it out together. This is a great time to be church together!
Blessing to you all,
Pastor Tim
Worship Time
Sunday Worship Service will be held at 8:30AM
8:30 AM August - November
10:30 AM December - March
Confirmation News
It's hard to believe summer is just about over and a new year of confirmation is fast approaching. When I arrived as your pastor confirmation had been a two-year program, 7-8th grade.
Last year some parents asked if their 6th grade kids could join and it was wonderful. I find 6th graders are too old for Sunday School and seem to fit nicely in confirmation.
So with that in mind, we are officially transitioning Confirmation from a two-year program to a three-year program, 6th-8th grade.
Please note: As this is a transition time, if your upcoming 7th-grade child did not participate last year they can still join now and be confirmed when they complete 8th grade.
Important upcoming confirmation dates:
· Wednesday, October 3rd Confirmation Orientation.
o St. Paul's 6:30- 7:30
- Worship, receive new bibles
- Overview and expectations.
- Fill out and return the registration form.
· Wednesday, October 11th
o Synod Wide "Alive Night" 5:30-7:30
- Central Lutheran Egerton, WI
· Confirmands throughout our synod will gather for a time of fun, food, and faith.
P.S. I am looking for two confirmation guides(M/F) to help facilitate the class. No training is required, just a caring heart for kids. Please let me know if interested.
We look forward to seeing the class on October 3rd.
God’s Peace+
Pastor Tim and Pastor Bob
Youth mission trip Garage Sale Fundraiser
The youth mission trip group will be hosting a garage sale during wiener and kraut weekend. The sale will be Friday September 8th from 7am-3pm and Saturday, September 9 from 7am-1pm in the church fellowship hall.
We would welcome any donations for the sale. All donations can be dropped off at the church September 5th ,6th and 7th from 5-7pm.
We can’t thank you enough for your support.
Brat Giveaway
Our Brat Giveaway was very successful. We had many, many volunteers from both churches, and we needed you all. Thank you all very much! We had about $180 in donations from church. The rest of the donations were all obtained from Thrivent and area businesses. Thanks so much to Sunshine Place for letting us hold it at their building. We had Life 102.5 WMWC radio there, playing music, bringing people in and giving away prizes. We gave away 430 meals of brats, chips and bottled water. We had another 20 brats for our volunteers. We made just under $450 for Sunshine Place too.
Hosting Joint Worship Service October 29th
A reminder that we are hosting the joint worship service October 29th. The Worship committee is seeking suggestions for the fellowship following the service. Contact Val Silha with any questions or sugguestions.
Pie Auction At Bristol
Our next big day is the Pie Auction on September 17th at about 11:30 at Bristol, following 10:30 a.m. church service. This is always so much fun. Donations of pies would be appreciated. There is a sign up sheet in the lower narthex, so we have an idea of how many pies we have coming. Come ready to bid for those pies. It’s always a fun time.
New Church Directory
Joint Choir
Joint choir rehearsals will start at 6:30 p.m. on September 13th at Bristol. You don’t have to be a pro to sing in the choir. Come give it a try. I know I can’t wait for choir to start up again.
Wishing all those celebrating in September a Happy Birthday!!
Cassidy Kidd 9/3
Allen Beal 9/4
Rebecca Abendroth 9/6
Denise Hauptil 9/6
Pamela Schmidt 9/7
Bernard Galston Jr 9/8
Katie Junkers 9/8
Brenda Priebusch 9/8
Megan Marshall 9/9
Sharon Braunschweig 9/11
Dave Dorn 9/11
Diane Jordan 9/11
Shirley Andler 9/13
Cameron Webster 9/14
Chase Webster 9/14
Blake Huebner 9/18
Gwendolen Larsen 9/18
Emerson Schulenburg 9/21
Ashley Wegner 9/22
Jean Jordan 9/24
Wendy Springer 9/24
Susan Wuchterl 9/29
Edward Tousignant 9/30
Ministers of Worship
September 10th
Usher: Dennis & Jean B., Stephen P. , Don V.
Greeter: Kris Wilke & Jan Crave
Lector: Judy Gehler
Prayer Leader: Judy Gehler
Comm. Asst: Judy Gehler
Organist: Elizabeth Converse
Videographer: Jill Oelke
September 17th
Usher: Bob S., David B., Rob R.
Greeter: Terry Sauer & Dave Zastrow
Lector: Jean Tousignant
Prayer Leader: Jean Tousignant
Comm. Asst: Jean Tousignant
Organist: Elizabeth Converse
Videographer: Debra McMichael
September 24th
Usher: Russ Peloquin Team
Greeter: Don & Phyllis Vehlow
Lector: Jill Oelke
Prayer Leader: Jill Oelke
Comm. Asst: Jill Oelke
Organist: Elizabeth Converse
Videographer: Debra McMichael
October 1st
Usher: Leroy & Helen H., James K., Lyndon S.
Greeter: Russ P. & Marilyn C.
Lector: Debra McMichael
Prayer Leader: Debra McMichael
Comm. Asst: Debra McMichael
Organist: Elizabeth Converse
Videographer: Jill Oelke