Distrito Escolar Unificado de Alvord
A Message from the Superintendent
It's disheartening for me to report, and for everyone to hear, that an intruder snuck onto an elementary school campus this past Friday. The man was seen exiting a girls' restroom at McAuliffe Elementary School. A campus supervisor approached the man and then chased him. The intruder ran away and jumped the 6-foot fence separating the staff parking lot from the campus. He sped away in a car.
The campus supervisor and another employee provided vital information to the Riverside Police Department that led to the man's capture and arrest hours later. At the time the intruder entered the restroom, second and third grade students were at lunch recess. One third-grade student was in the restroom that the man exited. It was later determined that there was an attempted assault of the student in the restroom. You can read the Press Release from RPD on their social media outlet.
I recognize that our families may want more detailed information about the events. However, the events are the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Riverside County Sexual Assault Child Abuse Unit. The privacy of the victim and the integrity of the investigation is the Sexual Assault Child Abuse Unit's priority. Consequently, we are not at liberty to provide any more detail than described above.
Our support team of counselors and specialists will be on the McAuliffe campus starting tomorrow to help students and staff impacted by the incident. Our School Resource Officer will also be present to support students and staff.
As I have mentioned in past messages, we established an Office of School Safety this past summer to conduct safety and security audits of all our schools as well as our emergency response. McAuliffe's school emergency preparedness efforts were evident by how well students and staff responded to the lockdown order.
It's understandable that everyone wants schools and districts to demonstrate decisive, quick action after incidents such as these occur. And that's exactly what we are doing by working closely with law enforcement and conducting a full investigation. If you've been to McAuliffe you know there is a fortified entrance and no one can enter the campus without going through the office and checking in. There are also 6-foot fences and locked gates surrounding the school. There is a four-person supervision team and two administrators trained to supervise an elementary school campus.
The school's leadership team has been in constant communication with its families and has announced some new practices to heighten awareness and increase adult supervision. The school is also working with parents to assemble a school-based family and community engagement "watch" program to increase supervision.
Educational Technology Bridges the Learning and Entertainment Gap
Technology has strongly contributed to the new education landscape. Students of all ages are growing up immersed in a digitally-saturated world. Students are used to using the latest technology, and expect to see it and use it wherever they are. It's a reality that the attention spans of students of all ages are becoming shorter as a result of technology. Our teachers embrace today's digital native and use a variety of strategies to captivate and sustain their students' attention. Technology for learning can be entertaining too!
Your children may have told you their classroom (every classroom in the district has one) has a large interactive display monitor, controlled with an iPad, that uses interactive touch display technology capable of displaying engaging content for teachers and students to touch, drag, drop, draw, annotate, and manipulate for deeper learning. The flat panel monitors are not mounted on the wall. Rather, they are on wheels; giving the teacher maximum flexibility to reconfigure the learning space and provide differentiated learning to keep students interested with tools designed for better collaboration and more ways to learn.
Below are pictures from a recent visit to Mr. Twogood’s 4th grade classroom at Promenade Elementary. Mr. Twogood displays his lessons on the monitor and enables his students to share their screens on the monitor to demonstrate learning mastery so he could check for understanding.
High School Back to School Night this Week
High School Back to School events are this coming Thursday, August 25 at the following times:
Alvord ACHS from 5-6 pm
Alvord High School from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Hillcrest from 5-6 pm: Meet and Greet. 6-7 pm: Classroom Visits
La Sierra from 5-6 pm: Meet and Greet. 6-7 pm: Classroom Visits
Norte Vista from 5-6 pm: Meet and Greet. 6-7 pm: Classroom Visits
Riverside Arts Academy Offers Free Music Classes to Qualified Students
Classes start on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Please visit the Riverside Arts Academy website here for more information and enroll today.
In Closing....
On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for your support as we work towards solutions for the serious problems and challenges that schools and communities face.
In partnership,
Allan Mucerino
Mrs. Julie A. Moreno, President
Collett K-5
Foothill K-5
Myra Linn K-5
Wells 6-8
La Sierra 9-12
Dr. Joanna Dorado, Vice President
Twinhill K-5
Valley View K-5
Loma Vista 6-8
Mr. Robert Schwandt, Trustee
McAuliffe K-5
Orrenmaa K-5
Stokoe K-5
Arizona 6-8
Alvord High 11-12
Hillcrest 9-12
Mrs. Carolyn M. Wilson, Trustee
Lake Hills K-5
Promenade K-5
Villegas 6-8
District Office
Ms. Lizeth Vega, Trustee
Arlanza K-5
La Granada K-5
Terrace K-5
Norte Vista 9-12
Alternative Ed Center
Keller Administration Site
Child Nutrition Services
Dr. Allan Mucerino, Superintendent of Schools
Public Comments on Items on the Agenda or Not on the Agenda Welcome
Upcoming Regular Meetings of the Board
Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance for Regular Meetings of the Board of Education. Find them here. Agendas are posted 24 hours in advance for Special Meetings of the Board of Education.
Most Recent Board Meeting Highlights
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Family Engagement
Call 951-396-0126 or email Familyengagement@alvordschools.org
School Data for the week ending Friday, August 19, 2022
Students Reporting a Positive Case: 274 (Last week 251)
Staff Reporting a Positive Case: 26 (Last week 28)
Cases Requiring Contact Tracing: 261 (Last week 214)
Riverside County Data COVID-19 Community Level
Level: Medium (last week Medium)
Weekly Metrics Used to Determine the COVID-19 Community Level
Case Rate per 100,000 population: 221.21 (Last Week 230.6)
New COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population: 6.6 (Last Week 6.6)
% Staffed inpatient beds in use by patients with confirmed COVID-19: 5.3% (Last Week 6.2%)
Recommended actions based on current level
Wear a mask indoors in public and on public transportation. Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Get tested if you have symptoms. If you are at high risk for severe illness, consider taking additional precautions. More details on the CDC web site here.
Alvord Unified School District
Email: 2Superintendent@alvordschools.org
Website: https://www.alvordschools.org
Location: 9 Kpc Parkway, Corona, CA 92879, USA
Phone: 951) 509-5000
Facebook: facebook.com/alvordunified
Twitter: @AlvordUnified