St Cecilia's News
October 2022 - Autumn Half Term
Sharing God's love - Respecting and valuing each other - Becoming inspired learners for life
Have a good week!
We've almost made it to the first half term already, just a few days to go.
Children in Years 1-6 enjoyed their first Big Assembly last week when we spoke about our revised core values and focussed on Respect in particular. Thanks to our lovely families we mostly have a respectful school. We looked at how we need to be respectful in so many different ways, to each other, the poor, the elderly, those who are working hard in need of support, animals and God's beautiful planet. I've included a video that we watched for you below, it brings together how respect can be shown in so many ways. Through being respectful we can receive a lovely reward too when we can see thanks, growth and joy in others.
Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 GREEN house members who have the most house points this half term, they have a non-uniform day this Friday!
Best wishes for the Autumn mid-term break when it arrives.
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
PTA Doughnut Sale
The main stall will be set up in the playground for 3pm, for children to purchase their doughnuts before going home. Please bring coins, as we will be limited on change.
Friday After School Club children
We would be grateful if you can give your child the correct money (ideally the day before) in an envelope, marked clearly with their name on it, to go to the school office.
(They will then be bagged up in advance and given to the child at ASC)
Morning Nursery
Someone will be there for the children to purchase a doughnut after the morning nursery session.
We will provide a paper bag and napkin.
Thank you for your support and have a good half-term!
Parent / grandparent volunteers
We need parents or grandparents who can help us with:
- supporting children with reading - our Reading Buddies.
- in the library, sorting books, issues and returns.
- through sharing creative skills in the arts, music, drama and dance .
- by talking about their line of work or special area of interest
- on school trips and visits
Most of our volunteers will require a school Disclosure and Barring Service check on your background, please see our Safeguarding Page on our website for more information.
If you would like to volunteer please contact us using the form below, even if you have registered with us before the pandemic.
Supporting our local foodbank with Year 1
Please could you only donate items from the list below. They are unable to take any other items. Only donate items that are well in date (3 months+ shelf life), are sealed, and do not contain alcohol. Thank you.
The items that they can accept are:
Tinned fruit
Instant noodles
Tinned tomatoes
Tinned vegetables
Small jars of coffee
Long life orange juice
Tinned soups and cup soup
UHT milk
Tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce
Shower gel
Sugar (500g)
Rice pudding
Sponge pudding
Small chocolate bars
Sandpit Action Team - A big THANK YOU!
PTA Disco
We will have more news on this event after the half term break, for now please reserve the date.
PTA 200 Club
Christmas Cards
This gives your child a chance to create a Christmas Card which can then be professionally printed. We suggest that your child practices a design on other paper at home before committing to their design on the order form.
Please ensure that
- the drawing is inside the border
- your child's name and class is written on the form
- the correct money is attached in a clearly marked envelope.
Please note that the school office team do not check the money, it is passed to a member of the PTA to open and check. Do not enclose any other messages in the envelope!
Workshop on reducing anxiety and building resilience in children
Thanks to all those who have signed up already!
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566
Diary Dates
Wednesday 19th - Y1 Knights and Castles Day
Thursday 20th - Y1 Harvest Festival - Y1 parents invited at 9am.
Friday 21st - Half Term Treat! - PTA Krispy Creme Doughnut Sale for £1 - end of school day.
Monday 31st - Parent Teacher Meeting booking opens
Monday 24th-28th Half Term Week
Wednesday 2nd - Anxiety and Resilience workshop starts at 9am.
Friday 4th - Mid Term reports published Yr R to 6
Saturday 5th - PTA Sandpit Repair Action Team - from 0930
Thursday 10th - Tuesday 15th - Parent Teacher Meetings
Monday 14th - UK Parliament Week
Wednesday 16th - Closing date for Christmas Card orders.
Friday 18th - PTA Disco for Years 4-6 from 6.30-8pm.
Tuesday 22nd - St Cecilia's Day
Friday 25th - Flu vaccination for Years R to 6
Friday 25th - Chocolate for the Fair - non uniform day
Monday 28th - Last week of ECAs (some may continue - check dates on SchoolCloud)
Friday 2nd - Bottle for the Fair non uniform day
Saturday 3rd - PTA Christmas Fair from 11am until 1.30pm.
Thursday 8th December Y2 Nativity at 2pm.
Monday 12th - Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day
Wednesday 14th at 6.30pm. Candlelit Carol Concert (School Hall)
Thursday 15th - Last day of term for Nursery
Friday 16th End of Term for Christmas at Midday - breakfast club only, no after-school childcare.
Spring Term 2023 commences on Wednesday 4th of January.