Westwood Weekly
October 13, 2024
Westwood High School
Email: fossittc@nice.k12.mi.us
Website: https://nice.k12.mi.us/
Location: 300 Westwood Drive, Ishpeming, MI, USA
Phone: 906.485.1023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niceschools
WHS Band Plays the Fight Song
Homecoming Festivities
Homecoming Court: Lauren Carlson, Dolia Dawson, Kaya Etelamaki, Isabelle Marta, Hannah Niemi, Darren Arsenault, Darren Fraser, Reid Frustaglio, Tristan Miller, Jayce Patron
Dress Up Days:
- Monday - Pajama Day
- Tuesday - Hobo Day
- Wednesday - Class colors: Seniors - Green, Juniors - Red, Sophomores - Pink, Freshmen - Blue, Teachers - Dark Green
- Thursday - Rhyme without Reason
- Friday - Red, White, and Blue
Homecoming Assembly - October 18th @ 1:30 pm in the WHS gym.
Powerd Puff - October 16th @ 6 pm. $2 to get in.
Homecoming Dance - October 18th. Dance begins after the football game and concludes at 11:45 pm.
Mr. Nutini received a check for $500 from Honor Credit Union to help buy materials for a project in wood shop, Thank you Honor Credit Union for your support!
Attention Juniors/Seniors
Below is a link to help students (and parents) familiarize themselves with postsecondary options. It has a lot of good information to help plan for life after high school.
Happy Birthday Mr. Boburka!
Mr. Boburka's birthday is October 14th. If you see him, wish him a very happy birthday!
Yearbooks On Sale!
Now is the time to order your 24-25 yearbook at the year's lowest price - $50. Forms are available in the office, room 117. Click here to order online.
Patriot Gear For Sale
The WHS Entrepreneurship class is selling Westwood Patriot gear. See the flyers below for more information on how to purchase.