The Monthly Howl
VP/Principal Newsletter - November 2024
Heading into the Holiday Season...
Dear Jack London Families,
We have officially moved into fall weather, and students are starting to dress in layers for cooler mornings. Please take a few moments to write your child's first and last name in their jackets and sweaters, so they can be returned to your child easily, if lost. Lost jackets and sweaters are hung near the front gate in the flagpole area. We already have lots of lost jackets and water bottles in the front! If your child has misplaced an item, please remind them to check the front gate before or after school.
Along with the cooler weather, cold and flu season has also arrived. Please make sure you are keeping your children home and calling the office if they have cold or flu symptoms. Please be sure to call the office to excuse their absences each day your child is out ill. If you have any questions, please call the office at 925-779-7455.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming soon: November 18th-22nd. Please keep an eye out for communication from your child(ren)'s teacher about scheduling these conferences. At this time, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in person. Also, November 18th-22nd will follow our Minimum Day Release at 11:35am for K-6th.
Drop Off/Pick Up - Parking Lot Reminders: Parents, please park only in designated parking spaces in our Jack London parking lots. When cars are left unattended in No Parking Zones, such as in the drive-through lane and behind parked cars in the parking lots, this creates a safety issue for our school. We are required to have Bus/Fire Lanes accessible at all times. Thank you for helping with this matter by parking only in designated spaces.
As always, please be patient with one another and staff during drop off/dismissal. We are all working together toward student and staff safety, as well as making the process as smooth as possible for all. Thank you for your understanding and care!
Thank you for taking time to read our monthly newsletter. Please read all the way to the end of this newsletter for important dates, updates, and information about our school.
Dr. Roat & Ms. Torres
Thank you to PTO, Ms. Nord, and Ms. Werner!
We had a very successful first fundraiser at Jack London Elementary School, raising over $16,000! We exceeded our school goal, resulting in the Counselor, Principal, and Vice Principal heading to the DUNK TANK on Halloween!
Trunk or Treat was also a huge success, with many students and families coming out for a night of treats and activities!
The first Scholastic Book Fair was a success! Our school exceeded our fundraising goal; these funds will benefit the Jack London Library. Thank you to Ms. Nord for organizing the book fair!
The Jack London Running/Walking Club is up and RUNNING, thanks to Ms. Werner! This club will take place before school Tuesday-Friday, weather permitting. Interested students can pick up permission slips from Ms. Werner or from the school office.
Before the Dunk Tank
Ms. Torres was the first to get soaked!
Next up, Ms. C was drenched!
Dr. Roat, after Brooklyne hit the bull's eye!
After the Dunk Tank
Great job on raising over $15,000, Wolf Pack!
Upcoming Safety Drills
Antioch Unified School District is committed to the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Throughout the school year, we will practice different drills so that we will be prepared in the event of an emergency. Regularly practiced drills at Jack London Elementary School include:
· Monthly Fire Drills and Evacuation Drills
· Earthquake Drills, including “The Great California ShakeOut” (Held 10/17 this year)
· Shelter-in-Place Drills
· Lockdown Drills, where students/staff remain inside, with doors locked
· Evacuation Route Drills and Practice
What is being reviewed with your student?
In the case of an unsafe person, animal, or situation that makes part or all of our campus unsafe, students and staff should follow these steps:
· Run – Run is the first choice to evade and escape the situation that is happening on campus, and to find a safe place to find help.
· Hide – Hide is the next option and should be used when students/staff do not know where the situation is happening and need to seek shelter immediately. Staff will lock doors to their classrooms, and doors will be barricaded with available materials in the room. Students will be told to seek shelter in the closest room/building in the event of an emergency.
· Defend/Fight – Defend/fight is the last option for any student and staff. If students and staff have to use this option in the event of an emergency, they are told to protect themselves with all items available.
Please Note: On November 14th, we will hold a Run, Hide Defend/Intruder Drill at school.
We recognize this is an extremely sensitive topic, and we want all students and staff to feel safe at Jack London. Practicing Earthquake Drills, Fire Drills, Lockdown Drills, and Run, Hide, and Defend drills help give students a safe experience and opportunity to practice what to do in the event of an emergency situation.
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
The annual walk and day of dialogue honors Ruby Bridges, who became a civil rights icon on her first day of school, November 14, 1960. As a first grader, she was one of the first Black children to integrate an all-white school in Louisiana. Images of her brave and historic walk to school, guarded by federal marshals, and a famous illustration by Norman Rockwell are widely recognized and have become symbolic of the civil rights movement.
More than 60 years later, Ruby’s vision has inspired the next generation to end racism and all forms of bullying, one step at a time.
On November 14th, Jack London will hold an in-school event to honor Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day.
This will also be a Spirit Day, with students and staff are invited to wear purple to school.
Mindful Life Project...
teaches students...
so many life skills!
Mindful Life Project with Coach Sunee
What is Mindful Life project?
Mindful Life Project is an educational nonprofit that supports schools nationwide through highly impactful mindfulness based social emotional learning programming. Our comprehensive approach supports the mental and emotional well-being of students, teachers, staff, community leaders, and families and helps transform schools from the inside out. This is done with the intention to create cultures and climates where mental and emotional well-being is the foundation of everyone's experience.
You can access our resources and find the app through here:
Upcoming Events and Important Dates:
- November 7 - Makeup Picture Day
- November 11 - No School - Veteran's Day
- November 14 - Wear Purple - Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
- Also: Run, Hide Defend/Intruder Drill at School
- November 18-22 - Conference Week - Minimum Day Release at 11:35am for TK-6th
- November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
- December 12 - Winter Concert for Instrumental Students (Evening Event)
- December 20 - Last Day Before Winter Break - Minimum Day Release at 11:35am for TK-6th
- December 25-29 - No School - Winter Break
- January 8, 2025 - School Resumes
Second Step Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
We are using the Second Step program in your child’s classroom. The Second Step program teaches children important skills for getting along with others and doing well in school. It also helps our school be a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
To further help our school be a safe and respectful place, we are also going to use the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit. In this unit, your child will learn specific skills to help stop bullying. Students will learn how to:
• Recognize when bullying is happening, report bullying to a caring adult, and refuse to let bullying happen
• Be a bystander who helps stop bullying
• Support someone being bullied by standing up for that person and being kind and inclusive
• Recognize, report, and refuse cyber bullying when they see or know about it happening.
We need your help too! Get involved in making our school a safe and respectful place by letting us know if you hear about bullying at our school. Make sure your child knows to tell you or someone at school if he or she is being bullied, or if he or she knows about someone else being bullied. Give your child the clear message that it is never okay to bully others.
If you have any questions about the Bullying Prevention Unit or the Second Step program, please contact Jennifer Covarrubias, School Counselor. Thank you for helping us make our school a safe, respectful place where everyone can learn.
Procedural Reminder - School Visitors and Volunteers
All visitors are required to report to the school office upon arriving at campus. Classroom visits must be arranged in advance and have prior approval from the classroom teacher. Parent/guardian volunteers sign in and receive their volunteer badges in the office. Please avoid lengthy conferences with the teacher during such visits so the teacher can conduct class as usual. Students from other schools, or siblings of Jack London students, will not be permitted to visit during the regular school day.
Many enriching and worthwhile experiences are afforded to our children through volunteer help from parents/guardians. With this support, teachers are able to provide more direct instruction. Parents/guardians interested in volunteering time and services are requested to contact their child’s teacher. We encourage our parents/guardians to visit and volunteer in classrooms; however, please leave young children/siblings at home as they are a distraction to students in the classroom. Parents/guardians are not expected to discipline students as that is the job of the staff member. All volunteers sign a Volunteer Code of Ethics before working in a class or with students.
Please note that volunteers/visitors may have their visiting privileges limited or revoked if the classroom teacher, principal, or principal’s designee determines that the individual’s presence in the classroom, or on campus, obstructs, interferes, or disrupts the classroom or school environment.
Our Ongoing Focus: Positive Transformational Culture
Last year, AUSD schools underwent and Equity Audit from the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST). Students, staff, and parents were invited to participate in Focus Group Interviews, and the NCUST Team observed in classrooms. The school and district were provided with the results of the audit, which were examined by site leadership.
Our site team has developed a plan to focus on Positive Transformational Culture as a school staff. To begin, we have been holding Professional Developments focused on Transformational School Culture, with an emphasis on teacher collaboration; care and knowledge of our students; high expectations for our very capable Jack London scholars, and creating spaces that emphasize and encourage academic success.
This work is just beginning, and it goes hand-in-hand with the newly revised AUSD Mission Statement: TO ENSURE ALL SCHOLARS LEARN AT GRADE LEVEL OR ABOVE.
AUSD Social Emotional Resources for Families
Antioch Unified School District's Social Emotional Initiative includes Restorative Practices, social-emotional curricula and support, and a focus on mental wellness.
Care Solace is a free program for AUSD staff and families, and it can be used to connect families with mental health services and providers.
Learn more about the AUSD Social Emotional Initiative on the district website: Social Emotional Initiative | Antioch Unified School District (
Contact Information:
Jack London Elementary School
Location: 4550 Country Hills Drive, Antioch, CA, USA
Phone: 925-779-7455