Week at a Glance
February 3-7, 2025
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, February 3
- Have a marvelous Monday!
Tuesday, February 4
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
Wednesday, February 5
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
Thursday, February 6
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend
Friday, February 7
- Mr. Mike's hot lunch for those that ordered
Upcoming Events:
- February 12 - Safety Drill: On Alert/Shelter in Place
- February 13 - Carnaval - All Grades
- February 14 - Happy Valentine's Day
- February 14 - Red and White Theme Day
- February 17 - Family Day - No School
- February 19 - Motivational Magic Presentation 1:30 - 2:45 pm (Tentative)
- February 20 - Teacher Convention - No school for students
- February 21 - Teacher Convention - No school for students
- February 24 - School Council meeting - 1:30 pm
- February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
- February 26 - School Council/Board of Trustees meeting - 6:00-7:00 pm
- February 26 - What Would Jesus Do Awards M/W Kindergarten, Grades 1, and 2 - 9:00 am
- February 27 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH Kindergarten, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- February 28 - Burger Parlour hot lunch for those that ordered
- March 3 - Registration opens for Grades 1-4 for the 2025-2026 school year.
- March 4 - Shrove Tuesday
- March 5 - Ash Wednesday Liturgy - 9:00 am
- March 7 - PD Day - No school for students
- March 13 - Pre-K Fashion Show - 10:00 am & 2:00 pm
- March 14 - Lenten Mass - 9:15 am
- March 17 - Theme Day - Wear Green for St. Patrick's Day
- March 19 - Parent/Teacher Interviews - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- March 20 - Parent/Teacher Interviews - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- March 21 - No School - Day in lieu of Parent/Teacher Interviews
- March 26 - Grade 1 Nature Walk
- March 26 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - M/W Kindergarten, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- March 27 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 - 9:00 am
- March 31 - School Council Workshop - 7:00 - 8:30 pm
School News
Inclement Weather Procedures - Recess Guidelines
We know that it is beneficial for children to have an opportunity to get outside for fresh air, to play, and to expend energy during the school day. It is necessary that you ensure your children are dressed appropriately each day as they usually go outside.
During inclement weather, we may have students stay inside for recess. Please click on the following link to our website for detailed information on our indoor recess criteria for cold weather, rain, and air quality: Inclement Weather Procedures.
Note: Red Deer Catholic School Division is currently working on a draft Administrative Procedure for Inclement Weather. We will update our practices as necessary upon completion and approval of this new procedure.
French Immersion Parent Survey
Hi French Immersion Parents!
We value your input, so please take a few moments to complete this short survey. It will help us plan a meaningful and engaging French Immersion engagement night for your family. Your feedback will guide our team in creating opportunities to connect, learn, and celebrate our vibrant French Immersion community here at École Our Lady of the Rosary School.
Carnaval Volunteers
The French Immersion team is excited to announce our upcoming annual Carnaval, and we are on the lookout for enthusiastic volunteers! Carnaval is a lively French winter festival brimming with sports, snowy activities, French history, delicious treats, and snowmen.
Our ÉOLR Carnaval is scheduled for Thursday, February 13th. This year, our event will take place on a single day, with students from all participating grades—Pre-K through grade 4. We’re excited to welcome students from Mother Teresa School who will also be participating in the day’s activities. Your participation as a volunteer from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm will be invaluable in making these days memorable for our students.
If you can volunteer, please send a message to joel.peterman@rdcrs.ca .
We greatly appreciate your consideration and understanding that your involvement is a crucial part of making enjoyable events like Carnaval possible.
Thank you for your support!
Kindergarten Registration
Registration is now open for the Kindergarten and Pre-K 2025-2026 school year. Please click below to view the Parent User Guide, and register.
It's Read-A-Thon Time!
We are thrilled to announce an exciting event coming to École Our Lady of the Rosary School: our very own Read-a-Thon! This special initiative will take place January 27-February 18, and is designed to celebrate and promote literacy, raise awareness about the importance of reading, and engage families in fun, literacy-focused activities—all while supporting our school community. Keep an eye out for further details being sent home with students.
Change to our School Bus Parking
We have made a small change to our bus arrangements for after school. S-35 & S-40 will be past the entrance to the parking lot (previously it was only S-35 parked there). We are leaving enough room behind each unit to open the rear emergency door in case we need to do an evacuation.
**If you are picking up your child after school, please do not park right up against the eastern sign closest to the crosswalk. This will allow enough space for two busses to get in.
Please also note the following two pictures in regards to Safety Zones (click to enlarge). Do not walk in between the busses at any time.
School Council News
The School Council is busy planning for some very fun upcoming family events and we need your help. Upcoming we have our family favourite - Family Dance as well as our Family Movie night. If you're interested in volunteering for any of these events (or others in the future), please complete the form below, or contact Connie at eolrschoolcouncilvolunteer@gmail.com.
Join School Council Engagement Event
Please Save the Date! We are pleased to invite you to a joint meeting with our Board of Trustees on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. This gathering will be a valuable opportunity to connect, share perspectives, and collaborate in shaping the future of education at Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools. Additional details will be shared soon. The location will be determined based on numbers. We look forward to your participation and contributions!
For all upcoming school and faith events, please see our school calendar:
For all up to date school news, please see our school website:
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish News
Community News
We are delighted that our 16th Alberta-wide Multimedia Contest for Grades 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 is now underway!
Students can enter and create a presentation that features the lifetime accomplishments of an outstanding Albertan. Then they can catch the inspiration and commit to making a difference in their own community. Teachers who had their students enter in 2024 were pleased that the students learned a lot about Alberta history as well as working on their citizenship goals.
Check out the rules, rubrics and contest resources and see how the contest fits with the curriculum in ELAL and Social Studies. 2025 Student Contest - Alberta Champions Society
2025 Player Registration is OPEN!!
Sylvan Lake Minor Ball Association offers programs for those aged 5-18:
Rally Cap – 2020, 2019, 2018
9U Baseball – 2017, 2016
‘A’ Baseball – 11U, 13U, 15U, 18U
‘AA’ Baseball – *13U, 15U, 18U
Community Softball – U9, U11, U13, U15, U17
REP Softball – U11, U13, U15, U17
*Please note 11U AA Tryouts were held in September | Team has been selected*
*NEW this Season, the introduction of U9 Softball*
Coaching Applications are now being accepted for 9U Baseball, ‘A’ Baseball, REP Softball and Community Softball!
Tryouts Coming Soon! For players interested in Rep Softball and AA Baseball , please note there is an additional fee if interested in trying out, this will be applied at checkout. Stay tuned for official tryout dates, which will be announced shortly after registration closes.
Mark Your Calendars
Registration Opens: November 14
Tryout Dates >> Rep Softball — AA Baseball
SLMBA AGM is to be held Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025 from 7pm- 8pm, @ Strategis Room #1 (NexSource Centre)
Let’s Play Ball!
Registration is now open for the Move Your Mood Family Challenge for February.
Families can register by visiting https://redcap.albertahealthservices.ca/surveys/?s=FYMTEHCTJJX4MFAP or scanning the QR code. Families can also email move.yourmood@ahs.ca and indicate they would like to register in the family challenge.
Registration runs until January 31, 2025.
Hello Soccer Fans ...
The Sylvan Lake Blizzard Soccer Club (SLBSC) is preparing for our AGM on January 14, 2025, as well as online registration opening for the spring soccer season on February 1, 2025.
I would like to ask for your help to get the word out for all those soccer players within our community. Please use the attached graphic and our website link: https://www.sylvanlakesoccer.ca/
Feel free to add to any newsletters, email blasts, place on bulletin boards or tv monitors within your facility. We will be celebrating our 25th season of soccer in 2025 and would really appreciate your help to reach as many players as possible!
On behalf of the SLBSC Board, we wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Cheers ... Julie Maplethorpe
Executive Assistant / Secretary
Sylvan Lake Blizzard Soccer Club (SLBSC)
Sylvan Lake Buccaneers Lacrosse
Registration is now open for the 2025 lacrosse season! Registration details can be found at https://sylvanlakelacrosse.com/content/registration
Did you know that Red Deer won the 2024 ParticipACTION Community Challenge for the province of Alberta. We did, and now the Community Better Red Deer Committee would like to say thank you to everyone who helped Red Deer win. We will be offering a series of FREE TRY IT events throughout the year to inspire our community to stay active and connected, as we gear up for this year’s June ParticipACTION Community Challenge.
Check out the attached TRY IT Day activity events coming up! To register for the activities click here or scan the QR code above.
*Please note participating in the community activities is at your own risk and that the events are open for everyone to join. If there is a large number of people at the activities, you may need to be patient and wait to access the facility or equipment rentals.