Weekly nEWSletter
January 17, 2025
A Message From Your Principal
Dear Eames Way Families,
This week, we kicked off an exciting GRIT Challenge to inspire our students to develop perseverance and resilience! We introduced this schoolwide initiative on Monday at a whole school assembly, encouraging kids to set goals, push through challenges, and celebrate their progress. We believe that learning to have grit—the ability to keep going even when things get tough—helps students build confidence, problem-solving skills, and a strong work ethic that will serve them for years to come.
Two of our talented student journalists have written articles about the GRIT Challenge for this week’s edition of our school newsletter. Be sure to check them out! We hope to continue this challenge through the start of February break, giving students ample opportunities to practice persistence and determination in their learning and daily lives.
As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, students have been learning about Dr. King’s incredible perseverance in the face of adversity. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality continues to inspire us all. Through our discussions and activities, we have highlighted how MLK’s legacy is a powerful example of grit, showing students that determination and resilience can lead to meaningful change.
Thank you for your continued support in helping our students grow as learners and leaders. We look forward to seeing the GRIT Challenge in action over the coming weeks!
Warm regards,
Ms. Bishop
Important School Information
Eames Way School
Website: mpsd.org
Location: 165 Eames Way, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 834-5090
Eames Way School Hours 2024-2025
Start Time:
- 8:45 AM
- Note - Dining Hall Door #3 opens for morning drop off at 8:35 AM
- 3:25 PM - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 1:10 PM - Wednesday (early dismissal every week)
Dates and Events to Remember
- Monday, 1/20: No School - Martin Luther King Day
- Wednesday, 1/22: PTO Ice Skating at Pilgrim Arena in Hingham from 2:00-2:50 pm
- Wednesday, 1/29: PTO Ice Skating at Pilgrim Arena in Hingham from 2:00-2:50 pm
- Monday, 2/3: EWS School Council Meeting at 4:45 pm
- Wednesday, 2/5: PTO Ice Skating at Pilgrim Arena in Hingham from 2:00-2:50 pm
- Friday, 2/7: Sports Day! (Celebrate the Superbowl)
- Monday, 2/10: 100th Day of School!
- Wednesday, 2/12: PTO Ice Skating at Pilgrim Arena in Hingham from 2:00-2:50 pm
- Thursday, 2/13: "Protecting All Smiles" Dentist Visit
- Friday, 2/14: Happy Valentine's Day!
- Monday, 2/17 - Friday, 2/21: February Vacation
- Wednesday, 2/26: Dyslexia Information Session - Unraveling Myths and Discovering the Facts at EWS Library at 6:30 pm
Click Here for: Marshfield Public School Academic Calendar 2024-2025
"GRIT Assembly" by Anna Ingeme, Grade 4 Student Journalist
On Monday, we had a whole school assembly to talk about GRIT. We talked about the meaning of GRIT and a new whole school challenge. Everyone will be able to set a goal: a personal goal or a school goal. Then, once they complete their goal, they can tell their teacher and, if they want, they can put their goal on a footprint and then it will be hung up in the cafeteria. For every lap around the cafeteria, the school will get a special reward or a Spirit Day.
Some examples of goals are getting five Junior Ram awards or getting better at a certain subject. A big goal in kindergarten and first grade is for students to learn how to tie their shoes and how to tell time on an analog clock. It’s important to set goals so that kids learn how to persevere in life. Kids are enjoying the GRIT challenge because it feels good to accomplish goals and overcome challenges. It will also be really fun to celebrate our achievements as a whole school.
"Complete The GRIT Challenge" by CJ Archer, Grade 5 Student Journalist
Hi, my name is CJ, and I am 11 years old. My journal is about the Eames Way Grit Challenge. GRIT is defined as showing great effort, resilience when things are challenging, initiative to set goals, and showing tenacity. Tenacity means trying again and again until you succeed.
The way it works is kids set goals or challenges and once they meet them, they get a paper “foot” or shoe print to write their name on and put on the Dining Room wall. When students complete their goals or challenges, they will feel good about themselves and will probably set more goals for themselves. When the whole school completes enough goals to make a “lap” around the Dining Room, we can have a schoolwide pajama day or maybe a whole school dance party. It would also be really cool if Ms. Bishop bought us all an ice cream. I will be talking to my friends about their goals. First, I will speak to my friend Gavin Jackson. Gavin's goal is to have better handwriting. Mason is next; he wants to get better at soccer. Jackson wants to shoot more pucks. I will be talking to all of the kids about what their goal is.
It is important for kids to have GRIT because if they grow to like taking challenges, everything will be easier for them. It will also help them be better people and help them to be resilient when they are faced with a challenge later in life.
Congratulations To This Week's Jr. Ram Award Winners!
We Are So Proud Of You! Keep Up The GREAT Work!
PTO News
As a reminder, BOOST stands for "Bringing Outstanding Opportunities to our Students and Teachers". This is the PTO's primary fundraiser of the year and every dollar donated goes directly to support educational and enrichment initiatives for our students. Thank you to all that generously donate to BOOST!
Click the link to learn more about BOOST or to make a donation: https://eamesway.ptboard.com/formvw?store=5690&form=1
EWS PTO Winter Ice Skating will be held on Wednesdays from 2:00-2:50 pm at Pilgrim Skating Arena in Hingham from January 8th through February 12th. The cost is $8/skater each week OR $40/skater for all 6 weeks. Parents and siblings are welcome to skate too!
Families may sign-up and make payment via PT Board at the following link: https://eamesway.ptboard.com/formvw?store=5690&form=5
Please note the following:
- Helmets are required for everyone under the age of 18.
- There are no rentals available at the facility so you must provide your own skates and helmets.
- Hockey sticks and pucks will be allowed, however, only as long as it remains safe and kept to one side of the rink. (Please discuss this with your children who want to play hockey.)
- Pilgrim Skating Arena requires a waiver.
- As for payment, there is a small credit card processing free via PT Board. If you prefer to pay by cash or check, select that option at checkout and PTO will collect cash/checks at the event. Checks should be made payable to Eames Way PTO.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Brown (617-780-9646).
Nurse Update - Healthy Winter Season!
Here are a few tips to stay healthy and stop the spread of germs this winter season:
Practice hand hygiene frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. If a tissue is not available, cover them with an elbow, not a hand.
Clean high-touch surfaces in your home frequently with household disinfectants.
Keep your child home from school if they have a fever, especially in combination with a cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, congestion, runny nose, or sore throat. They should remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications.
Avoid social gatherings if you or your children are ill.
Proper handwashing, nutrition, adequate hydration, and regular sleep are the best ways to prevent illness.These strategies also shorten the duration of an illness.
Helpful tips for students to be successful at school:
Healthy Snack: Please pack a healthy snack EVERY DAY. Great snacks include easy-to-eat fruits and veggies like apples, oranges, carrots, and cucumbers as well as whole grain snacks including granola bars, and crackers. Cheese sticks and yogurts are another great option. These ideas help keep hungry bellies at bay and students ready to learn!
Water Bottle; Have your child bring a water bottle to school EVERY DAY. The students have access to the bottle fillers and can refill their water bottles as needed throughout the day.
Proper Sleep: “Sleep is the power source that recharges students during the night so they can thrive during the day.” (American Academy of Sleep Medicine)
Cold Weather Gear: We want to be able to send students outside for as long as possible despite the chilly temps. Please be sure students dress in layers for school- they need proper weather gear for outdoor play even when the inside temperature is warm. If students do not have appropriate weather/snow gear their outside activities may be somewhat limited so they stay warm and safe.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 781-834-5090 x44500 or email me at awhite@mpsd.org
Volunteering at EWS
Lunch Menu
Breakfast and lunch are free options to all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Please note, breakfast is available upon arrival from 8:35-8:50 am, however, students can also get breakfast during the morning once the school day starts if they skipped breakfast or forgot their snack. For more information, please visit MPSD School Nutrition.
Starting NEXT Friday, January 24th, students will be able to purchase ice cream at lunch time (on Fridays ONLY) for $1.50. Please be sure to check that your child has money on their account for ice cream expenses!
Memories From Our Week Together!
MPSD Events
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are very excited for this new community event!
Marshfield Community News
Please visit the MPSD Community Events webpage for details on upcoming local events!