The Kids are Home... Now What?
Resources for KCSD Families
March 20, 2020 Edition
Making the most of school closure
The days can be long when school is canceled, so in the coming weeks we will be sharing resources to help us be active, explore new learning, enjoy reading, and find moments of positivity, joy, and calm.
While structure and routine can be good for children, we do not expect our families to fill every minute of every day. We share these resources so you can take what works for you and your family and leave what doesn't.
We are proud to be part of the Knoxville community -- a place where we know challenges can bring out the good in people. We will be connecting with our community using the #ConnectKnoxville hashtag on social media, and we invite you to do the same!
While we may not be able to gather in person, our sense of community is strong!
Hug your kids tight, practice social distancing to keep our neighbors safe, and don't forget to wash your hands!
We're in this together, Panthers!
A Sample Day with Ideas to Help Fill the Time
*Here is one idea for how to break up time during the day. Think of it as a menu of options; pick and choose what works for your children and your family.
8:00 Make breakfast together, clean up, get ready for the day
9:00 Playtime or Be Active (ex: Virtual Recess at 9:30)
10:00 Explore
11:00 Think Positively
11:30 Lunch pick-up begins at KHS
12:00 (Lunch Doodles w/ Mo Willems)
1:00 Explore
2:00 Be Active (Virtual Recess at 2:00)
3:00 Read for Fun
4:00 Electronics, Movie, or TV break
6:00 Prepare, eat, and clean up dinner; everyone helps.
7:30 Board Games/showers/read aloud before bed
*use the resources below for ideas on how to Be Active, Explore, Read for Fun, and Think Positively
Resources for PreK-5
Be Active
Virtual Recess
*Email to get on the list, she sends out a Zoom link daily. 9:30 and 2:00 recess times for half-hour.
Read for Fun
Read AloudThink Positively
Resources for 6-12
Be Active
Les Mills -- 100+ Free Workouts
Free Online Ivy League Courses
Read For Fun
Audible -- free audio books
Make it Trend: What’s your favorite place to read?#ReadKCSD
Think Positively
Student Meal Pickup
Please fill out this survey to help us get a headcount of how many meals to make.
*We are also asking a question about internet access at homes. We are working on providing learning opportunities for students and need this information to help us with planning.
Knoxville Community Schools
Allie Emery, Director of Teaching and Learning
Location: 309 West Main Street, Knoxville, IA, USA
Phone: 641.842.6551