Edgewood NEWS
From Edgewood Elementary School, home of the Eagles!
School Hours
Tardy Bell: 8:45
Dismissal: 3:00
Text Alerts
Weekly Information
On Friday, please have your student wear blue. As part of our Habits of Character, we want to show show how respectful we are here at Edgewood!
Soccer begins this week! Please see the practice schedule listed below.
If your student was participating in the Student of the Month T-Shirt Design..all submissions are due this Friday. Please remember that all drawings should be done in black and white only, and their name should be on the back of the paper!
We have our Raising Cane's Fundraiser this week that supports our ESA! Please see the flier below for all information!
If there are any changes to your dismissal plan, please make sure all calls are made prior to 2:00. It is very hard to ensure that messages will be delivered after 2:00. Thank you for your understanding!
Please see the attached information below in regard to the 24/25 Procedures from Principal Smith.
This week is NOT a popcorn week!
Important Everyday Reminders
**If you have a new phone number or address, please make sure to let our office know as soon as possible. It is imperative that we are able to reach you in case of any emergency. Thank you so much!
**Drop off/Pickup If you are dropping your child off late, or picking them up early, please make sure you are not parking in the fire lane at the front of the building. This area is reserved for busses, and for emergency vehicles. Thank you!
**If you are changing your child's dismissal plan, please make sure all phone calls and messages are made prior to 2:00. It is very hard to ensure messages are getting received after 2:00.
**If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please know that our doors do not open until 8:25. All parent drop-offs must be done at Door B. Our front entrance is reserved for busses.
**Birthday Celebrations: As a reminder, birthday treats from outside stores are not permitted. Here is the link to view MCAS snack and beverage standards. https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/142 If you would like to order a birthday treat for your student from our food service department, please click here for the order form.
***Volunteers/Pop-Ins: We love having volunteers! Please make sure if you would like to volunteer, a background check must be on file. The form can be found here. Also, if you would like to "pop-in" on your student, the teacher must have a 24-hour notice. Thank you!
Sports Information
September 10th-Home Game vs Springfield
September 13th-Home Game vs Lake Hills
September 17th-Away Game at Coolspring
September 27th-Home Game vs Joy
October 4th-Home Game vs Knapp
October 11th-Away Game at Marsh
October 15th-End of Season Celebration until 4:30
October 22nd-Away Game at Pine
Notes from the Nurse
Please be aware of the MCAS policy regarding your child's health. If a student has a fever, vomiting or diarrhea they must be free of any symptoms for at least 24 hours without use of medication before returning to school. Giving your child Tylenol for a fever and then sending them to school is not following the policy as the Tylenol wears off and your child will be sent back home. To protect all of our students, please do not send your child to school sick. Thank you.
If you have any pants, sweatpants or shorts sizes 4 to 8 that your child has outgrown (boys or girls), please donate to Nurse Eva for our lending closet. We have plenty of all other clothing items. We appreciate all donations to help our students. Thank you.
If you indicated on the registration that your child has Asthma with use of an inhaler, please provide the school with an inhaler and the signed prescription medication form. I have only received 1 inhaler so far this school year and over 30 students have this indicated on their PowerSchool file. Please know that student's may not carry inhaler in their person or backpack unless the Dr has signed that the student is able to self medicate. These inhalers will be taken to the nurse and will not be dispensed until the form is returned with parent and Dr signature. Please make sure the nurse has the medication and paperwork your child needs. Thank you.
Counselor Notes
Edgewood ESA Parent Group
Thank you to all who are participating in our Fannie May fundraiser! As a reminder all money will be due September 12th.
Edgewood ESA Parent Group
Raising Cane's Fundraiser
Upcoming Events
August 30th-Student of the Month T-Shirt Drawing Due (More info coming)
August 30th-Raising Canes Fundraiser
September 2nd- Labor Day, No School
September 10th- Title 1 Parent Meeting with Mrs. Smith at 10:00 am
September 11th-Early Release Day
September 12th-Candy Sale Ends. All candy money is due!! Please remember that all candy must be sold. We do not take any returned candy.
September 25th and 26th-Mobile Dentist
October 15th-Early Release Day and PT Conferences
About us
Website: https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/edgewood
Location: 502 Boyd Circle, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA
Phone: (219) 873-2079
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edgewoodmcas
Mrs. Angela Kenney, Secretary - akenney01@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6200
Ms. Megan Methner, Counselor - mmethner@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6206
Mrs. Eva Williamson, Nurse - e.williamson@mcas.k12.in.us Ext. 6208